Paper writing on Organizational change, computer science homework help

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Computer Science


Organizational Change paper:

  • This paper will give you an opportunity to evaluate a failed organizational change, identify a theory that could have been used to develop the change, and aapply that theory to the failed change. The paper must follow these standards:
    • be 8-10 pages of content in length. reference, title page is not included in 8-10 pages.
    • have at least three outside professional resources
    • follow APA standards
    * Abstract, Introduction, Conclusion and Subheadings are mandatory
  • No Plagiarism

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ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE PROCESS AT VOLVO Organizational Change Process at Volvo 1 ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE PROCESS AT VOLVO 2 Contents Abstract 3 Introduction 4 Change Management of Volvo Truck Corporation (VTC) 5 Lewin’s Three Step Model 8 Applying Kurt’s Lewin’s three step model to Volvo Truck Corporation 9 Conclusion 11 Reference 12 ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE PROCESS AT VOLVO 3 Abstract In an organization Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is system that aid the organizational to use the best strategies, technology and practices to manage the customer services. This management is not that easy to implement to a new system. The main aim this change process in implementing Customer Relationship Management is to identify the challenges to surge the project efficiency. This implementation was done with Volvo Truck Corporation. This process interprets the Lewis theory to implement the Customer Relationship Management in this project (Mireille & Sanna, n.d). Key words: Change Management, Customer Relationship Management System, and Change Process. ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE PROCESS AT VOLVO 4 Introduction Change process during the Customer Relationship Management implementation at Volvo Truck Corporation. The main objective this process is it find the difficulties to implement successful Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the Volvo Truck Corporation Projects. In this project Lewis three stage models plays a key role in the change process that vividly explains the project implementation with CRM. Moreover the problems are discussed briefly and applied the Lewis three stage models to the CRM implementation to Volvo Organization (Mireille & Sanna, n.d). .Change Management of Volvo Truck Corporation (VTC) Volvo Truck Corporation is the wold second ranking company in manufacturing heavy trucks. This organization is part of seven other business of Volvo Corporation. This organization implemented the commercial information Database (CIB) to surge the focus on customer oriented tasks and approach. This implementation after several years leads the untoward customer satisfaction. This study interprets the critical factors during the CRM implementation process. The main focus of CRM is to have the soft change situation that affect the CRM implementation system. This change processes the two cases such as Volvo Car Corporation and Volvo Truck Corporation. It perhaps the most interesting to implement the change process with statistical frame work to observe the organization process during the CRM implementation. ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE PROCESS AT VOLVO 5 Organization change was not aware of people within the organization that who implements the CRM. In this organization employees were not ready with immediate change technology with CRM implementation (Mireille & Sanna, n.d)(pp 6-7). This outputs made to have the new technology and changes in the behaviour of the employees to have the success full project. It is trickiest part that organization was unsuccessful in behavioural change and time consuming to accomplish the two cases. The new CRM is outlined by describing the experiences of earlier CRM that confirms the issues with two divisions. The main aim of this relationship is to understand the importance of information sharing and CRM to benefit the customer services. Though it identified the difficulties it does not give the satisfactory outcomes with old CRM. The main reason for this is underestimating the need of change management, lack of communication between different divisions, and business process. ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE PROCESS AT VOLVO 6 Figure 1: Theoretical Frame Work Flow Chart. (Mireille & Sanna, n.d) ( 12). Lewin’s Three Step Change Process Kurt Lewin introduced the three step change model that used to manage the work force in opposite directions. This enhances the change in organization process by guiding the employees to the right direction to make the project success. These limitations must analyse with Lewin’s three steps such as unfreezing, change, and refreezing (Alicia, n.d). Lewin’s First step is to make the changes to the organization behaviour with existing situation and status quo. In this the status quo is set in the equilibrium states that unfreeze the necessary methods (Alicia, n.d). Second step of Lewin’s method is to process the operational change behaviour according to the desired outcomes. This step is necessary to align with target of a project and the level of equilibrium. In this organization should persuade the employees with status quo that not beneficial and they must encourage the employees with problem to raise the solution in new approach (Alicia, n.d). This change is made by the project management team and technology leaders. Third step of Lewin’s process is to change the organizational process by refreezing the system that made changes. This step is performed after the necessary change made to the organization system within the time. In this stage employees are more likely to rely on the ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE PROCESS AT VOLVO 7 temporary employees to revert the equilibrium (Alicia, n.d). It is a process of integration of new values to the earlier organization process to achieve the desired outcomes of the project. Applying Kurt Lewin’s three step model to Volvo Truck and Car Corporation According to Jenkins (1949) the organization process and it driving force to change the project movement to toward right direction (pp 239). This method tends to initiate the change to the organization process and moving forward. This forces acts as the barriers to limit the speed of the organization process with the project. The forces can be changed in three ways such as • Reducing the forces. • Strengthening the forces to make the changes. • Change the direction of the operational force (Jenkins, 1949). Unfreezing Unfreezing in an organization is normal behaviour the simplifies the hardest phases to overcome the untoward situations. It is about balancing the organizational force to make the possible changes. In this managers aim is to pressurise the employees to make the possible changes that aid the organization to have the success in project (Mireille & Sanna, n.d). To accomplish these task managers should not have the rational arguments. Managers should convince the organizational teams to make changes to have benefits. This is an important stage that plays a vital role in entire organizational change process by pressurising the teams ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE PROCESS AT VOLVO 8 about change (Mireille & Sanna, n.d. pp. 81). More over the cognitive dissonance must be reduced by understanding the new process and challenges to success business. Moving Moving or Changing is the second stage of Lewin’s three stage model. In this stage process is altered with driving forces by maintain the equilibrium with new process. The main objective of this stage is to change the organization process by involving the employees in the change management. To enhance these changes the employees should be given training about the new technology. This training interprets importance of key changes, communication process, and new management styles. This change must aware to every employee and demonstrated to each division. It must be analysed by the previous benefits and the organization vision (Mireille & Sanna, n.d. pp. 81) Freezing Freezing is third stage in Lewin’s model this stage is used to reinforce the new implementations and driving forces that maintain the new equilibrium. This step supports the employees to develop the process by providing the resources, supportive teams, and new skills developing tools. The main aim of this stage is to develop the project successfully by endeavouring every division with change process (Mireille & Sanna, n.d. pp 82). This change helps the project developers to enhance more benefits and encourage the new system to make ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE PROCESS AT VOLVO 9 new changes. This is one of the efficient and effective process that more likely to make changes in organizational process. Conclusion The new organizational change process is enhancing the positive outcomes and organizational benefits. Customer relationship management implementation is always challenging to deal with every division in Volvo Corporation. The reason is it as different divisions and challenges that need to be aligned with single domain and structure. This new customer relationship management helps the Volvo Truck Corporation to surge the organizational growth in upgrading technology. ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE PROCESS AT VOLVO 10 References Alicia Kritsonis.(n.d). Comparison of Change Theories. Retrieved from:,%20Ali cia%20Comparison%20of%20Change%20Theories%20IJMBA%20V8%20N1%2020 05.pdf Mireille N.Durand & Sanna Kuukkanen.( n.d).Change process during a CRM system Implementation. The Journey of a CRM system at Volvo Truck Corporation. Retrieved from: Jenkins, D.H. (1949). Social engineering in educational change.
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