SEU E Management Worksheet

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Saudi Electronic University College of Administrative and Financial Sciences ECOM201 – Introduction to E-management Assignment 3 Project Assignment GoTech Solutions Company 2021/2022 Requirements GoTech is a Saudi company (located in Riyadh) that provides technical and digital solutions to other businesses and individuals. Its operation focuses mainly on the Saudi market, but recently it opened two offices in Egypt and Italy. Eng. Abdullah is the CEO, and there are three regional managers (in 3 different countries) and 30 employees working under their supervision. Recently, Abdullah has been required to make vital decisions to keep GoTech running during many challenges, including new and existing competitors, rapid technology development, and Coronavirus pandemic. Consider yourself the CEO’s consultant who is required to help him put together a strategy so GoTech can not only survive but also thrive in the future. To help you develop your Consultation Strategy Report, use the following points as a guide: Part 1 1. An overview of GoTech company (0.5 marks) 2. Description of the type of management that GoTech follows. (1 mark) 3. Description of the challenges with that type of management. (1 mark) 4. o Communication challenges o Cultural and political challenges Description of the necessity for creating a virtual Risks Response Team based on Tuckman’s Team Life Cycle Model (see figure 1). (3 marks) o Phases of team creation o Criteria for choosing the team ➢ o 5. Who are they, and why did you choose them? Pros and cons of the virtual team Description of the regional managers’ roles (2 marks) o What qualities must they have as leaders? o How can they motivate themselves and their team? o What digital recourses can they use to manage the team? Part 2 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Description of challenges that loom over GoTech (1 mark) o Existing challenges/ disasters o Potential challenges/ disasters Description of GoTech resources (1 mark) o What are the digital and financial resources? o How can these resources be utilized? Description of GoTech digital capabilities (2 marks) o Existing capabilities that can be strengthened o Needed capabilities that must be invested in Description of the solutions (3 marks) o Immediate solutions (based on points 4, 6, 7, & 8) o Future solutions (based on points 5, 6,7, & 8) Closing remarks/ conclusion (0.5 marks) Figure 1 Bruce Tuchman’s Team Life Cycle Model (Personio, 2021) Important details Due date Marks End of week 14 15 marks Useful links: • • APA reference system • About plagiarism • About plagiarism Guidelines for the assignment: • This is an individual project, which is part from your course score. It requires effort and critical thinking. • Use the given cover page below. One mark will be deducted if there is no cover page. • Your assignment must be supported by evidence and resources. Otherwise, your answer will not be valid. • Use at least 5 different references from the SDL. • Use font Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial. • Use 1.5 or double line spacing with left Justify all paragraphs. • Use the footer function to insert page number. • Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project. • Your project report length should be between 1500 to 2000 words. • Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of assignment. Structure includes these elements paper style, free of spelling and grammar mistakes, referencing and word count. Saudi Electronic University College of Administrative and Financial Sciences E-commerce Department Student Name: Student ID: Course Title: Course Code: Introduction to E-Management ECOM 201 Academic Year/ Semester: CRN: 2021/2022- 1st Semester Instructor Name: Student Grade: Grade Level: Saudi Electronic University College of Administrative and Financial Sciences ECOM201 – Introduction to E-management Assignment 3 Project Assignment GoTech Solutions Company 2021/2022 Requirements GoTech is a Saudi company (located in Riyadh) that provides technical and digital solutions to other businesses and individuals. Its operation focuses mainly on the Saudi market, but recently it opened two offices in Egypt and Italy. Eng. Abdullah is the CEO, and there are three regional managers (in 3 different countries) and 30 employees working under their supervision. Recently, Abdullah has been required to make vital decisions to keep GoTech running during many challenges, including new and existing competitors, rapid technology development, and Coronavirus pandemic. Consider yourself the CEO’s consultant who is required to help him put together a strategy so GoTech can not only survive but also thrive in the future. To help you develop your Consultation Strategy Report, use the following points as a guide: Part 1 1. An overview of GoTech company (0.5 marks) 2. Description of the type of management that GoTech follows. (1 mark) 3. Description of the challenges with that type of management. (1 mark) 4. o Communication challenges o Cultural and political challenges Description of the necessity for creating a virtual Risks Response Team based on Tuckman’s Team Life Cycle Model (see figure 1). (3 marks) o Phases of team creation o Criteria for choosing the team ➢ o 5. Who are they, and why did you choose them? Pros and cons of the virtual team Description of the regional managers’ roles (2 marks) o What qualities must they have as leaders? o How can they motivate themselves and their team? o What digital recourses can they use to manage the team? Part 2 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Description of challenges that loom over GoTech (1 mark) o Existing challenges/ disasters o Potential challenges/ disasters Description of GoTech resources (1 mark) o What are the digital and financial resources? o How can these resources be utilized? Description of GoTech digital capabilities (2 marks) o Existing capabilities that can be strengthened o Needed capabilities that must be invested in Description of the solutions (3 marks) o Immediate solutions (based on points 4, 6, 7, & 8) o Future solutions (based on points 5, 6,7, & 8) Closing remarks/ conclusion (0.5 marks) Figure 1 Bruce Tuchman’s Team Life Cycle Model (Personio, 2021) Important details Due date Marks End of week 14 15 marks Useful links: • • APA reference system • About plagiarism • About plagiarism Guidelines for the assignment: • This is an individual project, which is part from your course score. It requires effort and critical thinking. • Use the given cover page below. One mark will be deducted if there is no cover page. • Your assignment must be supported by evidence and resources. Otherwise, your answer will not be valid. • Use at least 5 different references from the SDL. • Use font Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial. • Use 1.5 or double line spacing with left Justify all paragraphs. • Use the footer function to insert page number. • Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project. • Your project report length should be between 1500 to 2000 words. • Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of assignment. Structure includes these elements paper style, free of spelling and grammar mistakes, referencing and word count. Saudi Electronic University College of Administrative and Financial Sciences E-commerce Department Student Name: Student ID: Course Title: Course Code: Introduction to E-Management ECOM 201 Academic Year/ Semester: CRN: 2021/2022- 1st Semester Instructor Name: Student Grade: Grade Level:
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Saudi Electronic University
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
ECOM201 – Introduction to E-management

Assignment 3
Project Assignment
GoTech Solutions Company



Part 1
1. An overview of GoTech company
Gotech is an oil and gas technology company that was established in 2006 and deals with oil and
gas-related products plus advancement in technology in all Saudi petroleum companies. Its main
aim is to ensure that most oil and gas-related technology used by companies within the kingdom
will be locally made by 2035. The company is family-owned and being that it is new, it is
operating under the umbrella-ship of Al Othman Company, a veteran Saudi company, and
another partnership with Saudi Aramco, which is a well-known oil and petroleum supplying

2. Description of the type of management that GoTech follows. (1 mark)
The type of management within Gotech appears to be Democratic accompanied by a
collaborative form of management. This is based on the fact that the company has a hierarchy of
leadership, in which the CEO is a family that owns representatives. The CEO is followed by
numerous departmental heads that try to make a decision that is necessary for improving the
operations of the company. The collaboration aspect is brought up in the context that the
company has two strategic alliances, al Othman and Saudi Aramco both of which their inputs
have an impact on the governance of the company (Yang, et al 2016).

3. Possible challenges associated with that type of management. (1 mark)
Communication challenges
The beaurocracy associated with channels that it takes to cover for a piece of information to be
delivered. The long channels are likely to distort information that can be detrimental to service
delivery. This is to means that it is difficult for the company to achieve seamless communication
because of the numerous channels. This is likely to reduce the involvement of employees and
general project failure. Also, another challenge here is the major collaboration between the two,
some companies may not be willing to share the necessary information required.

Cultural and political challenges
The difference in the belief system. Especially between the management of Al Othman, Saudi
Aramco, and the new company GoTECH. The difference in the times of operation, amongst



other cultural issues...

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