CSUSM Sociology School To Prison Pipeline Research Paper

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California State University San Marcos


My topic is going to be on the school-to-prison pipeline!

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SOC 317 Youth in Society Final project (30pts) Research & Presenta?on on Children/Youth Through a Sociological Lens Over the course of the semester, we’ve explored a range of contemporary issues that are instrumental in shaping our understanding of children and youth today. Some key issues we’ve examined have included media’s influence in young people’s lives, criminaliza?on of youth of color, school-to-prison pipeline, (im)migra?on and ci?zenship, construc?ons of sexuality, and objec?fica?on of girls’ bodies. We’ll also be exploring and examining LGBTQ+ youth, teen da?ng violence, youth agency, and mental health for the remainder of the semester. This final project is intended to expand your knowledge in children’s and youth’s diverse lived experiences and how youth experiences and rela?ons vary across communi?es—race and ethnicity, socioeconomic class, gender, sexuality, and na?onality. You will research a topic of interest rela?ng to children and youth. You will explore and examine your topic through a cri?cal sociological lens and further develop your research, wri?ng, analy?cal and presenta?on skills. INSTRUCTIONS & GUIDELINES You will do the following for this project: ▪ Choose a topic of choice ▪ Conduct your research ▪ Write a 3-4 page paper (700 word minimum) ▪ Create a slide presenta?on ▪ Presenta?on TOPIC You will choose a topic of your choice rela?ng to Children & Youth. The following are some ideas for your topic, but you aren’t bound to these topics. You are welcome to choose something outside of this list. As you examine these themes try to use an intersec?onal lens when learning about and analyzing the case studies and people’s lived experiences. ▪ Educa?on | Criminaliza?on of Youth | School-to-prison pipeline | Gender and Sports | Social Media & Digital Technology | Media Influences | Construc?ons of Sexuality | Teen da?ng Violence | Hypermasculinity | Socializa?on of Gender Iden??es & Gender Expressions | Transgender Youth | Non-binary Gender Iden??es & Non-binary Gender Expressions |Immigrant lived experiences | Ac?vism & Youth Empowerment SOURCES (5pts) You will need 3 sources in your research. ▪ Three sources need to be academic sources, such as scholarly journals and/or books. o You have an op?on to use a primary source, such as an interview, in lieu of one of the 3 scholarly sources. In other words, if you choose to include an interview in your paper, you are only required to use 2 scholarly sources. ▪ If you choose to interview someone for this research paper, make sure the person is 18 years of age or older. ▪ Include a bibliography/works cited page (this page is in addi&on to the 3-4 page | 700 word minimum) ▪ Format of paper (ASA, APA, or MLA is fine as long you are consistent with your format style and not use mul?ple wri?ng formats throughout your paper) o Use proper in-text cita?ons following the ASA, APA, or MLA, format. PAPER (12pts) Write a 3-4 page paper (a minimum of 700 words or more) on the following: ▪ Thesis statement/main argument/s ▪ Explain how you are examining and analyzing this issue through a cri?cal sociological lens. ▪ An overview of your topic and your findings o Your paper should demonstrate mastery and comprehensive knowledge of the material covered in the researched literature and offer a well-ar?culated analysis. ▪ Conclusion/Reflec?on o What were the main take-aways for you? o Why is this an important issue to raise? Carefully edit, proofread and spellcheck/grammar before submijng your paper ▪ o Make sure it flows, it’s well organized, and structured with paragraphs. o Remember to me?culously check the percentage of your paper before submijng it. Papers cannot present more than 25% similarity on Turni&n. Papers that exceed 25% will not be accepted/graded. SLIDES (5pts) Create a slide presenta?on with a minimum of 5 slides. Your slides will require some of the informa?on you included in your paper. Use your paper as a blueprint for your slides. ▪ Introduce your topic and explain how you are examining this issue through a cri?cal sociological lens. ▪ Provide your thesis statement/main argument/s ▪ Provide an overview/synthesis of your topic and research findings o Present concrete examples that support your thesis/arguments ▪ Conclusion/Reflec?on o What were the take-aways for you? o Why is this an important issue to raise? PRESENTATION (8pts) You will present your research and findings to the class ▪ Presenta?on will be 5-6 minutes ▪ You will present your findings, argument, and analysis to the class. o Provide a brief power point slide presenta?on o Follow the same outline as your essay. o Introduc?on, brief bio, synthesis, and conclusion/reflec?on. o Class presenta?ons will take place on 11/29 & 12/6 There will be NO make-up presenta?ons. Final project due: Wednesday, December 15th by 11:59pm • You’ll upload the following on Turni&n: o Paper, Bibliography & Slides
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School-to-Prison Pipeline

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School-to-Prison Pipeline


School-to-prison is when young, and primarily innocent children get into prison for
nonviolent offenses committed at school. Since children need a little more tolerance than adults,
there has been a great debate on the school-to-prison pipeline. Some people think that these
children deserve to continue their education instead of serving in juvenile prisons for the offenses
committed in school. Besides, most children ending up in prisons from schools are children of
color, which raises a strong argument despite them forming a minority of the total children in
schools. Further, these children grow in poverty-stricken backgrounds where they lack many
essential resources, and guidance. Children's upbringing could play a significant role in their
characters, meaning that they unknowingly commit these crimes in schools. Some of the kids
featured in the school-to-prison have some forms of disabilities that require special attention.
Thus, some parties consider the school-to-prison a great injustice to the children and call for
review of the penal codes that lead children to prison from schools.The School-to-prison pipeline
might be a great injustice to children with color and disabilities. There is an urgent need to
review it to protect vulnerable children from falling victims to this ordeal.
Examination and Analysis of the Issue through Critical Sociological Lens
The study analyzed the composition of the children that end up in the juvenile prisons
through the school-to-prison pipeline to establish the possible reasons behind it. It found that
most of the kids who pass through the school-to-prison channel are children of color, which is
alarming based on the percentage of children of color in schools (Mallett, 2017). This study
considered possible challenges these children undergo that might take them through the schoolto-prison pipeline. Children who experience various difficulties at home, such as violence
between their parents or guardians, always get disturbed and are likely to commit offenses in
schools against their intentions. Therefore, the analysis of the cases that might lead children


through the school-to-pri...

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