BCO 313 EU Business School Thomas Cook Case Analysis Paper

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Business Finance

BCO 313

eu business school



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Case analysis: THOMAS COOK AND ITS STORY OF UPS AND DOWNS Thomas Cook Group is the oldest travel agency in the world (was founded in 1841 by Thomas Cook). Throughout its history, it operated at both, an airline company and a tour and travel firm and was trusted by travellers globally. The British company experienced a number of mergers, acquisitions, various ups and downs. The company changed the way people travelled. In the age when it was a luxury to travel to another city, the company made it possible to easily travel to other countries. Along with its travel business, it has also been a great financial company for travellers. However, everything has an end. So, it is an acceptable truth and not a surprise that the company ceases to operate anymore. According to the official information published on the company’s web, on 23 September 2019, winding up orders were made against Thomas Cook Group PLC and associated companies. The court appointed the Official Receiver liquidator of the Thomas Cook companies in liquidation. Now let’s imagine the company was given a last chance to safe the current situation from bankruptcy. Being professional business experts, provide recommendations and advice on what should be done to redirect and remodulate Thomas Cook Group to continue operating on the market, to solve its problems, to operate the most efficient and effective way possible and to be on top of other competitors. Cover the following points: 1. 2. 3. 4. Evaluate the problems and current situation of the company using different diagnosis tools. Identify the steps the company did / tried to overcome the faced difficulties. Supposingly, you are still on time to propose changes to safe the company. Which change strategies you would propose for this case? Exercise and explain appropriate communication techniques in times of change for Thomas Cook Company. Demonstrate how to communicate effectively in order to positively influence other during change initiatives. Wordcount: 1500 words. It assesses the following learning outcomes: • • • • • Outcome 1: Understand and apply the competencies and behaviors of an effective change agent. Outcome 2: Assess and evaluate the varying diagnostic tools used to facilitate organizational change. Outcome 3: Analyze current problems and opportunities requiring organizational change. Outcome 4: Compare and contrast four change strategies and effectively apply them within defined contexts and/or specific organizations. Outcome 5: Develop and recommend an appropriate change management plan in accordance with an organization’s mission, processes, system, organizational structures, job roles and external stimuli.
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Running head: THOMAS COOK


Thomas Cook

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Thomas Cook is one of the world's well-known tour firms. The firms provide affordable
low-cost packages to numerous destinations worldwide (Polat & Arslan, 2019). Hence, the tour
operator emerged as a popular option for those traveling and searching for affordable gateways.
However, the collapse of the airline on September 23, 3019, of the hundred years old British Brand
marked the end of the world's oldest travel firms in the world. The company has existed and
continually created a tremendous change within the global tourism framework. Thomas Cook
established the firm in 1841 in Leicestershire. Initially, the business concentrated more on day rail
excursions. Cook believed that alcohol caused most of the social challenges and planned on a
special temporal train that would ferry temperance supporters to a meeting miles away (Polat
&Arslan, 2019). In the years that followed, Cook continually organized railway trips for
temperance society and Sunday schools until 1845, when he planned his first business trip to
Liverpool. Cook later diversified the company's operations in the UK, Europe, and other countries.
In the years that followed, the company expanded its operations to hotels, cruises, airlines, amongst
others, and its target market revolved around Britain’s middle class. The paper will examine some
of the problems and the prevailing situation of the organization using various diagnostic tools.
Thomas Cook SWOT Analysis
As a leader in this industry, the company has numerous strengths that have kept it afloat
over the years. These strengths have had a significant aspect in assisting the company in
maintaining its market share and entering new markets (Shengnan et al., 2019). One of the
strengths of the company has been the successful development of new products through
innovation. The company has also, over the years, kept a highly skilled working team through
training and learning programs. As a result, the company has had a skilled workforce and a



motivated one to continually achieve the organization’s goals. Customer satisfaction has been one
of the company's biggest priorities, an aspect that has assisted the company in maintaining
customer loyalty. The other strength is observed in their supply chain. The organization enjoys
excellent supplies from its reliable suppliers that ensure the availability of raw materials on time
which is a significant way the company beats the challenges emerging from the supply chain
(Shengnan et al., 2019). Over the decades, the firm has established a network distribution that
assists the company in reaching its potential market. Through a strong portfolio, the organization
has expanded its product category in existing and in new markets.
Nonetheless, the company has a weakness that it can address to ensure its survival in the
market. The profitability ratio and the percentage contribution of the company are way below the
industrial average. The company is not a good predictor of demand forecasting, which increases
its continued miss of significant opportunities. Hence, the company has high inventory levels
compared to its competitors as it does not address the on-demand product issue. The company is
yet to dedicate its investments into new technology fully, and thus it becomes a challenge to
compete favorably with existing competition (Shengnan et al., 2019). The company has a good
financial palling framework. However, it fails to utilize the cash more efficiently. The product gap
is another weakness that limits th...

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