The Effect of Racism on Americans, english assignment help

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Instructions for Writing the Essay Question: (See checklist at the end of this document) 1. Choose one question to answer from the options provided below. 2. The essay must be word-processed, double-spaced, paginated, no less than 750 words and no more than 850 words. 3. You must have a separate title page on which you include your name, date, descriptive essay title that clearly indicates the topic, question/prompt number, your LIB 133 section and instructor’s name, and the word count for your essay. The title page and works cited page text do NOT count towards the word count. 4. Your essay must have a thesis statement and be organized thematically, not by readings. 5. You must answer all parts of the question in order to get full credit for the essay. 6. You can access information about how to properly cite your sources on our library’s website: Take Home Essay Question Choices (choose one): 1. How have U.S. government policies and legislation both increased and decreased inequality in the United States? Please discuss at least two concrete examples in the body of your essay, and provide evidence from at least three readings from Weeks 4 and 5 of this course. 2. Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun said, "To get beyond racism we must first take account of race. There is no other way." Although the Civil War ended in 1865, African Americans have not experienced equal opportunity socially, culturally or legally. What progress has the US made against racism and what work still needs to be done? 3. Law professor Eleanor Stein used the phrase “construction of an enemy” to describe U.S. government policies that have unfairly treated Americans. Using her framework, how has racism affected Americans from many cultures? Article you can use: 1 2
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The Effect of Racism on Americans
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Course Title
No. of words: 830

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America is a nation inhabited by many people who are from different areas in the world,
they may, therefore, have cultures that differ from the culture of the American people. Racism in
America is a factor that has affected these people negatively over the years.
Americans from different cultures have been denied citizenship. The Bush administration
established measures against Muslim visitors and immigrants from South Asian and Muslim
Arab countries. Muslims, South Asians, and Arabs are dehumanized, demonized and constructed
as America’s enemy in today’s century. This enables the state to justify detentions in the absence
of charge, means of conducting war against the enemy and military occupation. Identifying
immigrants with security threats has existed historically in the United States. In 1790, The
Naturalization Act prohibited civil rights and citizenship to immigrants belonging to disfavored
ethnicities. In 1798, The Sedition and Alien Act restricted applic...

Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.


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