Example Essay

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For this week, you are to write an Example Essay. This kind of essay requires you to select a topic for an essay and write about it by defining it and then providing more information through scenarios and examples. For instance, if you choose to write about muscle cars, you would define cars in general, describe regular cars and muscle cars and give examples of muscle cars. As the ending, you could explain what made muscle cars so special or so memorable. Remember that you are not to use personal pronouns in this or your other essays. Be sure to choose a topic that fits, such as comfortable shoes, fast cars, romantic movies, etc. The length must be a minimum 700 words. Also, you must include at least one source which is cited in your essay and listed on your Works Cited page

Choose from one of the following topics:

  1. Drug abuse is evident in all major sports.
  2. Romantic movies are good for a date.
  3. Violence on TV is bad for children.
  4. Gender specific schools are very successful

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Explanation & Answer

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