HIST 1302 Weatherford College Influence of Sea Power upon History Bibliography Thesis and Outline

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HIST 1302

Weatherford College



Use these instructions to complete the bibliography, thesis, and outline portions of the assignment:

This assignment is to get you to understand how to correctly create a Works Cited page based upon the MLA Style, a working thesis, and an outline. You will be using the assigned sources over Alfred Thayer Mahan's naval philosophy. Those required sources can be found in the attachment below. Additional sources may be found in the Week 5 Module. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiR7PboV0RY.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64MWoioRJzU

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Semester Paper Sources • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Author: None Webpage Title: “The Influence of Sea Power upon History” Website Title: Wikipedia URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Influence_of_Sea_Power_upon_History Author: Michael J. Crawford Webpage Title: “The World Cruise of the Great White Fleet” Website Title: The World Cruise of the Great White Fleet URL: https://books.googleusercontent.com/books/content?req=AKW5QacBiFok7GjQ36YlTStas4FFoqf Dlp9q4mHW01GyXCUsc-OV9wKfyqUKwUXZ4FkBBXv6dgwyrMH6gZBZPtKFzsg3YPEN3OO6eU0yBgKgHB8MJnO4mCQaWAtF6wVD_ WSM_Par3MvFuArlI_I9SwxdiOJYiAHsnXbJjzgxmxD9AxmILTP92kWcs9od0if_JPwRaKzvqgFb7nCqDLhI__NNJo5VPySue5CZnkyh3eRR6dwVzypbg9KK3qpA8Lar_IsYI_AHhW90By23ZVLZieER7g xXeFjpdBmqZjJQS063PpTaPDHjQ Author: None Webpage Title: “Atlantic Fleet Known as the “Great White Fleet” entering Puget Sound during their World Tour, probably May 1908” Website Title: University Libraries University of Washington URL: https://digitalcollections.lib.washington.edu/digital/collection/transportation/id/1994/ Author: None Webpage Title: “The Influence of Sea Power Upon History” Website Title: ESRI URL: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/Cascade/index.html?appid=24799cffc35e47ba997238dc4d72f84e Author: Theodore Roosevelt Webpage Title: “Letter from Theodore Roosevelt to Alfred Thayer Mahan” Website Title: Theodore Roosevelt Center at Dickinson State University URL: https://www.theodorerooseveltcenter.org/Research/DigitalLibrary/Record/ImageViewer?libID=o185838&imageNo=1 Author: Office of the Historian Webpage Title: “Mahan’s Influence of Sea Power upon History: Securing International Markets in the 1890s” Website Title: U.S. Department of State URL: https://history.state.gov/milestones/1866-1898/mahan Author: Francis P. Sempa Webpage Title: “The Geopolitical Vision of Alfred Thayer Mahan: One hundred years later, the insights of the American strategist continue to have extraordinary relevance today.” Website Title: The Diplomat • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • URL: https://thediplomat.com/2014/12/the-geopolitical-vision-of-alfred-thayer-mahan/ Author: James E. Fanell Webpage Title: “Asia Rising: China’s Global Naval Strategy and Expanding Force Structure” Website Title: Naval War College Review URL: https://digital-commons.usnwc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=7871&context=nwcreview Author: None Webpage Title: “South China Sea” Website Title: Council on Foreign Relations URL: https://www.cfr.org/south-china-sea Author: James R. Holmes Webpage Title: “Strategic Features of the South China Sea: A Tough Neighborhood for Hegemons” Website Title: Naval War College Review URL: https://digital-commons.usnwc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1317&context=nwcreview Works Cited Assignment Due: November 21 (together with Thesis and Outline Assignment) Purpose: This assignment is to help you create a Works Cited page based upon MLA Style. You will be using the assigned sources over Alfred Thayer Mahan’s Influence of Sea Power upon History in relation to the rising tensions between China and the U.S. in the South China Sea. Resources: The following resources are provided to help you with creating a Works Cited page through MLA formatting: 1. You can consult the writing handbook from ENGL 1301 or 1302, if you are taking or have taken that class, as it demonstrates how to create a Works Cited and do in-text citations in MLA format. 2. You can consult the Purdue OWL to see how to create a Works Cited in MLA format. The most relevant pages are: a. Works Cited Resources: i. MLA Formatting and Style Guide ii. MLA Works Cited Page: Basic Format iii. MLA Works Cited: Books iv. MLA Works Cited: Periodicals v. MLA Works Cited: Electronic Sources vi. MLA Works Cited: Other Common Sources vii. MLA Sample Works Cited Page b. In-Text Citation Resources: i. MLA Formatting and Style Guide ii. MLA In-Text Citations: The Basics iii. MLA Formatting Quotations iv. MLA Sample Paper Directions: Using MLA style, create a Works Cited page using all of the assigned sources for the Semester Paper. You will submit your assignment through Turnitin. Identifying and Analyzing Sources Assignment Due: October 31 Purpose: This assignment is designed to help you correctly identify whether a source is primary, secondary, or tertiary. It also requires you to demonstrate that you have read and understood each source in the Identify and Analyze Sources Assignment. As these are the sources that you are going to use in writing the Semester Paper, this assignment is intended to set you up well to use these sources on the next stages of the assignment. Please note, you can take this quiz and look at your sources at the same time by simply opening up a second tab on your computer and bringing up the quiz on one tab and the sources on the other. Resources: The following resources are provided to help you with reading and understanding historical sources: 1. "Reading, Writing, and Researching for History" by Patrick Rael a. "How to Read a Secondary Source" b. "How to Read a Primary Source" c. "'Predatory' Reading" d. "Some Keys to Good Reading" 2. "Reading and Writing About Primary Sources" Directions: This assignment will open on [INSERT DATE], will remain open until [INSERT DATE], and it will not be graded until after the due date. The assignment asks you to identify whether each source is primary, secondary, or tertiary (or a combination of these types). It then will ask you questions about the main ideas and arguments of each of the documents. Thesis and Outline Assignment Due: November 21 (together with the Works Cited Assignment) Purpose: This part of the Semester Paper assignment has you research and analyze the provided sources to develop a thesis and outline for your upcoming Semester Paper. Prior to starting work on the thesis and outline, you should have read the provided sources and thought about how you might use them. The final part of the Semester Paper assignment, the Final Paper, is a thesis-driven paper over the assigned topic. That paper will have an introduction, a conclusion, and a body. This assignment helps you prepare for the Final Paper by developing a thesis and creating an outline. It also gives you an opportunity to receive feedback on the thesis and outline prior to writing the Final Paper. Resources: The following resources are provided to help you with putting together a thesis and outline for your paper: "Writing a Research Paper" - Chapter taken from the book A Student's Guide to History by Jules R. Benjamin (pages 128-35 copied here) 2. Writing Historical Essay: A Guide for Undergraduates 3. Analytical and Interpretive Essays for History Courses 4. Essay Survival Guide a. Understanding essays b. Interpreting the question c. Researching and reading critically d. Developing your ideas e. Writing critically and structuring your essay f. Editing and reviewing 1. Directions: This assignment asks you to discuss the influence of Alfred Thayer Mahan and his book The Influence of Sea Power upon History at the beginning of the twentieth century and how it in some manner or manner it is impacting the policies of both the U.S. and China today. To do this, you are going to start with the creation of a thesis and outline in preparation for writing the full essay. 1. The assignment is to be submitted as one document through the submission link in the Canvas classroom. a. Your thesis needs to discuss in some manner the relationship between the influence of Alfred Thayer Mahan and his book The Influence of Sea Power upon History in the late-nineteenth and early twentieth century and how it is shaping decision making by both the U.S. and China in the South China Sea and broader western Pacific region. b. Your thesis needs to identify several (2-4) specific points. You can take any approach to this topic that works within the information in the course and the sources provided to you. Your argument needs to show how these 2-4 identified ways to relate the past (Mahan and his book) to the present (today’s growing tension and decision making in the South China Sea and the broader western Pacific region). c. To come up with the thesis, you are going to need to review the provided sources and understand the layout of the essay itself. Your thesis needs to be in the form of an argument that you can prove with the provided evidence. It needs to be in the form of a sentence or two. d. Your thesis needs to be clearly stated at the beginning of the document. 2. Your outline needs to be a broad outline of how you are going to lay out and develop your thesis through the essay. Your outline needs to be in an outline format. You are welcome to use an outline template from any word processor. Alternatively, you can use any of the numbering or lettering formats included in any word processor a. The outline needs to include the following: i. The sources you are planning to use ii. The general flow of the essay itself iii. How you are going to tie each section of the essay to the thesis iv. Some possible quotations from the sources that you could use in the essay 1. For the quotations, please indicate which section of the outline you might use them in and how they will help you in supporting that part of the outline. 2. For the quotations that you have chosen, you need to provide what the in-text citation would look like, so that you can be prepared for the Final Paper. 3. You can see the Purdue OWL for help with in-text citations here: a. In-Text Citation Resources: i. MLA Formatting and Style Guide ii. MLA In-Text Citations: The Basics iii. MLA Formatting Quotations iv. MLA Sample Paper 3. Your thesis and outline are to be free of both basic grammatical and spelling errors. Significant grammatical and spelling errors will result in a reduction in the overall grade. Final Paper Due: December 12 Topic: The influence of Alfred Thayer Mahan and his book The Influence of Sea Power upon History both then and today. Your Final Paper will look at this topic through the provided documents and all classroom materials. You will be asked to examine how the topic impacted its own time and how it impacts the events of today. Your Final Paper will be centered around your thesis that identifies several (2-4) specific ways. You can take any approach to this topic in your Final Paper that works within the information in the course and the sources provided to you. You will use the provided sources to support your thesis and provide a clear argument that runs throughout the essay. Resources: The following resources are provided to help you with writing your Final Paper: "Writing a Research Paper" - Chapter taken from the book A Student's Guide to History by Jules R. Benjamin (pages 128-35 copied here) 2. Writing Historical Essay: A Guide for Undergraduates 3. Analytical and Interpretive Essays for History Courses 4. Essay Survival Guide a. Understanding essays b. Interpreting the question c. Researching and reading critically d. Developing your ideas e. Writing critically and structuring your essay f. Editing and reviewing 1. General Description of the Assignment: This assignment asks you to discuss the topic in relationship to its own time versus today. You will be using the skills you have gained and the feedback you have received in the previous parts of this assignment to address this topic. You are required to incorporate any feedback from that assignment in putting together this assignment. While it is not required, you are welcome to submit a draft ahead of time for review. The essay will need to be at least 750-1000 words long. It can go longer than 1000 words with no penalty. Any essay shorter than 750 words will be penalized. Guidelines for format: • • • • You need to have an introductory paragraph that has a clearly stated thesis. This thesis should shape your entire essay and needs to be something that you can prove using the evidence provided. o If your thesis from the Thesis and Outline assignment received positive feedback, then you will use that thesis. ▪ If you received positive feedback but want to change the thesis as part of the process of writing the Final Paper, please run it by your professor to make sure that the thesis still meets the expectations of the assignment. o If the feedback on your thesis from the Thesis and Outline assignment stated that it needed to be changed or modified, then you will need to have a new thesis. ▪ You are welcome to run the modified thesis by your professor prior to submitting the Final Paper. Your Final Paper will be centered around your thesis that identifies several (2-4) specific ways in which you can prove that thesis. You can take any approach to this topic in your Final Paper that works within the information in the course and the sources provided to you. You will use the provided sources to support your thesis and provide a clear argument that runs throughout the essay. You need to have a conclusion on your essay that brings your thesis to a close and shows how you have proven your argument. Your writing needs to be clear of writing errors, grammatical errors, and spelling errors. You are expected to submit writing that is appropriate for a college course. Guidelines for sources and evidence: • • • • You can (and are expected to) use the following sources for your essay: o The textbook and any other course materials provided by your professor o The sources provided in the Identifying and Analyzing Sources Assignment. o Any additional sources provided by your professor or approved by your professor. You should use a variety of sources from across the provided resources. And must utilized at least 5 of the assigned sources. All sources used must appear in a Works Cited page, which is the final section of your Final Paper. All sources used will need to be properly cited using in-text citations according to MLA formatting. o You can see the Purdue OWL for help with in-text citations here: ▪ In-Text Citation Resources: • MLA Formatting and Style Guide • MLA In-Text Citations: The Basics • MLA Formatting Quotations • MLA Sample Paper • All sources that you cite must appear in the Works Cited (and only the sources used are included there). All sources must be properly cited in the Works Cited using MLA formatting. You should refer back to the skills from the Works Cited Assignment, as you are expected to have fixed any errors noted there for the Final Paper.
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Bibliography, Thesis, and Outline
Thesis: The Influence of Sea Power upon History at the beginning of the twentieth century
shaped American and Chinese military planning by advancing the argument that naval power
and control of the sea are vital in protecting a nation's foreign policy interests.

For a seamless progression in how the essay flows, the paper shall be divided into three main
sections: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. The body shall be subdivided further
under different headlines to facilitate the better organization of thoughts and arguments.

a. Here, the goal shall be to briefly discuss Alfred Thayer Mahan and the subject
matter of his b...

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