EDF 2085 Miami Dade College Exupérys Tale the Little Prince Book Review

User Generated



EDF 2085

Miami Dade College



So, What Is a Video Movie/Documentary or Book Review?

This assignment requires the student to visit www.mdc.edu/libraries and log in to access a movie, documentary or book.

Ultimately, a video movie, documentary or book review serves the same function as a written book review. It:

  • Provides, the title, author(s) and a brief synopsis of the movie, documentary or book content
  • Evaluate  the author’s intentions. What is the author’s primary purpose? What  does he or she hope to communicate to the viewer or reader?
  •  Highlight its key strengths and weaknesses
  •  Calls attention to its scholarly value and relationship to equity and social justice.
  • Gives an opinion (See sample reflection questions below.)

Additionally, you will  include a reflection that considers the following critical questions  (You do not need to take each question individually and answer it.):

  • What does this have to do with me?
  • How could I explain these concepts to others (parents, students, peers, colleagues, etc.)?
  • What emotions are conjured up as I read? What’s that about?
  • What can I change about my practice, curricula, relationships, and policies?
  • How can I use this to center my teaching on my most marginalized students?
  •  How does this connect with previous things I’ve learned?
  •  How much more is there to learn?
  • Who can I share this with?
  • How can I lead my peers in taking up this work?

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.


Book Review
Name of student

Antoine de Saint-famous Exupéry's tale The Little Prince, first published in 1943, is an
essential read about the adventures of an orphaned pilot and the child prince he encounters on his
adventures. Life, desire, and solitude are explored in this fascinating tale. This modest yet
profound novel is regarded as one of the outstanding novels of all time because of its...

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