Infectious Diseases and Conditions Table for Measles Infections Lab Report

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Microbiology 2320 Lecture (GEC) Assessment Instrument Sections: About this assignment Instructions Student Response area About this assignment The General Education Competency measured by this assessment is “Empirical and Quantitative Skills (EQS)”. Empirical and Quantitative Skills is defined as “manipulation and analysis of numerical data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions”. Instructions Analyze the CDC’s nationally notifiable infectious diseases and conditions table for Measles infections for the most recent available year (2019) and identify and calculate the state with the highest combined imported and indigenous cases and calculate what percentage that state has compared to the total reported cases for the U.S. The CDC’s Measles data can be found here: Student Response Area (type your answer here) Q1. Which three states have the highest combined imported and indigenous cases? Q2. Calculate what percentage of combined imported and indigenous cases the top highest state (identified above) has compared to the total reported cases for the U.S. Q3. Part 1. Are the top three states all located in the same region? Part 2. How do case counts differ among the states in the region(s) with the top three highest case counts? Discuss three data points. Assessment Rubric Data Identification 3 Student lists all three of the top highest count states correctly Calculation of Percent of total Student correctly calculates their chosen state’s case count as a percentage of all cases. Discussion of empirical and quantitative data calculations Three data points are discussed or more. 2 Student lists two of the top three highest count states correctly 1 Student lists one of the top three highest count states correctly 0 Student lists zero of the top three highest count states correctly Student incorrectly calculates their chosen state’s case count as a percentage of all cases. Only two data points are discussed. Only one data point is discussed. Zero data points are discussed. Scoring: Determine the point value for each category and add all the category scores. Convert the score to a percentage out of 100%.
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Microbiology 2320 Lecture (GEC) Assessment Instrument

About this assignment
Student Response area

About this assignment
The General Education Competency measured by this assessment is “Empirical and Quantitative Skills
Empirical and Quantitative Skills is defined as “manipulation and analysis of numerical data or
observable facts resulting in informed conclusions”.

Analyze the CDC’s nationally notifiable infectious diseases and conditions table for Measles infections
for the most recent available year (2019) and identify and calculate the state with
the highest combined imported and indigenous cases and calculate what percentage that state has
compared to the total reported cases for the U.S.
The CDC’s Measles data can be found here:

Student Response Area (type your answer here)
Q1. Which three states have the highest combined imported and indigenous cases?
Following three states have the highest number of combined imported and indigenous cases:-

1. New York City and New York State (excluding New York City)
2. California
3. Washington

Q2. Calculate what percentage of combined imported and indigenous cases the top highest state
(identified above) has compared to the total reported cases for the U.S.
Percentage of combined imported and indigenous cases the top highest sta...

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