NVCC The Long Goodbye Discussion

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Northern Virginia Community College


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Question 4 Essay #4 - on the adaptation of The Long Goodbye (200 - 250 words) (20 points) Examine the Adaptation: The Long Goodbye both meets and defies conventions of the film noir genre. Write an estay that defines and explains four key film noir elements. Then, discuss whether The Long Goodbye demonstrates or resists those elements . Include discussion of how the use or avoidance of these techniques contribute to the film's reception (ie , is it an adaptation or a travesty?). Give details , examples and/or quoted dialog from the film to support your points . Edit Format Table 12 v Paragraph Bi BI U Avev Tv A
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The Long Goodbye
In French, the phrase film noir means "dark film." Many distinguishing features of this
genre include deep contrasting lighting settings, cynical protagonists and characters, complicated
narratives, frequent use of flashbacks, and underlying existentialist ideas. This genre was also
popular post-war, beginning in the 1940s and peaking in the 1960s. Regardi...

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