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ACC410 Week 6 Homework Answers Submission Sheet
Fall 2021
Homework Due
Points Possible
Exercise 9-1
Problem 9-4
Exercise 10-1
Problem 10-8
Points Received
Chapter 9:
Exercise 9-2 (Questions 1 through 10) textbook pages 406-407.
(Enter the only the letter of the appropriate amount next to the question number)
1. A
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. D
8. C
9. D
10. A
Continuing Problem (Questions 1 through 8) textbook pages 411 – 2020 Town of Cary, NC CAFR
is used for these questions found at
(Enter the answer to the question in the blanks provided.)
1. Activities accounted for in both internal service funds and major enterprise funds _________________________________________________________________________________
ACC410 Week 6 Homework Answers Submission Sheet
Fall 2021
__Operating, non-capital and investing
Could any of these activities have been accounted for in a general or other governmental fund?
2. How are the internal service fund activities reported in the government-wide state of net
position? - _reported in the governmental activities column._(full accrual
How are the internal service fund activities reported in the proprietary funds statement of
net position? ___in a separate column to the right of the total enterprise funds column full
(accrual basis)___________________________________________________________
3. Did any of the internal service funds report significant operating surpluses or deficits for the
year? Yes or No
Were any accumulated significant net asset balances over the years not invested in capital
assets? Yes or No
4. Were any of the Town of Cary’s enterprise funds “profitable” during the year? Yes or No __
If so, what has the Town of Cary done with the “earnings”?
___Restricted for maintenance of
Has Cary transferred them to the general fund? Yes or No __Yes_________________________
5. Does the Town of Cary have revenue bonds outstanding that are related to business-type
activities? Yes or No
ACC410 Week 6 Homework Answers Submission Sheet
Fall 2021
If so, for what activities? _Debt service coverage, to collect revenues in the utility enterprise
6. Does the Town of Cary, NC ‘s CAFR include a statement of cash flows for proprietary funds?
Yes or No
Is the statement a direct or indirect basis?
In how many categories are the cash flows presented?
Which of these categories resulted in net cash inflows? __operating
Which resulted in net cash outflows? ____capital related
7. What was the total operating income? ____$
What was total net cash provided by operating activities?
What accounts for the largest difference between these two amounts?
8. Has the Town of Cary, NC entered into any service concession arrangements? Yes or No ___
Which specific ones, and why? __yes
_for utility infrastructure systems like