Literature Review Paper, health and medicine homework help

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Health Medical


The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to comple an outline literature search on a topic of interest. This assignment is preparatory work and practice for your EBP Qaulity Improvement Group paper and poster.


  1. Choose a problem faced by clients in your practice area that you think is important ans would like to learn more about.
  2. You may use your PICOT question
  3. Write a five (5) page literature review paper on the standing knowledge of the chosen question.
  4. Include a minimum of five (5) journal articles, at least three (3) from nursing journals.
  5. Follow APA style rules.
  6. View rubric for grading.

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Literature Review



Patient Problem .......................................................................................................................... 3
The Dosage Effects of the Spinal Manipulative Therapy for the Chronic Neck Pain ............... 3
Mobilization against active treatment ........................................................................................ 5
Manipulation against other active treatment .............................................................................. 5
Tool-kits ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Research question ...................................................................................................................... 6
References .................................................................................................................................. 8


Literature Review

Patient Problem
The Dosage Effects of the Spinal Manipulative Therapy for the Chronic Neck Pain
Neck pain disease is the second after the back pain according to the musculoskeletal
complaints report from the general population and the manual therapy providers. The neck
pain is chronic and is deemed to last for longer than ninety (90days) (Treleaven, Croft,
Carter, Hoddinott, & Sarig-Bahat, 2017). The victims of the neck pain often receive
mobilization or the spinal manipulation. Current studies and the systematic reviews on the
randomized control trial (RCT) show increment in the cervical range of motions with the
decrease in the self-rated pain of the neck due to the manipulation of the cervical spine.
The review by Cochrane system concluded that the optimal techniques and the
appropriate dose need to be determined and established for effective treatment. Despite the
benefits, there is increased understanding of how the optimal dose for manipulation of the
neck pain. This include duration and frequency of therapy which varies between individual
clinicians. Despite the patients and clinicians having beliefs which are likely to account for
the variations, it is viewed the many cases regarding the neck pain would require (SMT) the
spinal manipulative therapy treatment. This would derive the benefits and prevent further
benefits after the particular threshold is achieved. The limits are obtained from the clinicians
within the specific s...

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