MKT575 Phoenix iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus Customer Buying Behavior Memo

User Generated


Business Finance


University of Phoenix


Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to help students learn how to create a professional corporate memo offering recommendations to the marketing department on how to most effectively analyze customer buying behavior.

Assignment Steps

Create a 700-word memo/analysis of a selected target market, and how you would suggest the organization should position and differentiate the product offering for that target market. You may use your own organization or company, or another of your choosing.

Include in your memo/analysis:

  • The identification of key segmentation factors such as demographic, psychographic, geographic, and behavioral characteristics of the selected target market.
  • Determine the key buying behaviors and decision motivators for your consumers. Include an analysis of cultural, social, psychological factors, and possible unexpected factors.
  • Decide how you will differentiate your product or service, personnel, marketing channels, and brand image from the competition.
  • Create a brief portrait of the ideal customer.
  • Generate a positioning statement for the organization with consideration for the brand and strategy.

Cite at least three references from the University Library.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Explanation & Answer

Complete. Kindly come back and confirm. In case you need something to be changed let me know and I promise to correct it..

Subject: Target Segment of Apple iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus
Apple Inc. sells different products, including but not limited to, iPhone, iPhone 7, Macintosh,
iPod, and Apple Watch. It is vital to note that Apple Inc. usually targets high-end consumers.
One product that the company has differentiated and used it to position itself in the market is
iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus. The products were introduced in September 2016.
The targeted market segments for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus for United States and the
international market, especially in urban centers where most things are digital and people love
the digital life. Demographically, the company targets people aged 18-45 (both males and
females) who are bachelors or newly married. These are university students, professionals and
executives who earn high amounts of income every other month. Behaviorally, the target
segment consists of ‘hardcore’ loyal customers of Apple Products, non-u...

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