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What are ethical responsibilities of an IT professional. Discuss some scenarios with your recommendations. Submit a one page report.

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Ethical Responsibilities of an IT Professional
An IT Professional should act according to the standard or the accepted code of ethics
while at work. Ethics guides the IT professionals in some complex scenarios such as reading the
campus users’ email, notifying the users that their email is being read by someone else, going
through the files on the laptop during troubleshooting, and finding out that someone has illegal
content on the laptop. By looking at these issues, an IT professional has to stop and think what
he/she would do.
According to the Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP), the IT
professionals need to be committed to integrity, competence, professional responsibilities, work
responsibilities, and societal responsibilities. The three major ethical responsibilities of the IT
professionals include observing technical competence, ensuring that they do not cause injury to
others in terms of t...

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