Construct a plan for a "change" within your Organization, Management homework help

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Business Finance



***Center Change Initiative around recent Scandal of fraudulent accounts and lack of leadership/oversight from CEO and Management***

As leaders we are constantly solving problems, so use this opportunity to describe the need for change, provide background/historical information as needed, barriers or resistance to the change, benefits, recommendations, and the process/strategy you will follow to implement the changes. Use the Guidelines provided to assist you with developing your paper.

Make sure to follow APA requirements. (THIS INSTRUCTOR IS VERY STRICT ON APA FORMAT) Your final project (Strategic Leadership Change Initiative) will be 6-8 pages in length (not counting title page, references, or any appendices). MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE all Headings for each section: Introduction, Problem Statement, Analysis, Summary, Conclusions, Recommendations. CITE ALL SOURCES. Sources not properly cited or not cited at all are considered plagiarism and earns a zero grade. USE scholarly journals, articles to support your research (not a powerpoint, youtube video, websites, wikipedia is not scholarly. If using a website-keep to a minimum-1 or 2 only.)

You should also have a good idea of how you (as a leader) would identify a needed change for your organization. Our text is a bit slim on change model specifics, so I might suggest a little (Google) research on change models developed by either Kotter, Porter, Lewins or McKinsey, all well known and respected change management models (I personally like the Porter model of change).

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GUIDELINES FOR PAPERS – Leadership Development & Change Management Introduction The introduction section of a paper is intended to provide the background information that is essential for the reader to understand the nature and scope of the problem you have selected and why you are researching the problem. The introduction helps the reader better understand the focus of your proposed research effort. Key literature citations may be included in the introduction to reinforce the need for researching the proposed topic and build credibility for your proposed research. The introduction is NOT intended to be exhaustive! The minimum standard for the introduction is generally three paragraphs, or approximately one to two pages in length. Problem Statement The problem statement provides a brief description of a specific Strategic Leadership Change Initiative (problem or organizational change), as a result of conducting your research. It should be clear, concise, definitive, unambiguous and readily understood by anyone who reads it. Focus on the “change initiative” you will be examining and express it clearly and concisely. Content (Analysis) • • • Include key concepts and learning from weekly assignments and resources Identify strengths and limitations of your leadership style (based on results of your assessments) and how that will impact your change initiative Focus on your “change initiative” (barriers, resistance, how will you address these challenges) Summary and Conclusions • • • • Summary is a brief statement of the essential findings Findings state facts; conclusion represents inferences drawn from the findings The summary will make the recommendations for the solution, it does not have to be long or complicated, should be concise and straightforward Recommendations for your change initiative Rubric Name Final Project • Description Students will use this rubric for guidance in developing the final project. Detailed descriptions are provided under the assignment. This assignment is worth 100 points. • Rubric Detail Levels of Achievement Criteria Unsatisfactory Title/Intro/Background 0 Points Insufficient and fails to show any connection with the paper. The study lacks context and there is little or no sense of direction. Needs Improvement 19.5 Points Brevity fails to provide sufficient detail or length provides an overabundance of unnecessary detail. Satisfactory Good Excellent 21 Points A narrative that provides a basic background for the organization being studied. Some additional information would be helpful to the development of the paper. 22.5 Points A good narrative that gives sufficient background for the organization being studied. 25 Points A clear and strong narrative giving the relevant background information of the organization being studied. It is brief but appropriate and concisely introduces the effort while Levels of Achievement Criteria Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Satisfactory Good Excellent providing focus. Literature may be used that is relevant to the background being developed. Analysis/Organization 0 Points The analysis is largely conjecture and fails to provide appropriate support. There IS bias in the paper 19.5 Points There is some effort in the analysis but it tends to be insufficient leaving too much open to interpretation. 21 Points The central theme of the study is developed through the use of Course Materials are applied in a credible fashion. 22.5 Points The central theme and focus of the study is developed. Course Materials are applied appropriately 25 Points Clearly and logically develops the central theme and focus of the study. Course Materials are applied appropriate to the research. Conclusions/Recommendations 0 Points Conclusions tend to be cursory in nature and weak in content. There are no recommendations or they tend not to have a basis for inclusion. 19.5 Points Conclusions and recommendations are attempted but tend not to clearly connect with the study. 21 Points Conclusions and recommendations are only somewhat related to the study 22.5 Points Conclusions recommendations are related to the central theme of the paper and are generally well grounded and supported. 25 Points Conclusions and recommendations are clearly stated and supported. Levels of Achievement Criteria Unsatisfactory Formatting/APA/Grammar/Spelling 0 Points There are no references. Does not conform to APA standards. 10+ errors Needs Improvement 19.5 Points The text is the only reference used. No match between the reference section and in text citations. Conforms to APA standards. 8-9 errors Satisfactory Good Excellent 21 Points There is some use of literature to support the text and they are properly cited. Conforms to APA standards. 6-7 errors 22.5 Points Citations in text appear in the reference section and are properly cited. Conforms to APA standards. 4-5 errors 25 Points Citations in text appear in the reference section and are properly cited. Conforms to APA standards. 1-3 errors
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Explanation & Answer


Organizational Change Plan: Leadership and Corporate Culture
Thesis statement: the primary aim of this paper is to conduct a thorough analysis of Well
Fargo& Co. with the focus of providing an organizational change plan that would see the
company transform its image and culture for effective performance, employees motivation, as
well as promoting its customer retention and loyalty.

Problem Statement
a. Situational Analysis of Wells Fargo & Co. Leadership Style at the time of Scandal
b. Preferred Leadership Style, Its Strengths, and Weaknesses
i. Impact of Transformational Leadership Style to the Leadership/ Culture
c. Analysis of the Wells Fargo &Co Leadership and Culture Change
i. Change Model Used to Implement the Change
ii. Possible Barriers to the Change
iii. Addressing the Challenges for Resistance for Change
iv. Benefits of the Change




Organizational Change Plan: Leadership and Corporate Culture
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation




Organizational Change Plan: Leadership and Corporate Culture
In the recent past, the pace of globalization, technological, and economic development as
postulated by Cummings and Worley (2014) makes transition inevitable aspects of an
organizational life. Notably, organizational change is the process whereby an enterprise
optimizes its performance as it works towards becoming its ideal state. Apparently,
organizational change takes place resulting from an ever-transforming environment as well as
from a response to a present crisis scenario. Besides, the influential factors of a corporation
effectiveness and efficiency are widespread and include factors associated with external
environmental changes, as well as internal environmental changes, which improves the
managerial efficiency.
Worth to note, the most common targets of an institution change includes strategy,
system, vision, production technology, structure, culture, and leadership style. Leadership and
culture are the most influential forces of an organization. Chen, Suen, Lin, and Shieh (2010),
posit that an organizational culture refers to the enterprise membership norms, mores, values, as
well as basic assumptions that aids in guiding employees and the management towards working
cohesively to achieve a common objective. The transition entails altering the content of the
organizational basic assumptions/collective values. Similarly, leadership style is another
influential factor in an organization, which influences the unit dynamic, as well as members’
Subsequently, an organization leadership defines the culture of the overall institution
ranging from the stakeholders to the employees. Reasonably, everything an organization does
should be focused on promoting and backing up a company. In this case, it is the duty of the



Chief Executive Officer and his or her management unit to act in a manner that boosts an
organizational culture; thus creating a good image to the employees and the public as well.
Therefore, Wells Fargo & Co. presented the globe with a prime example concerning how the
principle of leadership and corporate culture operates. Apparently, lack of effective leadership
style resulted in the Wells Fargo & Co employees' engaging in the sales accounts fraud to meet
the management pressure. In the article, Wells Fargo Fined $185 Million for Fraudulently
Opening Accounts by Corkery Michael (Sep 8, 2016), the staffs issued credit cards without
clients’ consent secretly. Worth a note, the organizational leadership pressurized the employees
to open as many accounts regardless of the means used with the enticing compensation policy of
rewarding a substantial amount of money depending on the number of accounts opened. The
management ignored the company’s culture of putting into consideration the interest of its
customers at 100% at all times. Besides, the aggressive sales goals imposed by the organizational
management were unrealistic, which required an employee to sell a minimum of eight accounts
to every client as compared to the average of three accounts in the past years. Moreover, the
leaders' failure to take necessary oversig...

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