HSA 3422 Rasmussen College Factors Impacting Health in Nepal Discussion

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Health Medical

HSA 3422

Rasmussen University



You work for an international healthcare company as the Director of Global Operations in Asia. The CEO has created a new initiative with the goal of improving global health for underserved populations and has promised to assist in bringing healthcare to as many underserved people in Nepal as possible by 2030.

Your role in this project is to analyze one of the following factors impacting health in Nepal: healthcare access, poverty, nutrition, or food security.

In your post, explain how the factor you have chosen is a problem area in Nepal, and provide ideas for ways in which your company could improve the problem area and have the greatest impact on improving the health of the Nepali people.

Explanation & Answer:
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Factors Impacting Health in Nepal

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Factors Impacting Health in Nepal
The identified chief problem that affects effective access to healthcare in the Nepal
community is inadequate healthcare access. According to the World Health Organization
(WHO), physical accessibility to healthcare encompasses three dimensions...

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