unit 10 CBPR, political science homework help

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  • Action Research: Application To Your Community


    This unit summarizes your knowledge about the design, application, and evaluation of a realistic action research project.


    To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:
    1. Describe a plan for identifying and engaging partners for a potential CBPR project.
    2. Evaluate the advantages of CBPR over traditional research.
    3. Communicate through writing that is concise, balanced, and logically organized.
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    [u10s1] Unit 10 Study 1



    Use your Community-Based Participatory Research text to complete the following:
    • Read Chapter 7.
  • Toggle Drawer

    [u10d1] Unit 10 Discussion 1

    Potential CBPR Project and Engagement Plan


    Answer the following questions in your discussion post:
    • What are your ideas for doing a community-based participatory research project in your community?
    • Who would be the partners and how would you engage them?

    Response Guidelines

    Read the posts from your peers and respond to at least one other learner's post.In your response, be sure to do the following:
    • Begin your response with constructive reflection on an idea or viewpoint expressed by the learner.
    • Provide comments that enrich the understanding of at least one potential topic, or ask a probing question to drive a deeper exploration of a topic.
    • Relate your response to specific learning or resources from this course or to an external source that you have found on the topic.
      • If you relate your response to an external source, make sure you cite it using appropriate APA format.
  • Toggle Drawer

    [u10d2] Unit 10 Discussion 2

    Advantages of CBPR


    For this discussion, refer to Table 7.2 in Community-Based Participatory Research.In your own words, reflect upon, and answer, the following question:
    • What are the advantages of CBPR over traditional research?

    Response Guidelines

    Read the posts from your peers and respond to at least one other learner's post.In your response, be sure to do the following:
    • Begin your response with constructive reflection on an idea or viewpoint expressed by the learner.
    • Provide comments that enrich the understanding of at least one potential topic, or ask a probing question to drive a deeper exploration of a topic.
    • Relate your response to specific learning or resources from this course or to an external source that you have found on the topic.
      • If you relate your response to an external source, make sure you cite it using appropriate APA format.
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Explanation & Answer




Advantages Of CBPR



Community-based participatory research provides a clear picture of a given situation that
is being investigated within a given research study. Community-based participatory research is
very clear in the sense that they have a well engaged plan which is focused upon in ensuring that
the whole process is successful. Unlike the traditional researches, community-based focuses on
critical issues within communities and trying to develop better engagement strategies, which
provide a better environment where the problem investigated can be significantly rectified through
the consideration of community partners who are crucial in implementing the sug...

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