CU Nursing Social Media Use and Patients Privacy Question

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Health Medical

Capella University


Prepare a 2-page interprofessional staff update on HIPAA and appropriate social media use in health care.

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Social Media Use and Patients' Privacy

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Social Media Use and Patients' Privacy
Privacy, security, and confidentiality violations of protected health information are
significant concerns within healthcare. These violations tend to be costly to any health
professional that engages in them for whatever reason. Therefore, the consequences that arise
from these violations are guided by the institution's policies, Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability (HIPPA) laws, and other relevant health-related laws and regulations. Social
media is one of the most utilized channels by caregivers, specifically nurses, to violate patients'
privacy, security, and confidentiality. The increasing social media platforms among people
seems to conflict with the type of information that healthcare professionals can share pertaining
to our daily job experiences. According to HIPAA Journal (2021), HIPPA Privacy Rule forbids
the di...

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