BUS401 Ashford University Financial Management Challenges Paper

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Business Finance



Find at least two articles from the Ashford University Library that highlight and discuss two of the biggest challenges facing financial managers today. One of the articles should be about the challenge of maintaining ethical financial integrity and the other article should be on any other challenge that a financial manager may face (e.g., competition, foreign markets, government intervention, etc.).

Summarize your findings from the articles in a two- to three-page paper (excluding title and references pages). The paper should be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Be sure to properly cite your selected articles using APA style.

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Hi,Find attached the completed work.Kindly do not hesitate to ask for any clarification or editing if need be.Looking forward to working with you in the future.Thank you.


Financial Management Challenges and Ethics
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Course Title



Financial Management Challenges and Ethics
Financial management is generally the effective management of money or funds to
ensure that the available financial resources are utilized to achieve the current goals and
objectives of the organization. Effective financial management in any organization has to
balance between the practical skills and professional understanding of disciplines such as
financial risk management, effective management or cost accounting, and revenue management
among other important disciplines. This explains why there exists the financial manager role that
is meant to spearhead all operations geared towards the effective and efficient management of
funds or money. This role is a challenging one for the simple reason that it is about ...

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