London College of Fashion Dance Critique

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London College of Fashion


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Dance Critique Paper Paper Description: Select one or two dance pieces that really stood out to you to focus on when writing your critique. Be sure to clearly identify which work(s) you have selected and use specific examples throughout your review to make clear that you watched the production. You can also make more broad observations about the performance in its entirety but the majority of the critique should be about one or two selected dance(s). Critiques should be written in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, and should be 1 ½ to 2 pages long, double spaced with 1” margins. Critique: an exercise involving careful judgment or judicious evaluation While you are viewing the dance performance (wait until intermission if you are viewing the performance in-person) jot down notes on some of the following questions. Note this is just a guide – you do not need to answer all questions in your paper. Movement • • • • • • What movements did you observe? What body actions did the dancers perform? Which parts of the body were emphasized? Were the dancers crawling, leaping, slithering, jumping, spinning, etc.? Was the dance sharp or sluggish? Deliberate or explosive? What forms did the dancers’ bodies employ? You can relate these to letters. Choreography • • • • • • • What was the structure of the dance? How did the dancers relate to each other? Were the dancers alone (solo), in pairs (duet), in groups (trio = 3; quartet = 4, etc.)? Was there repeated movement? What was it? Was the dance a narrative (did it tell a story)? Was the dance abstract (without form or story)? Did the work have a clear beginning, middle, and end? • • • How did the dancers move through space? Where did the movement occur? In what type of theatre space was the work performed? Space Performance • • • What were the technical and expressive abilities of the dancers? What made a particular performer stand out? Music • • • Was the music fast or slow? Was the music more rhythmic or lyrical? Did the music evoke a specific emotional response? Staging • • • • Were the costumes appropriate for the dance? Did the lighting focus attention or distract? Were there sets? Did they add to the performance? Was the absence of costumes or sets meaningful? Personal Response • • • • Did the dance remind you of anything? What emotions did the dance evoke? Why? What did the dance communicate to you? What stood out the most? Overall Reaction • • • • Can you make any connections between the performance and what you’ve learned? What impression did the dance make? What did you learn about dance from this performance? Did the performance create any questions for you? After taking notes, begin to organize your thoughts into a coherent paper with an introduction and conclusion. Reread, edit, proofread, read aloud, have someone else read your critique, and take it to the writing center. Remember to italicize the name of a dance just as you would the title of a book. Example: Giselle Submit your paper to canvas before the deadline. No late papers will be accepted. Only PDF and Word Documents will be accepted.
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Dance Critique

Gloppy & Friends in the Chocolate Swamp is a dance choreographed by Meghen


A. Movements: straight lines and messy entangles; jumping, rolling, crawling,
leaping, sliding, and diving were body actions
B. Dance: sharp and deliberate; AB and narrative forms; ballet and contemporary
C. Music: moderate; evoked a feeling of snow cold weather, with sounds of snow
and raindrops in a swamp; strengthened theme
D. Staging: costumes was appropriate for the theme
E. Personal response: The dance not only entertained me but also reminded me that
dance can reveal events, seasons, nature, and different social and cultural aspects
of human life


The dance employed mixed ballet and contemporary dance styles performed in
proscenium sp...

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