COM295 Phoenix Request for The Launch of Proposed New Product Memo

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Business Finance


University of Phoenix


Scenario: In Week 3, you selected a product or service that you believe your organization should invest capital resources to develop the product or service for sale. To speed up the new product investment, you decide to write a memo proposing and advocating for the launch of a new product or service to the company president.

Create a memo proposal using the AIDA model in a Microsoft® Word in a minimum of 1,400 words. You will add an introduction and conclusion, and your paper will include the following components:

  • Convince your audience to invest capital resources to develop the product or service you intend to sell and explain your rationale. See Figure 9.5 - Persuasive Message Using AIDA model.
  • Gain credibility (for yourself and your request) and (2) to make your readers believe that helping your product/service will indeed benefit the company. Close with a request for some specific action, and make that course of action as easy to follow as possible to maximize the chances of a positive response.
  • Include secondary research to support your argument, related to your product and/or service.
    • Explain what you will do in case the selected product or service does not initially sell as much as expected.
    • Indicate potential digital channels for marketing your product or service.
    • Consider cross-cultural and multinational implications.

Note: Main points from this memo will be included in the Week 5 Persuasive Presentation.

The following guidelines will help you effectively format specific memo elements, Business Communication Essentials, 7/e (Pg. 410):

  • Addressees. When sending a memo to a long list of people, include the notation See distribution list or See below in the position at the top; then list the names at the end of the memo. Arrange this list alphabetically, except when high-ranking officials deserve more prominent placement. You can also address memos to groups of people--All Sales Representatives, Production Group, New Product Team.
  • Courtesy titles. You need not use courtesy titles anywhere in a memo; first initials and last names, first names, or even initials alone are often sufficient. However, use a courtesy title if you would use one in a face-to-face encounter with the person.
  • Subject line. The subject line of a memo helps busy colleagues quickly find out what your memo is about, so take care to make it concise and compelling.
  • Body. Start the body of the memo on the second or third line below the heading. Like the body of a letter, it's usually single-spaced with blank lines between paragraphs. Indenting paragraphs is optional. Handle lists, important passages, and subheadings as you do in letters.
  • Writer's initials. Unlike a letter, a memo doesn't require a complimentary close or a signature, because your name is already prominent at the top. However, you may initial the memo--either beside the name appearing at the top of the memo or at the bottom of the memo.

Format consistent with APA guidelines.



Electronic media have replaced most internal printed memos in many companies, but you may have occasion to send printed memos from time to time. These can be simple announcements or messages, or they can be short reports using the memo format.

On your document, include a title such as MEMO or INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE (all in capitals) centered at the top of the page or aligned with the left margin. Also at the top, include the words To, From, Date, and Subject—followed by the appropriate information—with a blank line between as shown here:






Sometimes the heading is organized like this:




The following guidelines will help you effectively format specific memo elements:

Addressees. When sending a memo to a long list of people, include the notation See distribution list or See below in the To position at the top; then list the names at the end of the memo. Arrange this list alphabetically, except when high-ranking officials deserve more prominent placement. You can also address memos to groups of people—All Sales Representatives, Production Group, New Product Team.

Courtesy titles. You need not use courtesy titles anywhere in a memo; first initials and last names, first names, or even initials alone are often sufficient. However, use a courtesy title if you would use one in a face-to-face encounter with the person.

Subject line. The subject line of a memo helps busy colleagues quickly find out what your memo is about, so take care to make it concise and compelling.

Body. Start the body of the memo on the second or third line below the heading. Like the body of a letter, it’s usually single-spaced with blank lines between paragraphs. Indenting paragraphs is optional. Handle lists, important passages, and subheadings as you do in letters.

Second page. If the memo carries over to a second page, head the second page just as you head the second page of a letter.

Writer’s initials. Unlike a letter, a memo doesn’t require a complimentary close or a signature, because your name is already prominent at the top. However, you may initial the memo—either beside the name appearing at the top of the memo or at the bottom of the memo.

Other elements. Treat elements such as reference initials and copy notations just as you would in a letter. One difference between letters and memos is that while letters use the term enclosure to refer to other pieces included with the letter, memos usually use the word attachment.

Memos may be delivered by hand, by the post office (when the recipient works at a different location), or through interoffice mail. Interoffice mail may require the use of special reusable envelopes that have spaces for the recipient’s name and department or room number; the name of the previous recipient is simply crossed out. If a regular envelope is used, the words Interoffice Mail appear where the stamp normally goes, so that it won’t accidentally be stamped and mailed with the rest of the office correspondence.

Informal, routine, or brief reports for distribution within a company are often presented in memo form. Don’t include report parts such as a table of contents and appendixes, but write the body of the memo report just as carefully as you’d write a formal report

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COM/295 Grading Guide COM/295 Version 4 Business Communications Copyright Copyright © 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. University of Phoenix® is a registered trademark of Apollo Group, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft®, Windows®, and Windows NT® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Use of these marks is not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation. Developing Persuasive Business Messages Part II Grading Guide COM/295 Version 4 Edited in accordance with University of Phoenix® editorial standards and practices. 2 Developing Persuasive Business Messages Part II Grading Guide COM/295 Version 4 Signature Individual Assignment: Developing Persuasive Business Message Part II: Purpose of Assignment In week 3, students constructed a brief message seeking capital resources to develop the product or service for sale. Week 4 builds on the topic of constructing effective business messages, introduced in Week 3. Students will practice the application of constructing persuasive messages by writing a memo/proposal to the company president. The challenge will be for students to develop a memo proposing and advocating for the launch of a new product or service using the AIDA model. This assignment will set the groundwork for the Week 5 presentation. Resources Required Figure 9.5 – Persuasive Message Using AIDA model. Business Communication Essentials, 7/e (Pg. 410) Grading Guide Content The student will select a product or service in which they believe the organization should invest capital resources to develop for a sale in a global environment. The students use the product or service that they selected in Week 3 and they will write a memo proposing and advocating for the launch of a new product or service to the company president. The student will use the AIDA model to create a Microsoft® Word document with an introduction and conclusion. The student will convince the audience to invest capital resources to develop the product or service you intend to sell and explain your rationale. The student will demonstrate credibility and make the readers believe that helping their product/service will benefit the company. The student will provide a request for specific action and make the course action easy to follow to maximize the chances of a positive response. The student will have the following elements in the memo: Addresses, Courtesy titles, Subject line, Body, and Writer’s initials. The paper will consist of 1,400 words. Met Partially Met Not Met Comments: 3 Developing Persuasive Business Messages Part II Grading Guide COM/295 Version 4 Content Writing Guidelines Met Met Partially Met Not Met Total Available Total Earned 14 #/14 Partially Met Not Met Total Available Total Earned 6 #/6 20 #/20 The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page—is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements. Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page. Paragraph and sentence transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Rules of grammar and usage are followed including spelling and punctuation. Assignment Total Additional comments: # Comments: Comments: 4 Figure 9.4 Persuasive Argumentation Imagine you're the marketing manager in a company that decided to speed up its new product launches but did too much too fast and wound up creating chaos. You decide enough is enough and write a memo to the company president advocating that the new program be shut down until the company can regroup—a suggestion you know will meet with resistance. Notice how the poor version doesn't quite use the direct approach but comes out swinging, so to speak, and is overly emotional throughout. The improved version builds to its recommendation indirectly, using the same information but in a calm, logical way. Because it sticks to the facts, it is also shorter. Ost Coasts Message HTML) - AEO- e Et Yew ret Format Tools Actions Help che VHS BERS Cost Cug n Pastas Ринчен интуити сні Eleanor A The opening catches the reader's attention with a blunt statement of a major problem 1 The second paragraph buidsnina potential solution to the problem by omphasizing how bad the problems and highlighting an associated problem In ople of our recent switch to purchasing plastic product containers in buk, our costs for these containers are still extremely high. In my January 5 momo included all the figures showing that we purchase five tons of of plastic product containers each year, and the proof polyethylenerelhatale PET) and fals as petroleur costs cuale In January suggested wo purchase plastic containers in bulk during winter months, when petroleum prices tend to be lowest Because you approved that suggestion, we should realize a 10 percent savings this year. However, our costs are stil out of line, around $2 milion a yoor. In addon to the cost in dollars of those plastic containers is the cost in mogo: Wo have recently been receiving an increasing number of consumer letters complaining about our lack of a recycling program for PET plastic containers, both on the airplanes and in the airport restaurants + Aer conducting some preliminary research, I have come up with the following ideas: • Provide recycling containers at all Host Marriott airport restaurants Offer fnancial Inerties for the arines to collect and separate PET containers • Set up a specialy designated Gumpster at each airport for recycling plastics • Contract with A Gas Waste Management for collection Ive attached a detailed report of the costs involved. As you can ser no salgs the first year should run about $500,000. Ive also spoken to od Macy in marketing, we adopt the rosyding plan, he wants to buid a PR campaign around The PET recycling plan wil help buid our public image while improving our bottom in you agree lees meet with Ted next week 10 ge things started. Please call me at ed. 235you have any questions D The concey presented list increases the recipe ent's desire or wingers to take action by outlining solution A The dose move the One last time with species-cavings Sgure the requests a speclic action Figure 9.5 Persuasive Message Using the AIDA Model This message uses the AIDA model in a persuasive message about a program that would try to reduce Host Marriott's annual plastics costs and curtail consumer complaints about the company's recycling record. Note how the writer "sells the problem" before attempting to sell the solution. Few people are interested in hearing about solutions to problems they don't know about or don't believe exist. The interest section introduces an additional, unforeseen problem with plastic product containers.
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Memo - Outline
Thesis statement: There is need for the company to launch the proposed product to reap the
greater share of the benefits of the global market.

Product selection
A. Solar and electric car


Why there is need to launch the new product urgently
A. Wide marker
B. Solves environmental problem
C. Manufacturers have capability
D. Can be highly profitable etc.


Digital marketing channels
A. Online marketing
B. Content marketing
C. Social platforms such as Facebook, twitter etc.
D. Website
E. Email marketing etc.

Running head: MEMO





Kindly see the distribution list
DATE: 21/06/2017
Following the last meeting deliberations regarding the investment in a new product to offer in
the global market and consistent with the company's growth initiative, I at this moment make
a request for immediate approval and commitment of resources to develop the product. The
development of a solar car as was deliberated in the previous meeting was considered viable
for the company and promising in generating future profitability. Being a unique product that
is not on the market yet, it would be much beneficial for the company to be leading developer
as this would result in other related benefits. This memo will cover the reasons why the
launch needs to be immediate.
The new product
The previous meeting involved an extensive discussion of the solar car that would also be
charged by electricity during the times when the sun rays supply is low. The new product will
use the Nickel Cadmium battery or the lithium ion batteries back up (Wu et al., 2011). It will
also be designed to use thin wheels that will minimize the level of friction to increas...

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