Global Business: Australia and its relationship with Emerging Marketing, business and finance homework help

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Business Finance


Please write 400 word essay on discussing the relationship of Australia with Emerging Markets from economical and geopolitical perspectives.

Note: Some of the emerging markets can be ASEAN countries, Latin America, India, China etc

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1 This link includes the white paper which is published by one of the top notch Australian university. This Foreign Policy White Paper sought to provide a roadmap for advancing Australia’s international interests in the years ahead. It discusses ASEAN trade agreement, Australia trade relations with emerging Asian countries with a particular focus on Indonesia. The paper also includes a recommendation for creating the new Research bloc with the help of Asian developing economies. 2 This is the official government of Australia’s website. It provides an excellent overview of different trade agreements. It provides the brief description of the members, role of Australia, and the future developments 3 tralia's%20bilateral%20relationships~210 This is the survey conducted by Australian Bureau of Statistics in 2013. It summarizes the Foreign policy of Australia with all the key developing countries including the emerging markets. The information is brief, but it does provide all the historical contexts.
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Running Head: AUSTRALIA

Global Business: Australia and its relationship with Emerging Marketing

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1
Economic Perspectives ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Geopolitical Perspectives ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Conclusion .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
References ................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Australia lies within a dynamic external environment, with much of these changes
occurring within the last decade. There is a need for the country to adjust accordingly, with
respect to these changes beyond its borders. There have been major developments around
Australia, rendering it necessary to establish the necessary dy...

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