AIU Director Hiring Manager Plan for An Assistant Director Case Study

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American InterContinental University


Here is the Scenario for your Plan: You have just been promoted!  You are working at the same organization but have been asked to take on a new role.  If you are already the supervisor, you may still complete the assignment as stated, just thinking more perhaps from what you would like to add to your current organization if you could in terms of being able to add a new employee.   

Pretend that you are a new supervisor at the organization where you currently work. Certainly, you have many ideas of how your organization could be better, more effective, and often this is in the addition of adding another person to your staff to help make the vision and mission come to life, or to enhance the organization’s ability to achieve goals. So, guess what, you have been just informed by your direct supervisor that you are going to be allotted one extra position or personnel member for the upcoming year.  As the new supervisor, you have the choice of what this position will be and how this position will serve your organization in working towards the organization’s vision, mission, goals, and needs.  You need to decide what this position will be and create an HR plan to bring this new person on board.  Leadership/supervision is a complex endeavor and HR processes are key to successfully adding and keeping a new employee

Based on the assigned readings, your journal article, discussions, activities, lessons and assignments,  develop a comprehensive HRD operation plan to accommodate this position that has goals, objectives, strategies, and an action plan for recruitment, selection, induction, retention, professional development, and performance appraisal related to the specific focus for your organization.You should refer to one of the evaluation tools embedded with our course in terms of why you would use this for the new employee or you may provide a copy of a different evaluation from your current organization. 

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Explanation & Answer

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Director Hiring Manager plan for an assistant director

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Director Hiring Manager plan for an assistant director
In every institution, the client's ratio to attendants is very crucial since the performance of
the institution may be influenced significantly by the balance of the client's attendance of their
services in demand. When the ratio of the clients is high to that of the employees attending
services to them, the interpretation will be the demands of the customers are not fully met at the
expected time. The reason is that the number of employees leading services to the customers is
fewer than the clients seeking services. Therefore, to ensure that the customers get quality work
and are attended fully, the number of employees must be increased and trained thoroughly to
offer the clients’ valuable, quality, and quick services. In the same case, this essay concerning
hiring an assistant director is also a similar case. The reason for planning to increase the position
of associate director is that the number of students in the preschool has increased. As the
director, I need assistance in running the school smoothly. The other reason is quality education
by achieving all the goals and objectives and raising God-fearing children. I will draw my plan
regarding setting the position of associate director on board to achieve our best in our academic
Before proceeding and following the procedure analyzed by the lecture, I would like to
mention some of the responsibilities of the director hiring manager. The director hiring manager
in preschool assists in the following duties; first of all, the director assists in supervising the
activities of teachers and the classroom activities in the school. Secondly, they offer training, hire
the teachers and staff, oversee and lead teachers, and help prepare the school's budgets. The
director hiring manager also assists in organizing all the professional activities, formulates
policies and provisions within the learning institution. Finally, the director helps in the planning


of the programs and in designing the various things. In the same case, the work of the assistant
director in a preschool is that they work with the director and teachers in evaluating, establishing,
and revising the syllabus. Another responsibility of the associate director is that they monitor and
teach when need is and, in that case, will act as a counselor or discipline master. They also assist
in upholding the center's book-keeping, and finally, they keep files on each student and proof of
the convention government protocols.
Preschool locale
Since our preschool is growing up and the population of children in the school is
increasing as for now, the number of students who turned up in school is 5500 children; I have
planned to improve the position of the assistant director. As the preschool director, I worked for
over eighteen years in this field, and I have witnessed with my job experience that for better
shining of the school in terms of performance, some improvements need to be done. The number
of teachers needs to be increased; teachers need to be trained fully to deliver quality education to
the students. Also, as the director, I need to be a person who can be involved in the supervision
of teachers and all other classroom activities as the author Perlman states in her journal of Early
Education and Development, of what characteristics a good director hiring manager should be.
For better performance, policies and regulations need to formulate within the institution.
Therefore, due to the increased number of students and ensuring better performance of students, I
am inquiring for the position of associate director in my school due to increased responsibilities
of me in the school.



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