Cuyamaca College Trials of Gabriel Fernandez Documentary Review

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Cuyamaca College


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Documentary Review Assignment: The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez Guidelines and Prompt This semester we will be watching the Netflix docuseries, “The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez,'' in class, however, if you miss a class you will be required to watch it on your own time (links to the episodes will be provided in Canvas). Due to the pandemic, we will be transitioning your volunteer assignment requirements to this docuseries review assignment. This assignment will require a combination of research of LA County Child Welfare Services Department, examination of all of the people involved in Gabriel’s life, along with reflections of the course outline, class lectures, and small group discussions. Your Assignment Must Consist of the Following Sections: 1. Cover Page 2. Agency a. Does the agency respect self-determination of: 1.) children, 2.) adults, 3.)its employees? Describe how the agency does or does not respect self-determination for each group listed above. Give one specific example to support your point of view (just one example, not one example for each). 3. Social Work Theories and Approach - There are examples of the following theories throughout the Gabriel Fernandez docuseries. The Strengths Perspective, Ecological Systems Theory, Systems Theory, Person-in-Environment. Choose one of the following social work theories or approaches and: a. Define the theory/approach you chose b. Explain who you believe utilized the theory you chose c. Give an example from the docuseries as evidence to support your opinion 4. Ethics - Look through the NASW Code of Ethics. Which NASW code of ethics do you believe any of the social workers violated? Define the code of ethics you chose and give an example of how it was violated. 5. Reflections - I want your personal opinion on each of the following: a. What do you think you would have done differently if your supervisor instructed you to do something against your code of ethics? b. Which intervention would you have chosen had you been Gabriel’s social worker, what would you have done differently, and why? c. What did you learn about yourself from watching this docuseries? References Page You are expected to use a minimum of 3 quotations/citations from the Netflix Docuseries “The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez, “course/outline, to define and support the use of social work theories, approaches, values, and practice methods in this assignment. Submission Options: Video Submission: Video submissions must be a recording of you speaking - presentation style. You must use/provide a PowerPoint - a minimum of 1 slide per question - No more than 30 words per slide (That way you cannot simply read off the slides). Minimum length 15 minutes - however, I expect thorough answers. Must include References Page slide. Paper Submission: APA format, 12pt. Times New Roman font, double spaced, & one-inch margins. Minimum 4 pages - Maximum 6 pages. Paper Formatting: APA has very specific formatting requirements. Your paper MUST include the following topic headers in italic font as follows: Agency Theories and Approach Ethics Reflections References Section 1. There will be one “References” section for the paper, located at the end of the paper, in APA format. A sample APA format “References” page is available with a sample APA format paper located in Canvas under “Files.”
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Explanation & Answer

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Outline: Documentary Review: The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez

Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliations
Course Code: Course Title
Professor’s Name
Due Date

1. Agency

✓ The Los Angeles County Department of Child and Family Services, or LA DCFS,
is committed to advancing youngsters' prosperity and wellbeing.
✓ The division's objective assertion is to promote youngster wellbeing and

prosperity by teaming up with neighborhood networks to keep kids at quarters,
fortify households, and interface them with different households amid hardship.
✓ In the advancement of social work, the office supports self-assurance. Various

attributes depict self-assurance in LA DCFS
2. Social Work Theories and Approach
✓ Case management is one of the social work interventions. Case management

entails addressing the children's and their families unique and complex needs
✓ The person in-climate perspective could be a work on center esteem in inviting

work that stresses the require of understanding a person and their conduct
around the environmental settings wherein they live and act
✓ The person-in-environment idea is evident in Gabriel Fernandez's documentary

on how the case was handled.
✓ On further examination of the LA DCFS's technique for examining the specific

situation that requires attention, it is evident that the social workers neglected
critical aspects.
3. Ethics -.

✓ According to the NASW code of ethics, one of the ethical principles for social
workers is that "social workers' primary goal is to help people in need and address
social problems.
✓ According to the notion, social workers use their expertise and talents to assist

those in need. The social workers in the documentary The Trials of Gabriel
Fernandez broke this rule.

4. Reflections - I want your personal opinion on each of the following:


✓ In terms of the code of ethics, if the supervisor told me to do something
against the code of ethics, I would have considered the ethically correct choice
✓ I would have explored the solution-based intervention if I were Gabriel's
social worker. Gabriel is clearly in pain as a result of his guardians'
continuous beatings


The Trials of Gabriel ...

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