Concepts in Communication Essay

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Please write a 3 to 4 page essay (750-1000 words) discussing a conversation you have had with another person in which there was a conflict. You should explain the conflict and connect it to concepts we’ve discussed in class and/or concepts found in your text. In your essay, please reference five different course concepts. Name the concept, explain how it works, and explain how it fits into the context of your conversation. Feel free to discuss any conversation you have had, so long as it is actually with another person. (Conflicts you’ve “had within yourself” will not receive credit.) Please also keep the focus on a particular incident (or two). Please do not describe several incidents taking place over a long period of time.

Please follow the above essay prompt carefully. In review, please: 

  • Discuss a conversation in which you had a conflict with another person.   
  • Use (at least 5) concepts discussed in our textbook to analyze the conflict.
    • E.g., if non-verbal communication was part of your story, you can use this as one of your concepts. If the abstraction ladder is relevant, please describe the concept and describe how it fits into your analysis of the conversation.
  • Define the concept.
    • What does it mean? How does it work?
  • Explain how that concept relates to your story.
    • Make the connection clear for your reader.

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.

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Concepts in Communication
When it comes to conflict management, communication is essential. Poor communication
has invariably led to misunderstanding and, finally, confrontations between individuals. To
prevent disagreements, we must communicate clearly and accurately. While attending a group
discussion with my colleague on campus, we disagreed. We discussed while seated at a local
eatery joint when marginalization of people of color came up. For a longer duration, I had
noticed impartiality in the treatment of black students at the university. While I believed that
affirmative action is commonly taken against African American students at academic institutions
because of the color of their skin, my friend did not see the importance of such measures.
Because he was white, he appeared to be less concerned about matters that affected the minority
communities. However, he did not support the need for affirmative action.
He acknowledged that the problem might be...

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