Understanding Target Markets, marketing homework help

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Business Finance


Purpose of Assignment

To develop effective relationship marketing, a company must first understand its targeted consumers' buying influences and behaviors. This week's assignment is the first part of the development of a marketing plan. It provides the foundation of the marketing plan and introduces the student to a variety of diagrammatic tools for understanding a business.

Assignment Steps

To develop effective relationship marketing, a company must first understand its targeted consumers' buying influences and behaviors.

Create the research section of your marketing plan in minimum of 800 words.

Include at least 3 elements of the Research List of Topics (see list below):

  • Research List of Topics:
    • Primary Research
    • Secondary Research
    • Consumer Analysis
    • Customer Profile
    • Continuous Consumer Monitoring & Research
    • Environmental Scanning
    • Identify Market, Economic, Technological, Regulatory, Legal, Social, and Ecological Forces
    • Current Opportunities
    • Potential Future Opportunities
    • Current Threats
    • Potential Future Threat
  • Diagrams are not required but can be used to provide clarity and conciseness. Diagrams (and subsequent discussion) can include SWOT (emphasizes internal market--Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) TOWS (emphasizes the external market--Threats, Opportunities, Weakness, Strength), PEST (Political, Economical, Social, Technological), SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results), and/or STEEP (Social, Technological, Environmental, Economical, Political). All diagram(s) should be in APA format and must include a subsequent discussion of the diagram(s) providing insight and clarity.

Develop the first two parts of the Target Market section, which includes an overview of the demographics (age, income, family members, and birthdays) and psychographics (activities, interests, and opinions) analysis. This is not a detailed analysis but an overview (basic trends and insights from the data that is presented in annual reports and other SEC type filings).

Explain the insights you have gained from your inspection and analysis of the demographic and psychographic information you have found.

Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed references.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

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Understanding Target Markets Grading Guide MKT/571 Version 9 Marketing Copyright Copyright © 2016 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. University of Phoenix® is a registered trademark of Apollo Group, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Understanding Target Markets Grading Guide MKT/571 Version 9 Microsoft®, Windows®, and Windows NT® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Use of these marks is not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation. Edited in accordance with University of Phoenix® editorial standards and practices. 2 Understanding Target Markets Grading Guide MKT/571 Version 9 Individual Assignment: Understanding Target Markets Purpose of Assignment To develop effective relationship marketing, a company must first understand its targeted consumers’ buying influences and behaviors. This week’s assignment is the first part of the development of a marketing plan. It provides the foundation of the marketing plan and introduces the student to a variety of diagrammatic tools for understanding a business. Grading Guide Content Student creates the research section of his/her marketing plan and includes at least 3 elements of the research list of topics provided here: • Research List of Topics o Primary Research o Secondary Research o Consumer Analysis o Customer Profile o Continuous Consumer Monitoring & Research o Environmental Scanning o Identify Market, Economic, Technological, Regulatory, Legal, Social, and Ecological Forces o Current Opportunities o Potential Future Opportunities o Current Threats o Potential Future Threat Any diagram(s) provided (not required) are in APA format and includes discussion providing insight and clarity. Student develops the first two parts of the Target Market section, which includes an overview of the demographics (age, income, family members, and birthdays) and psychographics (activities, interests, and opinions) analysis. Student explains the insights he/she has gained from his/her inspection and analysis of the demographic and psychographic information he/she has found. The Research section is a minimum of 700 words in length. Met Partially Met Not Met Comments: 3 Understanding Target Markets Grading Guide MKT/571 Version 9 Content Writing Guidelines Met Met Partially Met Not Met Total Available Total Earned 3.5 #/3.5 Partially Met Not Met Total Available Total Earned 1.5 #/1.5 5 #/5 The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page—is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements. Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page. Paragraph and sentence transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Rules of grammar and usage are followed including spelling and punctuation. Assignment Total Additional comments: # Comments: Comments: 4
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Running head: MARKETING


Relationship Marketing



Relationship Marketing
Currently, the development of new business systems and technologies has enabled
businesses to develop new products and services for their esteemed customers. However, this
has attracted a lot of competition from similar businesses requiring the new and existing firms
to carry out more research that could enhance their marketing and retention of clients.
Understandably, businesses exist to maximize profits through the sale of goods and services.
Therefore, success in business depends on the ability to attract and retain a market share by
conducting research concerning the various consumer aspects that include client ages,
population, and tastes and preferences that are essential for the preparation of an effective
marketing plan. Besides, firms are interested in evaluating the internal and external factors
such as the influence of the external markets, the environmental aspects and the internal
business influences in developing a successful marketing plan. Therefore, this paper seeks to
analyze the buying influences and behaviours of a firm’s target consumers with the aim of
developing an effective marketing plan.
Market Research
A successful market research is the backbone of an effective marketing plan in any
business. According to Grewal (2017), most successful businesses are aware of their

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