Postmodernism and Neo-Expressionism, art & design homework help

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For this week, answer all three of the following questions. Cite at least one example in your response for each question. You should reference your book to help you answer these questions. If you use additional sources, you must cite them. Your answers should be in essay format, be a minimum of three-five sentences each, and include at least three terms from our glossary for each question.

  1. Discuss Postmodernism. Provide examples.
  2. What aspect of the museum was exposed in the work of Hans Haacke?
  3. What is Neo-Expressionism? Explain your answer.

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Explanation & Answer

Hello! Here is the final answer. If you need anything changed or added, just let me know.

Surname 1
Post modernism is a reaction that the perceived assumption of the certainty that scientific
approaches had towards various issues. Postmodernism states that reality is not just mirrored...

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