Chesapeake College Cultural Competence Self Assessment Question

User Generated


Health Medical

Chesapeake College

Question Description

I'm working on a social work discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

This cultural diversity/cultural competence self-assessment is focused on providing services/supports to children and families:

Self-Assessment Checklist for Personnel Providing Services and Supports to Children and their Families (Links to an external site.)

Cultural Competence Self-Assessment (Links to an external site.)

For this assignment, please submit a one-page paper including the following:

  • Please reflect on your experience taking this self-assessment and discuss your strengths and areas for growth.
  • How can this information help you in your current or future practice of Social Work?

Explanation & Answer:
1 Page Each
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.


Cultural Competence Self-Assessment

Institution Affiliation


Cultural Competence Self-Assessment
After taking the self-assessments for cultural competence and sensitivity, I understood
what my client expects to appreciate my services. In the first assessment, the most frequent
response was A (20As and 13Bs) (Goode, n.d.). Based on the responses, the identified strengths
include demonstrating cultural competency during communication and distributio...

Uho_Ghgbef (6123)
UT Austin

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