EDMG 225 AMU Week 7 Mass Casualty Incidence Annex Paper

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EDMG 225

American Military University



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Instructions: After reading the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide, write a Mass Casualty Incident Specific Annex describing the response to a high amount of casualties during a disaster in Bobsville. Resources: Comprehensive Preparedness Guide - Chapter 3 - Page 3-18 as well as Appendix C - Page C-27 Click here for an Incident-Specific Annex Example. The example provides you with additional information on an Incident-Specific Annex and shows what that Annex looks like. Note: The Incident-Specific Example document I have provided goes into much greater detail than is required for this assignment. The example is also a state incident-specific example. It is based on flooding but can be used as an example for any type of specific incident. This assignment is based on the local level. Local, state, and federal EOPs all come from the same FEMA template but are reworded to reflect the local, state, or federal entity. Your wording should reflect Bobsville. You are also allowed to consult other sample ESF's as a reference but you must write your Annex for Bobsville specifically. Citing and Referencing: It is common practice in the Emergency Management field to share and adopt proven documents and templates which are then tailored to account for local hazards and resources available. Because of that, you do not need to cite or reference any sources you use to help in the development of your EOP. Your annex should: • • • • • Identify the departments and agencies designated to perform response and recovery activities and specifies tasks they must accomplish Outline the integration of assistance that is available to local jurisdictions during disaster situations that generate emergency response and recovery needs beyond what the local jurisdiction can satisfy Specify the direction, control, and communications procedures and systems that will be relied upon to alert, notify, recall, and dispatch emergency response personnel; warn the public; protect residents and property; and request aid/support from other jurisdictions and/or the Federal Government (including the role of the Governor's Authorized Representative) Provide coordinating instructions and provisions for implementing Mutual Aid Agreements (MAAs) Describes the logistical support for planned operations. Use the below format. Do not provide any more information than what is provided below. This week's assignment is similar to, but less involved than All-Hazards EOP but instead of being based on an all-hazards plan, it is based on a specific incident. Page 1 – Cover Page (Be Creative) Page 2 – Approval and Implementation Plan Page 3 – Table of Contents - You must number every page in the paper, either in the header or the footer and then in the Table of Contents. Page 4 to the end of the paper as follows: 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Scope 1.3 Situation Overview to include the following three components: 1.3.1 Hazard Analysis Summary 1.3.2 Vulnerability Assessment 1.3.3 Capability Assessment 1.4 Planning Assumptions 2.0 Concept of Operations 2.1 Response and Recovery Agencies - Identify the departments and agencies designated to perform response and recovery activities and specifies tasks they must accomplish. 2.2 Coordination - Outline the integration of assistance that is available to local jurisdictions during disaster situations that generate emergency response and recovery needs beyond what the local jurisdiction can satisfy. 2.3 Mutual Aid Agreements - Provide coordinating instructions and provisions for implementing Mutual Aid Agreements (MAAs). 2.4 Direction, Control, and Communication - Specify the direction, control, and communications procedures and systems that will be relied upon to alert, notify, recall, and dispatch emergency response personnel; warn the public; protect residents and property; and request aid/support from other jurisdictions and/or the Federal Government (including the role of the Governor’s Authorized Representative). 2.5 Logistical Support - Describes the logistical support for planned operations. 3.0 Annex Development and Maintenance Copying and Pasting: It is best to not Copy and Paste information into the above sections as I have seen too many students forget to change the font or the formatting, and have even forgotten to take out other cities names. Huge points loss for these mistakes. Additional Instructions: Double space, must utilize the Verdana 12 point black font along with 1-inch margins on the top, bottom, and sides of each page. Mass Casualty Incident Annex Bobsville Emergency Operations Plan Mass Casualty Incidence Annex Annex C to the Bobsville Emergency Operations Plan 16th October 2020 1 Mass Casualty Incident Annex Bobsville Emergency Operations Plan Approval and Implementation Plan The city of Bobsville Mass Casualty Incident Annex accompanies the Bobsville Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP) and guides how the city will coordinate support to jurisdictions impacted by mass casualty incidents. It provides a framework for the city to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a significant mass casualty event. This planning document is consistent with applicable local, state, and federal standards. The incident annex addresses Bobsville's vulnerability to mass casualty incidents through a hazards analysis and addresses policies, protocols, and coordination efforts for a comprehensive response by federal, state, local, volunteer, and private sector entities. 2 Mass Casualty Incident Annex Bobsville Emergency Operations Plan Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 4 1.1 Purpose ...................................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Scope .......................................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Situation Overview................................................................................................................. 4 1.3.1 Hazard Analysis Summary .......................................................................................... 4 1.3.2 Vulnerability Assessment ............................................................................................ 4 1.3.3 Capability Assessment.................................................................................................. 5 1.4 2.0 Planning Assumptions........................................................................................................... 5 Concept of Operations ......................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Response and Recovery Agencies.................................................................................... 6 2.2 Coordination ............................................................................................................................. 6 2.3 Mutual Aid Agreements ........................................................................................................ 6 2.4 Direction, Control, and Communication ........................................................................ 7 2.5 Logistical Support................................................................................................................... 7 3.0 Annex Development and Maintenance ...................................................................... 7 References.............................................................................................................................................. 8 3 Mass Casualty Incident Annex Bobsville Emergency Operations Plan 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1.1.1 Establish Mass Casualty Incident policies and guidelines for emergency service agencies in Bobsville City and its environs. 1.1.2 Describe roles and responsibilities of both on-scene and BEOP personnel. 1.1.3 Provide guidelines for agencies and key personnel that provide emergency services such as rescue, triage, treatment, and transportation at a multiple casualty incident occurring in or affecting Bobsville City 1.2 Scope This annex describes the responsibilities of all county responders. It identifies who will be in charge of an incident and provides guidelines for coordinating city council emergency response resources during a multiple casualty incident. It also describes how the incident command agency will coordinate with county, state, and federal agencies, local jurisdictions, and volunteer organizations. 1.3 Situation Overview Although Bobsville rarely faces mass casualty incidents, the city must be ready for any eventualities, including terrorism, pandemics, forest fires, natural disasters, and even mass shootings. The BEOP must cover mass care incident deployment in case of multiple casualties. 1.3.1 Hazard Analysis Summary FEMA defines a mass casualty incident (MCI) as an event that overwhelms the local health care system, where the number of casualties vastly exceeds the local resources and capabilities in a short period of time. During MCI, the goal of the coordinating agency is to do the best possible, manage scarce resource and avoid relocating the disaster. There are many disasters that can cause mass casualty in Bobsville, including earthquakes, tornadoes, drought, flooding, terrorism, pandemics, mass shootings and others. 1.3.2 Vulnerability Assessment Multiple casualty incidents listed above can significantly strain the healthcare system, emergency response, and evacuation agencies. It can also result in massive property and infrastructure damage. The most significant potential impacts of MCI include: 4 Mass Casualty Incident Annex Bobsville Emergency Operations Plan Injuries and loss of life due to health system strain Damage to infrastructure State, public, commercial, and personal property damage or loss Impact on the healthcare organization's operations from unusual service demands such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome during the occurrence of tornadoes. 1.3.3 1.4 Capability Assessment Bobsville is a small city with modest resources to handle MCI. Bunny Ville General Hospital has a limited capacity and inadequate staff. The next closest hospital is Bobstown General Hospital, which has at least 100 beds and requisite staff to support the hospital should the need arise. The town has only one ambulance, which is not enough to handle multiple casualties. Therefore, it may be necessary to involve other agencies who can assist in the transportation of injured people to hospitals where they can receive the requisite care and support. Planning Assumptions 2.1.1 For this plan's purpose, an MCI is any single incident that results in more patients than the responding agency can handle and as determined by the coordinating agency. 2.1.2 The city council will attempt, consistent with its resources, to ensure there is an adequate response to the incident. Upon exhaustion of resources, the city council will request a local declaration for an MCI event. 2.1.3 The protection of life and the treatment of injured persons shall have the highest priority in emergency operations. 2.1.4 Medical treatment of patients will be in accordance with guidelines established by the State of Oklahoma Board of Medical Examiners and by the U.S. Department of Transportation. 2.1.5 Transportation of medical patients to receiving hospitals will be accomplished on a schedule of priority based upon the extent and severity of the patients' injuries. The initial medical destination of patients will be determined 5 Mass Casualty Incident Annex Bobsville Emergency Operations Plan by the predetermined ambulance service. 2.1.6 2.0 protocol of each individual Ambulance service providers within Bobsville City will be the initial emergency medical resources providers in incidents involving multiple casualties. These resources will be supplemented by mutual-aid agreements with neighboring cities, private ambulance service agreements, as well as with state and federal agencies Concept of Operations 2.1 Response and Recovery Agencies 2.1.1 Bobsville City Sherriff's Office- provide security and logistical support in rescue, recovery, and transportation of casualties 2.1.2 Bobsville Fire Department- the first responders to a multiple casualty situation and also responsible for first aid and transport of victims 2.1.3 Bobsville Emergency Manager- assisting the Fire Chief's Office in providing essential services during MCI. 2.1.4 Mayor of Bobsville City- chairs meetings to coordinate the performance of recovery functions 2.1.5 Bobsville Medical Complex- the treatment and referral of patients 2.1.6 National Weather Service's Tornado Warning Centre 2.2 Coordination The National Weather Service's Tornado Warning Centre in conjunction with the Sherriff and the Fire Department will issue the necessary warning and advice to the residents of Bobsville City. These local primary agencies will also coordinate with Oklahoma Emergency Services to ensure that there is adequate support for all the overwhelmed facilities. For instance, federal agencies can provide additional transport and airlift victims to other states and federal health facilities. 2.3 Mutual Aid Agreements Pre-established mutual aid agreements are considered essential for an effective response to and recovery from MCI. The Bobsville Emergency Manager with the Mayor shall coordinate requests for assistance under the existing mutual aid agreements with state 6 Mass Casualty Incident Annex Bobsville Emergency Operations Plan and federal agencies. The following scenarios will be used to illustrate various planning, response, and recovery situations: Town Hall Meetings Church functions Radio station announcements Race-track and kayaking events Cow Chip Throwing Festival 2.4 2.5 Direction, Control, and Communication After determination of the existence of a multiple casualty incident, Bobsville's 911 Communications Center duties will include: 2.4.1 Relaying of updated information, as it is received, to the City Fire Chief, Emergency Manager, City Sheriff, and other agencies as appropriate. 2.4.2 Informing cities adjacent to Bobsville as to the nature and extent of the incident. 2.4.3 The public will be notified through, among other ways, the use of press releases to local radio stations for broadcast. The Emergency Manager shall be responsible for Logistical Support The Bobsville Emergency Management agencies like the Fire Department, the Sherriff's Department and the hospital will use their existing contracts to acquire the necessary resources. Disaster County will also help the city in transportation, evacuation and treatment through its many agencies. 3.0 Annex Development and Maintenance This annex will be reviewed every five years and updated as required. In addition, the guides shall be evaluated for recommended revisions and corrective measures as an integral part of the agency exercise or event after action reports/improvement plans, as well as internal reviews that will follow the issuance of any Governor Executive Order or passage of legislation impacting the agency. 7 Mass Casualty Incident Annex Bobsville Emergency Operations Plan References Farahani, R. Z., Lotfi, M. M., Baghaian, A., Ruiz, R., & Rezapour, S. (2020). Mass casualty management in disaster scene: A systematic review of OR&MS research in humanitarian operations. European Journal of Operational Research. Hambridge, N. B., Howitt, A. M., & Giles, D. W. (2017). Coordination in crises: Implementation of the national incident management system by surface transportation agencies. Homeland Security Affairs, 13(1-30). Jensen, J., & Youngs, G. (2015). Explaining implementation behaviour of the national incident management system (NIMS). Disasters, 39(2), 362388. Niska, R. W., & Shimizu, I. (2011). Hospital preparedness for emergency response; United States, 2008. Sadiq, A. A., Tharp, K., & Graham, J. D. (2016). FEMA versus local governments: Influence and reliance in disaster preparedness. Natural hazards, 82(1), 123-138. 8
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Mass Casualty Incidence Annex

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Approval and Implementation Plan
When tragedy hits, the city of Bobsville's Mass Casualty Incident Annex (MAIA) provides a guide
for how the city will help other impacted jurisdictions. In a major catastrophe, the city may utilize
it to prepare for, respond to, and recover. This document complies with all applicable local, state,
and federal legislation and policies.
The incident annex's evaluation of Bobsville's vulnerability to mass casualty events and the
execution of a comprehensive response by government and private sector organizations address
risk assessment and policies, procedures, and coordination activities.


Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 4


Purpose ............................................................................................................................. 4


Scope ................................................................................................................................ 4


Situation Overview ........................................................................................................... 4


Hazard Analysis Summary ....................................................................................... 4


Vulnerability Assessment ......................................................................................... 5


Capability Assessment .............................................................................................. 6


Planning Assumptions ...................................................................................................... 6
Concept of Operations ....................................................................................................... 6


Response and Recovery Agencies.................................................................................... 7


Coordination ....................................................................................................................

Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.


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