ASALLC Occupational Health and Safety Activity Worksheet

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Acaydia School of Aesthetics. L.L.C



This assignment is in three parts. All three parts must be completed.


Your boss has asked you to review the accident information for the CSU Widget Factory. The information he sent you is provided . the form attached

Using the provided CSU Widget Factory OSHA 300A log, calculate the total recordable incidence rate (TRIR), the days away, restricted, or transferred (DART) rate, the lost workday injury and illness rate (LWDII), and the severity rate (SR). Be sure to show your calculations in a Word document.


Using the CSU Widget Factory OSHA 300A log (from Part I) , distinguish some of the leading indicators that you would use if examining the CSU Widget Factory Safety Management System. Prepare a summary of your findings, including any suggestions for improvement.


Your boss wants more information on one of the accidents listed on the CSU Widget Factory OSHA 300 log. He has sent you the OSHA Form 301, Injury and Illness Incident Report, for the accident involving William Smith form OSHA Form 301 attached . Mr. Smith’s supervisor filled out the form, but it only includes basic information. To prepare to conduct a more thorough investigation, do the following:

  • Develop a list of five questions to ask Mr. Smith’s supervisor about the circumstances surrounding the incident. Explain the importance of each question you create.
  • Select two theories of accident causation, and explain how you would use them to help in the accident investigation.

Your submission must be a minimum of four pages, not including title and reference pages, and follow APA guidelines. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

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N ot e : Y ou c a n t ype input int o t his form a nd sa ve it . Because the forms in this recordkeeping package are “fillable/writable” PDF documents, you can type into the input form fields and then save your inputs using the free Adobe PDF Reader. In addition, the forms are programmed to auto-calculate as appropriate. 1 Jane Doe Widget Welder 1 / 18 month / day Reset Reset Reset 2 3 William Smith Nellie Kershaw Warehouse Worker Production Line Worker 2 / 24 month / day 5 / 18 (H) (I) (J) On job t ra nsfe r or re st ric t ion (K) (L) Welding Area Burned Retinas - both eyes ● 2 days days ● Storeroom Lumbar Strain ● 4 days days ● Main Production Floor Respiratory Condition ● 2 month / day / month / day Reset / month / day Reset / month / day Reset / month / day Reset / month / day Reset / month / day Reset (1) / month / day Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 14 minutes per response, including time to review the instructions, search and gather the data needed, and complete and review the collection of information. Persons are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have any comments about these estimates or any other aspects of this data collection, contact: US Department of Labor, OSHA Office of Statistical Analysis, Room N-3644, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20210. Do not send the completed forms to this office. 0 3 0 0 days days days days days days days days days days days days days days 8 14 Save Input Add a Form Page Page 1 of 1 (3) (4) (5) (6) ● days 2 Injury Pa ge t ot a ls 14 days (2) All other illnesses (G) Ot he r re c orda ble c a se s Aw a y from w ork (1) 0 1 (2) (3) 0 0 0 All other illnesses Da ys a w a y J ob t ra nsfe r from w ork or re st ric t ion Se le c t t he “I njury” c olum n or c hoose one t ype of illne ss: (M) Re m a ine d a t Work De a t h Reset Ent e r t he num be r of da ys t he injure d or ill w ork e r w a s: Hearing loss SELECT ON LY ON E box for e a c h c a se ba se d on t he m ost se rious out c om e for t ha t c a se : Poisoning (E) (F) Where the event occurred Describe injury or illness, parts of body (e.g., Loading dock north end) affected, and object/substance that directly injured or made person ill (e.g., Second degree burns on right forearm from acetylene torch) Hearing loss Job title (e.g., Welder) AL State Poisoning Employee’s name (D) Date of injury or onset of illness (e.g., 2/10) Orange Beach Cla ssify t he c a se De sc ribe t he c a se (C) City Skin disorder (B) Establishment name CSU Widget Factory Respiratory condition (A) Case no. U .S. De pa rt m e nt of La bor Oc c upa t iona l Sa fe t y a nd H e a lt h Adm inist ra t ion Form approved OMB no. 1218-0176 You must record information about every work-related death and about every work-related injury or illness that involves loss of consciousness, restricted work activity or job transfer, days away from work, or medical treatment beyond first aid. You must also record significant work-related injuries and illnesses that are diagnosed by a physician or licensed health care professional. You must also record work-related injuries and illnesses that meet any of the specific recording criteria listed in 29 CFR Part 1904.8 through 1904.12. Feel free to use two lines for a single case if you need to. You must complete an Injury and Illness Incident Report (OSHA Form 301) or equivalent form for each injury or illness recorded on this form. If you’re not sure whether a case is recordable, call your local OSHA office for help. I de nt ify t he pe rson Year 20 15 Respiratory condition Log of Work -Re la t e d I njurie s a nd I llne sse s At t e nt ion: This form contains information relating to employee health and must be used in a manner that protects the confidentiality of employees to the extent possible while the information is being used for occupational safety and health purposes. Skin disorder (Rev. 01/2004) Injury OSHA’s Form 300 (4) (5) (6) OSHA’s Form 300A (Rev. 01/2004) Sum m a ry of Work -Re la t e d I njurie s a nd I llne sse s Year 20 N ot e : Y ou c a n t ype input int o t his form a nd sa ve it . Because the forms in this recordkeeping package are “fillable/writable” PDF documents, you can type into the input form fields and then save your inputs using the free Adobe PDF Reader. U .S. De pa rt m e nt of La bor Oc c upa t iona l Sa fe t y a nd H e a lt h Adm inist ra t ion Form approved OMB no. 1218-0176 All establishments covered by Part 1904 must complete this Summary page, even if no work-related injuries or illnesses occurred during the year. Remember to review the Log to verify that the entries are complete and accurate before completing this summary. Using the Log, count the individual entries you made for each category. Then write the totals below, making sure you've added the entries from every page of the Log. If you had no cases, write “0.” Employees, former employees, and their representatives have the right to review the OSHA Form 300 in its entirety. They also have limited access to the OSHA Form 301 or its equivalent. See 29 CFR Part 1904.35, in OSHA’s recordkeeping rule, for further details on the access provisions for these forms. Street CSU Widget Factory 21982 University Lane Orange Beach State AL Zip 36561 Industry description (e.g., Manufacture of motor truck trailers) Total number of cases with days away from work 0 Total number of cases with job transfer or restriction 3 (G) Y our e st a blishm e nt na m e City N um be r of Ca se s Total number of deaths Est a blishm e nt inform a t ion Total number of other recordable cases 0 (H) Widget Manufacturing Standard Industrial Classification (SIC), if known (e.g., 3715) 0 (I) (J) OR North American Industrial Classification (NAICS), if known (e.g., 336212) N um be r of Da ys 326199 Total number of days away from work Total number of days of job transfer or restriction 8 Em ploym e nt inform a t ion (If you don't have these figures, see the Worksheet on the next page to estimate.) 14 (K) 27 Annual average number of employees (L) Total hours worked by all employees last year 58675 I njury a nd I llne ss T ype s Sign he re Total number of . . . Knowingly falsifying this document may result in a fine. (M) (1) Injuries 2 (4) Poisonings 0 I certify that I have examined this document and that to the best of my knowledge the entries are true, accurate, and complete. (2) Skin disorders 0 (5) Hearing loss 0 ________________________________ (3) Respiratory conditions 1 All other illnesses 0 (6) Post t his Sum m a ry pa ge from Fe brua ry 1 t o April 3 0 of t he ye a r follow ing t he ye a r c ove re d by t he form . Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 50 minutes per response, including time to review the instructions, search and gather the data needed, and complete and review the collection of information. Persons are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have any comments about these estimates or any other aspects of this data collection, contact: US Department of Labor, OSHA Office of Statistical Analysis, Room N-3644, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20210. Do not send the completed forms to this office. Company executive Phone ______ - _______ - ___________ ___________________ Title Date _____ / _____ / ______ Save Input
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Explanation & Answer

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Occupational Health and Safety Activity

Thesis Statement: This paper will focus on interpreting the OSHA 300A log files on the CSU
Factory Widget and making recommendations.

Part I
o TRIR – 10.226
o DART – 10.226
o LWDII – 10.226
o SR – 2.667

Part II
o Burning retinas for both eyes, Lumbar Strain, and respiratory condition that
occurred to Jane Doe, William Smith, and Nellie Kershaw, respectively
o Recommendation

Refresher training on various safety topics

Atmospheric monitoring and supervision to protect employees from
respiratory issues.

Compliance of OSHA regulations

Part III
o Questions

When did the injury occur, and who was the first person to be notified?

Who were some of the witnesses in this incident?

Was Mr. Smith using the appropriate PPE during lifting, and how many
pounds he was lifting?

Were appropriate safety and lifting procedures adhered to during his

What could have been done differently to prevent this incident from
occurring again in the future?

o Theories

Accident Theory

Human Factors and Epidemiology Theory


Occupational Health and Safety Activity

Student Name
Professor’s Name



Occupational Health and Safety Activity

Part I


Calculation Procedure

Figures (OSHA 300 log)

Calculated Values


Overall cases from the

(3 * 200,000)/58675

10.226 (3 decimal

OSHA summary 300A


log, lines G,H,I and J
multiply by 200,000
divided by total hours
worked per year

Overall cases from the

(3 * 200,000)/58675

OSHA summary 300A

10.226 (3 decimal

log, lines G,H,I and J
multiply by 200,000
divided by total hours
worked per ye...

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