Overview: For this project, I would like you to explore how a career path or your personal interests relate to climate change and/or energy sustainability. You will select a topic that is interesting to you and research its connections to climate change, along with solutions.
What to cover: 1. How does your topic relate to climate change? What are the problems?
2. What are global, local, and individual solutions?
3. Conclusion that includes your opinion, reflections, analysis, or reaction to
your findings. What changes are YOU willing to make as well?
4. Include 5 or more sources with a citations page.
My topic is climate change denial please do this project base on this and here is my proposal:
My final project’s topic will be the climate change denial. After today’s lecture I wanted
to change my topic to this. I found very interesting about how the wealthy and people
who have power such as politicians, are denying the fact about climate change in front of
the public because they are benefit from the activities that is harming the planet and
causing the climate change. Human activities driven with the quest of amassing more
wealth have in return weakened the atmosphere by snowballing the concentration of these
gases thus leading to the destruction of the ozone layer. Men driven by their own lust for
wealth have destroyed the environment and this has contributed to the destruction of the
atmosphere as well, the ever increasing temperatures have been contributed to by these
activities. Therefore, I will do the either the research paper or PowerPoint about this topic.
I am still deciding about what format should I do.
1. Research paper- 4+ pages, double spaced, 12 point font OR Full powerpoint - 20+ slides- include citation on each slide with a summary citations slide at the end.
2. 3 powerpoint slides to summarize what you learned (please include a script for me about 3 minutes long speech for me to do the presentation for this 3 slides )

Explanation & Answer

Thank you for working with me.
Climate Change Denial
Institutional Affiliation:
Climate Change Denial
Climate change is one of the most discussed global topics which have been
incorporated in many aspects that relate to the daily activities of human beings. Even though
most people fail to understand its origin based on various aspects. These issues are not
limited to political social and economic perspectives. This global calamity is challenged
much in the political arena and the whole society by many people. Over the years scientists
have tried to explain various global phenomena's in a manner that undermines the public trust
in the science of climate. Climate denial is a topic that indicates the actions of human beings
as the cause of major climatic problems even though some people usually go against this
argument. People who challenge the science of climate are referred to as skeptics and they go
against the science that elaborates the causes of changes in climate. The change in climate
denial is based on organized campaigns that undermine public trust in the science of climate.
These campaigns are backed up by various conservative policies related to the economy and
backed up by industrial interests opposed on the emission of carbon (IV) oxide (Washington,
Climate denial explains the dismissal of various views which contradict the scientific
explanation on the changes in climate and how human beings power these effects. The most
dominant anthropogenic mechanisms are not limited to deforestation, greenhouse gases, and
aerosols which lead to increase in atmospheric concentrations. Apart from these issues, there
are other natural aspects which have lead to climatic change such as volcanic eruption, solar
activities, and oscillations in climate. Even though most scien...