WRT 227 University of Rhode Island Change Work Policy Business Research Report

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WRT 227

University of Rhode Island



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Proposal to Change Work Policy - Outline
I. Purpose
A. The purpose of this proposal is to propose a change in work policy to allow
employees to work remotely.
II. Problem Overview
A. The COVID – 19 pandemic forced many companies across the globe to send their
employees home to work remotely.
B. Even if companies are structured in a way that employees are supposed to work
from within, remote working will provide the company with a range of new
opportunities to structure its work processes.
C. As a result, I believe there is no need to push employees to return to the office.
D. After the outbreak of COVID – 19, employees restructured and adapted working
remotely and they would like it to remain that way even after it's safe. As a result
of remote work, employees have continued to work at the highest levels while
taking care of challenging life situations.
E. The company may have concerns about the new policy, but this proposal
addresses all those issues.
III. Benefits of Remote Working
A. Increased Productivity
Working from home has fewer distractions and there is no
Increased productivity is a major advantage to the company and therefore,
remote working should be considered for competitive advantages.
B. Greater Employee Morale
On most occasions, it is challenging for employees to perform at their full
capacity when surrounded by other people.
However, working at home provides an employee with an opportunity to
explore their surroundings resulting in improved morale and increased
C. Better Work-Life Balance
Working from home comes with a flexible schedule.
Employees can implement their schedules as they see fit as long as they
complete their work and meet the company’s objectives.
Remote work allows employees to balance their work and personal lives
and at the same, get the best out of them.
IV. Solution and Feasibility
A. Communication
Communication is crucial in any business and a business cannot succeed
without an effective communication plan.
For the new policy to be an effective communication is a priority for all
the employees.
B. Tasks Reporting
For remote working to be effective employees must perform their tasks
If the company can provide tools to support task reporting either at the end
of the day or weekly, then the new policy will be beneficial to the

C. Interaction Tools
Employees must be able to interact and work together even in remote
working to succeed.
Interaction and connectivity can be facilitated by the use of companysupported software that connects all employees.
In case of major issues, they can brainstorm using the interactive tools and
provide feedback in the comfort of their homes.
D. Scheduling
For this proposal, employees are expected to work from home three days a
Based on the company’s operations, I propose these days to be Monday,
Thursday and Friday.
These three days are the most appropriate because the company does not
have any scheduled meetings, hence, employees will not miss any
important company notifications.
V. Conclusion
A. The new work policy is not ...

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