EC Diverse Workforce Discussion

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Excelsior College


Please separate Part 1 and Part 2 to include references

As the workforce becomes more and more diverse, some might find it difficult to remain current on the characteristics of diverse groups of individuals. Indeed, it is not expected of you to have a degree in diversity, but one of the best ways to gain knowledge is by sharing knowledge. Let's begin by first examining the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's website.

The EEOC is a federal entity tasked with enforcing federal laws that govern the discrimination against applicants or employees on the basis of “race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, transgender status, and sexual orientation), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information” (EEOC, n.d., n.p.). They have the power to investigate claims of discrimination against employers that are required to abide by federal standards. This can often differ for private companies that do not fall under the realm of federal control. Visit Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's website.

Part I: Your Experience

Talk about an experience you have had with a diverse population. If you have not had any experience working with diverse populations, locate a recent news article/video where there was an issue working with a diverse population. (Be sure and keep your experiences anonymous to protect organizations and individuals.)

Consider the following questions:

  • What were the positives in the approach your leader used to address the situation?
  • Which portion of the EEOC website might be applicable to your situation?
  • What were the lessons learned?

Part 2

Reflecting on your DEI experience in the previous discussion, compose an article for the Complex World.

Complex World Magazine cover

Your article should address the following:

  • Give a brief description of the scenario you presented in the M3.3 discussion. (M3.3 is Part 1 above) That is what you would give a brief description about
  • How would you handle this situation (which was the topic of your DEI experience discussion) now, based on what you have experienced and learned in this course?
  • Make a recommendation based upon best practices and experience for handling such situations in the future. Be sure your recommendations are supported with evidence from valid and reliable sources.


For Complex World, here are the formatting requirements:

    1. Your article should be no fewer than 600 words and no more than 800.
    2. Your article should be submitted using the Complex World submission template. Download submission template.
    3. You have the ability to move images and headings within the template.
    4. Be sure to include subheadings to break up your text and walk the readers through the sections of the article.
    5. Lead and inline images are highly suggested. Note that images convey emotion, much like our article cover does. They also help to break up the text. Unsplash (Links to an external site.) or Pixabay (Links to an external site.) are great sources for free images.

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_____________________________________________________________________________________ Article Title Name, Excelsior College _____________________________________________________________________________________ This should be your introductory paragraph for your article. This should be two to three sentences Section 1 Ted sits down at the large conference table in Meeting Room F. He eyes the plain white clock on the wall, two minutes to the hour, then the door before turning his attention to the blank notebook in front of him. He’s struggling to write down the meeting name at the top of page, being that the invite he received used the location as the subject, when someone else walks in the room. “Bill!” The surprise in Ted’s voice is thinly veiled and he feels a blush warming his neck along his shirt collar. “Yup, it’s me. I know it’s been quite a while since we worked together over in Linguistics, Ted, but I find it hard to believe you’d think I wouldn’t be here.” Ted stammers, trying to collect his thoughts and form some kind of coherent response, when he’s interrupted by yet another arrival. This man pauses in the door, taking in the stock photo-esque conference room. “All the money into renovating the conference rooms and this is what we get? White? No pictures, nothing?” Bill gives Ted a pointed look before turning to the newcomer. “Gary, man, how’s it going over in Fiscal?” “Aw, you know. Same shit, different source. Just like everything else in this godforsaken place. What say we get down to business? I’ve got somewhere else to be in a half hour.” Bill shrugs. “Fine by me. So, speaking of sources of shit and why we’re gathered here today,” he pauses to wink at Ted. “Who exactly do you think we’re supposed to be taking care of?” Section 2 “Julianne started the whole thing in the first place!” Ted bursts out. “She made first contact, I say it’s her.” Gary leans forward over the table. “Now, now. The rooms aren’t sound proof, damn it, keep it together. Just because Julianne started it doesn’t mean she’s the one. Jeff had a whole lot of influence on the entire deal. Coming from all angles, playing everyone.” Bill looks from Gary to Ted and back before sighing. “Do you two know anything about how this is supposed to work?” He pauses, but neither of the men say anything. He continues, “That’s about what I thought. Dan is our guy.
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Explanation & Answer

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Part I: Your Experience


Part I: Your Experience
UMass Chan Medical School is constructing a community-based outpatient clinic. The
school is hiring a diverse workforce to work on this project. The project is supervised by the
UMass Building Authority which is equally diverse. 15.3% of the members of this authority are
a minority. 6.9% are women (Innis, 2021). However, the school continues encouraging women
to apply for more constriction positions. In doing this, UMass Chan Medical School wants to
give the members of the society equal working opportunities. It wants to promote fairness in the
participation of this project. The local workforce has become more diverse. The minorities are
now 27.4% while women are 8% (Innis, 2021). This is beyond what was expected. The leader of
UMass Chan Medical School is leading the UMass Building Authority in setting diversity goals.
They use these goals in hiring the workforce. The benefits of doing this are that the organization
gets a talented labor supply of workers. Secondly, it becomes easy to ensure collaborative efforts
among workers. The portion that might be applicable to the UMass Chan Medical School’s
situation is employee and job applicants. The organization is compliant with the EEOC
requirements stated in this portion (Innis, 2021). In this situation, I learned that hiring a diverse
workforce is practical. On this, I learned that setting diversity goals first is what i...

Very useful material for studying!


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