CTC History Enslaving Prisoners of War Discussion

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Central Texas College

Question Description

I'm working on a history test / quiz prep and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

50-100 words per question for 1 and 2; 4-5 complete paragraphs for question 3. 1.Explain the seventeenth century European legal principle regarding the enslavement of prisoners of war and its impact on Native Americans? 2.Brieflt explain how child labor came to be protected in the 1840s- to 1860s.

3.Describe fully the differences between the Articles of Confederation and the United States Constitutuin. what were the strengths and weaknesses of both?

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.


History Questions

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Question 1
Enslaving prisoners of war was indeed permissible but also more humane than
executing the captives outright, according to 17th-century European legal theory. Following
the Pequot War, multitudes of Indigenous People were taken as slaves in the West Indies by
Massachusetts Bay colonizers when England seized control of the Dutch colony that became
Nyc. Because the English upheld Dutch abolitionism legislation, New York became a hub for

Xahgfra (36984)
University of Maryland

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