BUS 633 UArizona Global Wk 5 Culture Understanding of Foreign Countries Discussion

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Business Finance

BUS 633

UArizona Global Campus



Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read sections 6.0-6.2 and section 6.5 in Chapter 6 of the required textbook, Operations and Supply Chain Management.

Culture defines the unique lifestyle for a nation or region. Since businesses locate their factories, call centers, warehouses, and offices around the world, operations managers need to be sensitive and understand the local culture. Notions of authority, time, color, value, respect, humor, work ethic, manners, and social status may be quite different from one’s own cultural norms. Some companies employ global sourcing agents to assist with identifying these cultural differences.

Explain why it is important for operations managers to understand the local culture and practices of the countries in which a firm does business. What are some of the potential consequences if they do not?

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.

It is extremely important for operations managers to understand the local culture
and practices of the countries in which a firm does business since this will allow them to
effectively communicate with suppliers and customers. This is vital for any business to
thrive, especially an international business. Furthermore, the lack of cultural awareness
can lead to serious consequences for a company if they misinterpret cultural practices.
Moreover, understanding the local culture would allow operations managers to know if
their p...

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