HR 006 Leadership Systems Thinking and Change Management Discussion

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HR006: Leadership, Systems Thinking, and Change Management: Evaluate principles of effective leadership, systems thinking, and change management to address healthcare transformation, innovation, and accountability. Assessment Rubric Rubric Criteria Needs Improvement Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Part 1: Organizational Leadership Evaluation Report Learning Objective 1.1: Describe leadership traits exhibited by leadership at a specific organization that promote success in effecting change in an organization. Report does not identify or identifies fewer than two leadership traits for at least two members of the leadership team or identifies traits for fewer than two members of the team. Examples of how these traits promote success in change management are not relevant or not discussed. Report is not supported by academic/professional resources or the resources are not relevant. Learning Objective 1.2: Report does not identify or identifies fewer than two leadership traits and factors that promote a culture of Evaluate leadership creativity and innovation in the traits and factors workplace. that promote a culture for creativity Report is incomplete and/or unclear. and innovation © 2020 Walden University Report describes two leadership traits for at least two members of the leadership team. Specific examples of how identified traits promote success in effecting change are discussed. Report is supported by relevant academic/professional resources. Report identifies two leadership traits and factors that promote a culture of creativity and innovation in the workplace. Report demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following: Report explains how these traits can catalyze change in the workplace by using examples of why these traits are successful based on evidence from literature or other organization case studies. Report demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following: Report describes leadership traits and factors used successfully 1 Rubric Criteria within a specific organization. Learning Objective 1.3: Recommend specific strategies the leadership could apply for working successfully with teams and effecting change within the organization. Needs Improvement Report is not supported by academic/professional resources or the resources are not relevant. Report does not describe, insufficiently describes, inaccurately describes, does not clearly describe or describes fewer than two examples of how leadership traits that foster innovation might differ from those of classical leadership styles. Report is not supported by academic/professional resources or the resources are not relevant. Rubric Criteria Needs Improvement Part 2: Change Management Proposal Learning Proposal does not describe, vaguely Objective 2.1: describes, or insufficiently describes the organization, its change and/or Describe an factors driving the change are not organization and described in complete or sufficient the change taking detail. © 2020 Walden University Meets Expectations Report explains why these traits and factors might foster innovation. Report is supported by relevant academic resources. Report provides two examples of how leadership traits that foster innovation might differ from those of classical leadership styles. Report provides a rationale for selecting these examples. Report is supported by relevant academic resources. Exceeds Expectations in other organizations or supported in literature. Report demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following: Report provides a brief response to this question: Do organizations need to be more creative and innovative today than in the past? Rationale is provided for the response. Meets Expectations Proposal clearly identifies the organization including the size, mission, and location. Response clearly describes the change taking place in the organization and an Exceeds Expectations Proposal demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following: 2 place within the organization Learning Objective 2.2: Summarize resistance to an organizational change within a specific organization. Learning Objective 2.3: Apply an appropriate change management theory or model to a specific change within an organization. explanation of the factors driving the change. Proposal does not summarize, insufficiently summarizes, or does not clearly summarize resistance that might be expected. Proposal summarizes the critical analysis of the reason for the resistance. Proposal does not describe or insufficiently and/or inaccurately describes why a change management theory or model would be appropriate for this organizational change. Recommendations are vague, inaccurate, or incomplete. Proposal is not supported by relevant academic and/or professional resources. © 2020 Walden University Proposal clearly and summarizes the resistance that might be expected reflects in-depth analysis. Proposal identifies the change management theory or model that would be appropriately applied to the organizational change. Proposal explains why this theory or model was chosen for the change and the benefits that are expected. Proposal includes a description of the organizational culture or community factors as they relate to size, mission, and location. Proposal demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following: Proposal summarizes a change experienced previously in the workplace that resulted in resistance and discontent. Proposal summarizes how the resistance was eventually resolved. Proposal demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following: Proposal identifies an additional change management model and briefly explains why it would be less appropriate for this organizational change. 3 Learning Objective 2.4: Apply systems thinking to assess the impact of change on an organization. Proposal does not describe, insufficiently describes, unclearly describes, or inaccurately describes the impact of the change throughout the organization. Proposal is not supported by relevant academic and/or professional resources. Proposal is supported by relevant academic and/or professional resources. Applying systems thinking, the proposal describes the impact of change expected throughout the organization. Proposal demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following: Proposal describes how other aspects of the organization might be led to embrace the change. Proposal briefly explains the benefit of a systemsthinking approach to organizational change. Proposal is supported by relevant academic and/or professional resources. Learning Objective 2.5: Recommend strategies and innovations that could be implemented to effect organizational change. © 2020 Walden University Proposal does not recommend or recommends fewer than two strategies and one innovation. Proposal recommendations are unclear and/or do not include a rationale for the selection. Proposal is not supported by relevant academic and/or professional resources. Proposal recommends at least two strategies and one innovation that could be implemented to effect organizational change. Proposal recommendations are clearly explained, including a rationale for the selection. Proposal is supported by relevant academic and/or professional resources. Proposal demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following: Two or more innovations are presented. Examples from other relevant organizations’ experiences are included in the analysis. 4 Learning Objective 2.6: Explain the role of communication in a change management plan. Learning Objective 2.7: Recommend strategies for motivating stakeholders to accept, embrace, sustain, and be accountable for organizational change. Learning Objective 2.8: Recommend strategies for sustaining an organizational change. © 2020 Walden University Proposal does not explain, insufficiently explains, inaccurately explains, or unclearly explains the role of communication in a change management plan. Proposal is not supported by relevant academic and/or professional resources. Proposal does not recommend or recommends fewer than three strategies for motivating stakeholders to accept, embrace, sustain, and be accountable for the organizational change. Proposal is incomplete and/or unclear. Proposal is not supported by relevant academic and/or professional resources. Proposal does not recommend or recommends fewer than two strategies for sustaining organizational change. Strategies are unclear and/or insufficiently addressed. Proposal explains the role that communication will play in the change management plan. Proposal demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following: Proposal briefly describes two problems that might arise due to lack of appropriate communication. Proposal demonstrates Proposal recommends at the same level of least three strategies for achievement as “Meets,” motivating stakeholders to accept, embrace, sustain, and plus the following: be accountable for the Proposal describes an organizational change. example of an organizational change that Rationale is provided for was generally well selection of these strategies. accepted, embraced, and sustained. Response describes to what this Proposal is supported by acceptance and relevant academic and/or accountability was professional resources. attributed. Proposal demonstrates Proposal provides a the same level of recommendation of at least achievement as “Meets,” two strategies for sustaining plus the following: the organizational change. Proposal is supported by relevant academic and/or professional resources. Proposal explains why these strategies will be successful for this change in the Proposal describes one reason why an 5 Proposal is not supported by relevant academic and/or professional resources. Learning Objective 2.9: Recommend ways to measure success of organizational change. © 2020 Walden University Proposal does not discuss or does not discuss in sufficient detail at least three measures of success. Response does not discuss or discusses limitedly how measures of success are related to transformational change. Proposal is not supported by relevant academic and/or professional resources. organization. Proposal is supported by relevant academic and/or professional resources. Proposal clearly explains three measures of success and how they are related to transformational change. Proposal is supported by relevant academic and/or professional resources. organizational change might not be sustained. Proposal demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following: Proposal explains more than three measures of success related to specific aspects of transformational change using supporting evidence from industry. 6 Overview In this Work Product Assessment, you will apply concepts of leadership, systems thinking, and change management to an actual change process within an organization known to you. This change could be in response to a challenge in the marketplace, or it could be a critical project. You will develop an Organizational Leadership Development Report, analyzing leadership strengths and potential gaps, and a Change Management Proposal for initiating this change and evaluating success. To complete this Assessment: • • • Download the Academic Writing Expectations Checklist to use as a guide when completing your Assessment. Responses that do not meet the expectations of scholarly writing will be returned without scoring. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided, where appropriate. Be sure to use scholarly academic resources as specified in the rubric. This means using Walden Library databases to obtain peer reviewed articles. Additionally, .gov (government expert sources) are a quality resource option. Note: Internet and .com sources do not meet this requirement. Contact your coach or SME for guidance on using Library Databases. Carefully review the rubric for the Assessment as part of your preparation to complete your Assessment work. Instructions Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively. Access the following to complete this Assessment: • Use the APA course paper template available here. Rubric This Assessment requires submission of one (1) document that includes both parts of the assessment. Save your document as HR006_firstinitial_lastname (for example, HR006_J_Smith). You may submit a draft of your assignment to the Turnitin Draft Check area to check for authenticity. When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu. You will prepare an organizational leadership development report and change management proposal that plans the implementation of organizational change. This assessment has two-parts. Click each of the items below to complete this assessment. Part I: Organizational Leadership Evaluation Report • • • To begin this Assessment, select a healthcare organization with which you are very familiar and where you have access to information necessary to complete the Assessment. Identify a specific change that is being implemented now or one that has been recently implemented (within the year). Because effective leadership is critical to successfully planning and managing organizational change, you will conduct a confidential evaluation and analysis of specific leadership traits and factors that leaders implementing the change possess and use. Effective leadership involves collaborating with individuals but also participating in and facilitating teams. Thus, assessment of team skills needs to be a part of your evaluation and analysis. Create an Organizational Leadership Evaluation Report by adapting a template you find through online research, one you have created on your own, or one provided through your organization. (Be sure to remove any branding that might identify your organization.) Your Organizational Evaluation Report should include the following: o Observations of the leadership team implementing the change in your chosen organization and an analysis of their actions and behaviors for leadership traits that promote o o success in effecting change in the organization. List these traits and explain your analysis process. Evaluation of leadership traits that could promote a culture for creativity and innovation in the workplace. Discuss whether these traits are exhibited by any of the leaders implementing the change in your chosen organization. Explain how you assessed ability to be creative and innovative. Compare how these traits differ from and/or the same as those of classical leadership styles. Recommendations for specific strategies the leaders could apply for working successfully with teams and effecting change within the organization. Part II: Change Management Proposal • • The ability to manage and adapt to change is essential in healthcare organizations. Whether internally or externally prompted, the implementation of changes in the workplace environment has become commonplace. Because change, even changes that are perceived as positive, is almost always unsettling, it is crucial that administrators and managers understand the change process and plan carefully for its implementation. Innovative approaches to change management related to your chosen project might help you see possibilities that may not have been evident before. A Change Management Proposal will serve as the guide for effective execution of strategic change. Create a Change Management Proposal in the format of your choice, e.g., slide presentation or Word document (including graphs or charts) as follows: o Describe the specific organization including size, mission, location and the change that is taking place (or is scheduled to take place) in the organization o Given the parameters of the change, describe the resistance you might expect, and why. o Evaluate change management theories and models and select one to apply to the change occurring in the organization. Provide rationale for why you selected this theory or model. o o o o o o Apply systems thinking to address the impact of the change throughout the organization. Recommend strategies and innovations that could be implemented to effect the organizational change and provide rationale for the recommendations. Explain the role that communication will play in your plan. Analyze how communication could be used to handle concerns and doubts of stakeholders. Recommend strategies you will use to motivate stakeholders and prepare them to accept, embrace, and sustain the change. Recommend strategies for sustaining an organizational change and explain why they would be successful. Recommend ways to measure the success of the organizational change and when transformational change has occurred. PART III Reflect on experiences you have had involving organizational change and why it was made. Consider the strategies the organization applied to offset concerns and encourage acceptance of the change and whether they were successful. Then, think about why the strategies were successful or not successful. Finally, think about a strategy you would apply in that situation to manage change more successfully and why you think the strategy you recommend would be effective. Give a brief description of the experience you had with organizational change. Describe the strategies the organization applied to offset concerns and encourage acceptance of the change and whether they were successful. Then, explain why the strategies were successful or not successful. Finally, describe a strategy you would apply in that situation to manage change more successfully and why you think the strategy you recommended would be effective. Running head: ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE 1 Organizational Leadership Evaluation Report AKINDEJI BABATUNDE WALDEN UNIVERSITY ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE 2 Part I The selected organization is Mayo Clinic, and the change implemented is the electronic health record. An electronic health record is a computer-based form of recording or documenting used in healthcare for storing different patient records. The record is also used to make an instant real-time availability of patient information secure. Observations of Leadership Team implementing the Change in Mayo Clinic The leadership team makes multiple observations at Mayo Clinic. The implementation process for EHRs involved multiple steps. First, it began with turning the current paper records to electronic form, although keeping paper for reviewing in the transition. The second observation was that training and motivating the staff on utilizing EHR was tough as the staff was implementing new system changes, which comes with multiple resistance. The leaders trained the staff and the employees using training templates, and in this case, clinicians utilized the template for patients before they switched to the official uses. Every staff member was aware of their part before the clinic switched. The third observation was the major advantages that EHRs brought to the clinic. The EHRs centralized the patient data in one central place (Archer, 2008). For instance, the user could view s refractive surgery of the patient's preoperative refraction for every follow-up visit. The patient case is visualized, and progress tracked with no flipping their papers. Further, EHRs saved the staff time and money to retrieve the papers. ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE 3 The actions and behaviors for Leadership Traits Some of the traits that promote implementing EHR at Mayo Clinic include being confident and strategically intuitive. Implementing change is not easy as it comes with a lot of resistance. The leaders need to know how to handle the resistance and ensure the systems go on successfully. The systems include a high form of investment. The leaders at Mayo Clinic expressed knowledgeable traits because they ensured that the staff members accepted the change. Leadership Traits A rewarding trait that rewards the teams that engage in creativity and innovation within the whole workplace. When leaders have the chance to reward the people, they become creative and bring their ideas on board. The second trait is an educative trait where there are sessions where members learn, research, and engage the people to discover different ways. Multiple ways include setting up a separate room for research in the company. The other part is a celebrating culture where the members celebrate the others that identify the best ways to aid the company. Recommendations for Specific strategies leaders. Could apply to work successfully with teams and effect Change. The leaders should test the programs thoroughly before official work. Testing offers the opportunity to determine issues and address their concerns (Berner, 2016). The process aids work on the errors and learning to avoid issues when officially launched. The leaders should also train new workflow management. For the success of the HER systems, the staff should not just be trained on levels of the system but concentrate on the results one is trying to attain. New workflows are also supposed to be supported by energy. ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE 4 Part II: Change Management Proposal. Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit firm dedicated to clinical practices, research, and education, offering experts the care of the whole being to every individual who requires healing. The headquarters of this clinic is situated in Rochester, Minnesota, the United States, and its other main campuses are in Jacksonville, Florida, Scottsdale, Phoenix, and Arizona. This clinic is so huge giving its capability to employ 63,000 people, comprising scientists and physicians above 4,500 and the associated health staff, as of 2020. The mission of Mayo Clinic is to inspire hope and contribute to health and well-being by providing the best care to every patient through combined clinical practices, research, and education (Leonard, 2019). In this organization, there was some change scheduled to take place, and it was completed; the change was to digitalize paper records, and it was done through the installation of Epic electronic health record (Madson, 2018). This change to electronic record system is necessitated to ensure staff ease workflow, records management and efficient access to patients' health records since all the information is found on the computers. Parameters of Change and resistance that might occur Steve Peters, the M.D. and the co-chair of this initiative of the installation Epic electronic health record, said that the moment they have just a single integrated system, their core mission of putting patients' needs first would be enhanced. This system would enable patients plus the caregivers to get all the data that they require from one system and share the info more effectively; checking in patients will also be very easy as it will be done electronically, and the patients will get one consolidated billing statement (Madson, Mayo Clinic completes installation of Epic ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE 5 electronic health record, 2018). There are probable resistances to adopting and implementing this Epic electronic health record (Jaillah Mae Gesulga, 2017). The first barrier is the people resource where the people themselves can refuse to adopt the new system, which may also be due to a lack of skills. Procedure resource is another barrier; this is the worry for return on investment and the lack of policy and administrative support. The firm might fail to support implementing the new system because of financial reasons. This will require training the concerned individuals who need money and installing the system itself also needs money. Roger’s Five Stage Change Theory Roger's Five-Stage Change Theory would apply to this type of Change at Mayo Clinic. This is a five-step theory, with the first step explaining why the change is to take place, the way it will happen, and the individuals involved. The second stage of the model encourages the workers to embrace the change based on the vital data provided. The next step of the theory is to decide whether to finally accept the change through the analysis of information and implementation of the pilot study of the new procedures caused by the alteration. The fourth step is the implementation of the change on the basis that it is more permanent, and the final stage is the confirmation of the adoption of the change by the responsible workers and those affected by the alteration (Sahin, 2006). I chose this model because to install the Epic electronic health record system at Mayo Clinic, the employees must be told what the system is all about and encouraged to embrace the change. After that, a decision will have to be made, and the system will be implemented. After the implementation, the system will have to be confirmed if it is working as expected. ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE 6 Strategies and innovations that could be used to implement Epic electronic health records. Different strategies can effectively develop and improve an Epic electronic health record. The strategies include the following: Aligning the electronic health record systems with the administrative and clinical procedures, creating a Web-based interface for these systems, and creating an incorporated IT architecture that can support Epic electronic health record system. And, the innovations include the secure sharing of electronic info with patients and other employees, assisting the clinicians in diagnosing the patients more effectively, reducing medical faults and giving safer care, and encouraging interaction and communication. The role of communication Communication is an essential factor in every firm. When implementing a system, communication guarantees the least risks and extreme success. To ensure that the system is effective, the executive in charge ought to make sure that he communicates effectively hence effective completion. Communication can be used to handle the concerns and worries of different stakeholders by always being prepared to listen and respond. The response should give timely, credible information that ensures that the stakeholder is informed (Zemke, 2020). Effective communication is vital as it assesses new opportunities and offers clarities to the stakeholders on the future. It also helps the firm to build some meaningful associations with the stakeholders. ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE 7 Strategies used to motivate stakeholders. Stakeholders can be motivated in the following ways; knowing them appropriately, communicating to ensure that they are informed, tailoring your information to ensure that the needs of the target person are met, being specific, planning, and even opening up to build that trust. Part III The experience from the organizational change was that there were resistances that followed the change as people did not want it to be implemented. The people were afraid that the implementation of automation in the company could bring job losses to the employees. In this event, the organization used the training to encourage us to see the positives of the change. The strategies were successful because the people changed their minds after realizing that they would not lose their jobs, but instead, they would benefit as the program was to take the job to the next level. The strategy I would apply to manage such situations is using the inspiring approach to inspire the members to have a favorable consideration of the change. The process would be successful because the members would be encouraged and consider the advantages of the change. ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE 8 References Archer. (2008). Strategies for Successful EHR Implementation. Retrieved from Berner. (2016). Ten strategies for successful EHR implementations. Retrieved from Jaillah Mae Gesulga, A. B. (2017). Retrieved from Barriers to electronic health record system implementation and information resources : Leonard, V. (2019). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from Madson, R. (2018, October 8). Retrieved from Mayo Clinic completes installation of Epic electronic health record: Madson, R. (2018, October 8). Retrieved from Mayo Clinic completes installation of Epic electronic health record: Sahin, I. (2006, April). Retrieved from DETAILED REVIEW OF ROGERS’ DIFFUSION OF INNOVATIONS THEORY: Zemke, A. (2020, June 13). Role of strategic communication in Crisis Management and Business Continuity. Retrieved from
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Organizational Leadership Evaluation Report
Student Name
Institution Affiliation


Part I

The selected organization is Mayo Clinic, and the change is implementing the Electronic
health record. An electronic health record is a computer-based form of recording or documenting
used in healthcare for storing different patient records. The record is also used to make an instant
real-time availability of patient information secure.
Observations of Leadership Team implementing the Change in Mayo Clinic
The leadership team makes multiple observations at Mayo Clinic. The implementation
process for EHRs involved multiple steps. First, it began with turning the current paper records to
electronic form, although still keeping paper for reviewing in the transition.
The second observation was that training and motivating the staff on utilizing EHR was
tough as the staff was implementing new system changes, which comes with multiple resistance.
The leaders trained the staff and the employees using training templates, and in this case, clinicians
utilized the template for patients before they switched to the official uses. Every staff member was
aware of their part before the clinic switched.
The third observation was the major advantages that EHRs brought to the clinic. The EHRs
centralized the patient data in one central place (Archer, 2008). For instance, the user could view
s refractive surgery of the patient's preoperative refraction for every follow-up visit. The patient
case is visualized and progress tracked with no flipping their papers. Further, EHRs saved the staff
time and money to retrieve the papers.



The actions and behaviors for Leadership Traits
Some of the traits that promote implementing EHR at Mayo Clinic include being strong
and having wisdom. Implementing change is not easy as it comes with a lot of resistance. The
leaders need to know how to handle the resistance and ensure the systems go on successfully. The
systems include a high form of investment. The leaders at Mayo Clinic expressed knowledgeable
traits because they ensured that the staff members accepted the change.

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