ABC Community Hospital Java Code

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Alldetails attached. Write a class called Hospital that accepts the following indicators:

  • A five digit string value representing the patient identification number
  • The patient’s name (First name and last name)
  • An integer representing the number of days the patient is in the hospital.
  • A single character representing the type of room the patient chooses. Room type (P/p= private, S/s means semi-private, and W/w means ward)

As part of the billing, note the following:

  • If a patient chooses private room, the cost for medication is twice what it is shown on the billing chart; if the patient chooses semi-private, then the cost for medication is what is shown on the billing chart; and if the patient chooses ward, then the medication cost is half what is shown on the billing chart.
  • A patient who chooses private room pays for television service and telephone service; a patient who chooses semi-private room pays for television service, and a patient who chooses the ward gets television and telephone services free. These are flat fees (one time fees).

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Assignment 5 The ABC Community Hospital needs a program to compute and print the billing statement for each of its patient. The following table shows the fees for the various services: The ABC Community Hospital Room Type and Charges per Day: Private Semi-private Ward $550.0 $350.0 $105.00 Flat Fees Telephone Television $4.50 $7.50 Medication Base fee $275.00 Write a class called Hospital that accepts the following indicators: • A five digit string value representing the patient identification number • The patient’s name (First name and last name) • An integer representing the number of days the patient is in the hospital. • A single character representing the type of room the patient chooses. Room type (P/p= private, S/s means semi-private, and W/w means ward) As part of the billing, note the following: • If a patient chooses private room, the cost for medication is twice what it is shown on the billing chart; if the patient chooses semi-private, then the cost for medication is what is shown on the billing chart; and if the patient chooses ward, then the medication cost is half what is shown on the billing chart. • A patient who chooses private room pays for television service and telephone service; a patient who chooses semi-private room pays for television service, and a patient who chooses the ward gets television and telephone services free. These are flat fees (one time fees). A typical output is as follows The ABC Community Hospital Patient Billing Statement Patient: John Harris Number of days: 5 Type of room: Private Room charge …………… $2,750.00 Telephone ………………. $4.50 Television ……………… .$7.50 Medication ……………… $550.00 Total amount due ……………..$3,312.00 Note: • Use the switch statement to determine the room type, and • Use the if/else statement to determine the other items
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