Search Internet and locate an annual financial report public, homework help

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Business Finance


Search the Internet and locate an annual financial report for a public U.S. company. Read the Notes to the Financial Statements to determine the criteria for cash equivalents and how cash and cash equivalents are handled. Discuss your findings. Find information about the internal control policy of the company and summarize this policy in your post. Is it in compliance with SOX? What are some references to SOX mentioned in the annual report? Your answer should demonstrate understanding of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and be a minimum of 100 to 200 words in length.

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Explanation & Answer


Criteria for Cash and Cash Equivalent at Boeing
For Boeing Company, cash and cash equivalent comprise of highly liquid instruments,
which include commercial paper, time deposits as well as other money market instruments that
have original maturities of 3 months or less. The cash balances are aggregated by bank, where
the conditions for right of set-off are met and any negative balances, which mainly consist of
uncleared checks are reclassified to Accounts payable. For instance, the negative balances as at
December 31, 2016 and 2015 that were reclassified to Accounts payable were $77 and $163
respectively. The management of the company is responsible for assessing and mai...

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