-Why should parents stay most of their time with their kids?
- Should soda and candy be banned from school campuses?
- Why is texting while driving dangerous?
Step Two - Identifying a Topic: Now that you have three possible topics, answer the questions below. Be sure to answer all of these questions about each of your three persuasive topics.
- What argument could you make about this topic?
- What do you already know about this topic? What is your personal experience with the topic?
- What is your audience's familiarity with this topic? Do they already know a lot about it? Is this new for them?
- What do experts say about this topic? Where can you find credible research on this topic?
Three Topics:Korean middle and high school students' hair regulations. Ole’s current performance waste of the fashion industryWhat argument could you make about this topic?Korean middle and high school students' hair regulations. Hair regulation for students has no benefit. It should be eliminatedOle’s current performanceIt's not appropriate to replace Ole right now. It will be enough to give him a chance and replace him after the season.Waste of the fashion industryCurrently, the fashion industry is causing too much waste. It needs to be adjusted.What do you already know about this topic? What is your personal experience with the topic?Korean middle and high school students' hair regulations. I personally have no experience with hair regulation. Usually, hair regulation targets middle and high school students in Korea, however I attend middle school in Singapore and Korean International High School. But if I hadn't studied abroad, I'd definitely become one of the regulated students. Most of my friends experienced regulation, but they all did not understand the reason for the existence of regulation and said it should be eliminated. It suppresses each student's expression and stresses them out. In fact, hair regulations have been eased a lot and even the removal of regulations is being discussed.Ole’s current performanceFor me, who's been supporting Manchester United since I was 8, Manchester United is my another life. They are the top soccer club with numerous trophies and fans. However, Manchester United has been on the decline since Sir Alex Ferguson retired from Manchester United in 2013. And now, after numerous coaches failed, the club succeeded in rebounding after appointing Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, the club's legend, to head coach, but it faces crisis again. Manchester United failed to win matches due to a number of complex reasons.Waste of the fashion industryThere are many friends around me in the fashion industry. There are models, fashion designers, and even friends who run their own brands. Thanks to this, I can observe the problems of the fashion industry more closely than ordinary people. Currently, the fashion industry has problems such as the animals’ death, but the most serious problem is garbage disposal. These days, fashion trends are changing quickly. And brands manufacture the clothes that suit the trends. But as trends change quickly, the number of left clothes are increasing. What is your audience's familiarity with this topic? Do they already know a lot about it? Is this new for them?Korean middle and high school students' hair regulations. Personally, I don't think most audiences have ever heard of this topic. Hair regulation is a special rule that only exists in Korea. But I think this topic will be interesting enough. This is because it is amazing to learn about the special culture of other countries.Ole’s current performanceI think this topic will differ in familiarity according to the gender of the audience. Most men are interested in sports, especially soccer, and they might have heard the news about Manchester United's coach Ole. However, most women are not familiar with this topic because they are not interested in soccer. Also, this news has already been covered by many media, so it may be a little boring.Waste of the fashion industryThis topic can be quite familiar to the public. It's about what we always wear, so no matter how interested they are in fashion, they can't refuse listening. Also, I guess they are not familiar with this issue. This is because even people who are interested in fashion don't know this topic unless they experience the production process. Of course, this topic will be new to them.What do experts say about this topic? Where can you find credible research on this topic?Korean middle and high school students' hair regulations. Experts all have negative opinions on the regulation, and claim it should disappear as soon as possible. I am able to find credible research from my friends who are the experts on this topic. They all experience regulation firsthand and have abundant information about it. If I have to make a speech on this topic, I would make and use a survey.Ole’s current performanceExperts currently have sharply contrasted opinions on Ole’s sack. Some argued that he should be fired immediately and replaced by a new coach, but opponents argue there is no suitable coach to replace him so his contract should be kept. I can find credible sources from trustable media such as BBC, Sky Sports, etc, since the media already covered this topic. Waste of the fashion industryExperts say we need to find a way to dispose of these growing clothing waste as soon as possible. However, eco-friendly methods should be considered together. I can find credible sources from articles related to this topic, and I can ask my friends working in the clothing industry.

Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.Hi, here are the answers for the questions you have provided. Please let me know if you want to employ any edits. I have also attached references in APA Citation for you.What argument could you make about this topic?Parents’ time with their childrenParents should spend more time with their children. More time with parents is beneficial for children in terms of their growth and development.Soda and candy on school campusesSoda and candy should be banned on school grounds because they are unhealthy. Healthier alternatives should be provided.Texting and driving.Texting and driving is dangerous for the driver, passenger, and other pedestrians outside of the car.--------------------------2. What do you already know about this topic? What is your personal experience with the topic?Parents’ time with their childrenGrowing up, my parents would go to work almost every day. In spite of this, they would always make time to bond with me. I can say that I am close to my parents because of that. As a result, I feel that I have a stable support system where I can communicate my issues, worries, and good news. Soda and candy on school campusesIn the schools I have attended, soda, candies, and junk food were eating options made available for the students. My peers and I would always consume such food, and we prefer it over other meal options that are healthier. Sometimes, our teeth would ache from eating ...