MSUM The Human Body Be Considered 90 Percent Prokaryotic Discussion

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Minnesota State University Mankato

Question Description

I'm working on a microbiology question and need support to help me learn.

1) Explain how the human body could be considered 90% prokaryotic.

2) How do bacteria enable a baby to extract nutrition from the mother's milk? (See the paper and be very specific about the enzymes involved).

*Questions 3 - 7. Use supportive evidence from the assigned reading and at least one additional source per question.

*3) How could the bacterial microbiome impact obesity?

*4.) What is Clostridium difficile and why is a Clostridium difficile infection so difficult to treat?

*5.) How can bacteria impact cardiac disease?

*6) How might the bacterial microbiota affect type 2 diabetes?

*7) How can bacteria impact autoimmune diseases?

8.) How does Vibrio fischeri control bioluminescence?

9.) Define pathogenicity and virulence.

10). What are anti-quorum sensing molecules and what might they replace someday?

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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.

1) Explain how the human body could be considered 90% prokaryotic.

Trillions of prokaryotes specifically bacteria, fungi, and viruses reside as normal flora in the human
body which outnumbered the number of human cells, and some of them are localized in a specific area
like gut and skin. This rich ecosystem of non-human cells is called microbiome and they play an
essential role in digestion and protection against foreign pathogens.

2) How do bacteria enable a baby to extract nutrition from the mother's milk? (See the paper and be very specific
about the enzymes involved).

Breast milk additionally advances the development of defense microorganisms in a baby's digestive
system. Since breastmilk contains glycans which are complex sugars and which babies can't breakdown,
gut bacteria such as Bifidobacteria can help in catabolizing these glycans from glycoprotein and are
abundant in breastmilk. It was observed that specific species of Bifidobacteria consists of enzymes
called EndoBI-1 and has the ability to eliminate any sort of N-connected glycan from the glycoproteins
which benefits the baby to acquire nutrition from its mother’s milk (Garrido et al., 2012).

*Questions 3 - 7. Use supportive evidence from the assigned reading and at least one additional source per
*3) How could the bacterial microbiome impact obesity?

The super physiological activities of the gut microbiota are absorption, nutrient synthesis, and digestion.
It has been accounted for that the gut microbiota yields energy from food, triggers inflammation, and
affects composition of fatty acids suggesting that bacterial microbiome has an impact obesity. Obesity
is also linked on the bacterial composition in the human gut. Greater number of Firmicutes species than
Bacteroidetes is associated with people of normal weight while greater number of Bacteroidetes have
been shown to be associated with body fat (Aoun et al., 2020).

*4.) What is Clostridium difficile and why is a Clostridium difficile infection so difficult to treat?

Clostridium difficile is an anaerobe, gram-positive, spore-forming bacteria commonly found in soil. C.
difficile has been a very challenging infection in hospitals as well as other long-term care facilities since
the organism is transmitted via spores it produces and these spores can be present in the environment
for weeks and months after t...

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