SEU Job Security for Mobily Company And STC Company in Saudi Arabia Questions

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Business Finance

Saudi electronic university


1- Job security for Mobily company and STC company in Saudi Arabia at my personal discretion?

2- Functional turnover rate each of Mobily Company and STC company in Saudi Arabia ? 

Explanation & Answer:
6 Pages
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Explanation & Answer

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1. Job security for Alrajhi bank and SNB bank company in Saudi Arabia at my personal discretion ?
In order to have a better grasp on Mobily and STC, a brief background and description of both
companies is essential in assessing and discussing their prospective job security.
Al Rajhi Bank, founded in 1957, is one of the world's largest Islamic financial institutions, with
total assets of SR 384 billion (US$ 102 billion), paid-up capital of SR 25 billion (US$ 6.66 billion),
and a staff of approximately 9,600 employees. After more than 58 years in banking and business,
the bank was established as a Saudi shareholder corporation in 1988. In 1978, the several
independent businesses operating under the Al Rajhi name were unified under the cover of the 'Al
Rajhi trade and exchange company.' Incorporated in line with Islamic banking principles, the
Sharia-compliant banking organization is critical in bridging the divide between contemporary
financial requirements and underlying values, as well as acting as a catalyst for numerous industry
standards and advances.

It has a lengthy history in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and a sprawling network of over 570 branches,
including over 152 ladies branches, over 5,190 ATMs, 106,000 point-of-sale terminals deployed
with merchants, and the Kingdom's biggest client base. Additionally, the bank operates a network
of over 232 remittance facilities around the nation. The company's development began in 1957
with the opening of the first men's branch in Aldirah and the first women's branch in Al Shumaisi
in 1979.

The Swiss National Bank is the country's central bank. It is the organization responsible for
monetary policy and inflation control in the nation via currency issue and interest rate regulation.

The Swiss National Bank is in charge of the country's economic growth and price stability. It
should be able to respond if a commercial bank money supply crisis occurs. The fundamental
purpose of the Swiss National Bank is to keep the country's financial and economic institutions
solvent. Nonetheless, unlike many other central banks, the SNB is a private corporation. In 2017,
individual shareholders owned around 23.6 percent of the bank. State-owned banks and cantons
controlled around 55% of the SNB's total shares. The remaining shares are traded on Switzerland's
primary stock market, the SIX Swiss Market.

Every private sector employee is worried about job security. Numerous private-sector workers
have expressed concern about a lack of job security...

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