CC English Essay

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Chesapeake College


A requirement for ENG101 by both the college and the state is that students write a formal research paper.

All ENG101 students will write a formal research paper that is at least 6 full pages not including the Works Cited page. This research paper will use the MLA Style for both formatting and documentation.

Here are the details:

  1. The research paper will need to be at least 6 pages long, not including the Works Cited page at the end. If you desire to go over the 6 pages, please ask your instructor. Instructors will vary in how much over the page limit students may go.
  2. The paper will have MLA Style for documentation of sources and formatting.Please refer to the resources located in this unit for assistance. Also, please do not hesitate to contact me individually by email with any questions you might have.
  3. Your instructor will provide guidance on the topic of this essay. Some instructors will allow great freedom in choosing topics, while others will limit topics or have a selection of topics to choose from. This freedom on topics will vary depending upon the instructor, so please ask your instructor if he or she does not make this clear.
  4. The paper will need to have a thesis to keep the paper focused and organized. Unit 3 explains how to develop the thesis and use it for an organization.
  5. Include a visual aid such as a picture, graphic, table, chart, etc. in the research paper and give credit to the source of this visual aid. In the six pages this assignment requires, the graphic should take up no more than one-half of one of those pages. (That really means 5.5 pages of writing with .5 of a page allowed for the visual aid). This visual aid requirement is to be in compliance with state guidelines for the class.
  6. The paper needs to have at least 4 outside sources. At least half of the sources you use need to be non-internet. By non-internet, this means general web pages found through a search engine such as Google or Yahoo. It is acceptable to use library sources that are accessed online, such as the college's system of OhioLINK and the EGCC Gateway. Please refer to the links below for assistance in accessing these library sources.
  7. The paper uses a formal, academic tone of voice.
  8. The paper is an original creation for this course session and not a reworking of any previous essay submission from any prior course experience.
  9. The paper also includes a large amount of the student’s own ideas and words and is not merely a linking of a series of quotes or paraphrases.

Explanation & Answer:
6 Pages
Tags: english
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.




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There's no one disputing that a lot of things have changed because of social media sites and
online media platforms entered our lifestyles. Starting with the manner we mingle, engage,
organize events, and even the frequency with which we go around. A person's capacity to converse
and openly express their thoughts was historically restricted by lengthy boundaries, governments,
and/or ideologies. In addition to these hurdles, the flow of information and comprehension is no
more impeded by them.

Social Media's Beneficial and Harmful Effects on the
Quality Education
• Beneficial Effects

Motivate Learners to Research Digitally: The advanced usage of Social Networking
and media systems in educational establishments encourages and motivates learners to
study more efficiently. A few of the primary components that promote educational growth
include instructional YouTube videos, simple accessibility to electronic books, digital
essays, and studying through video chatting on platforms like zoom and skype. Social
Networking has enabled remote education, which is among the most effective methods to

Harmful Effects

Reason for Diversion: Social Media networks are indeed a big component that is
contributing to diversionary tactics and impediment of concentration. Presently, young
people are rarely concerned with academics and instead choose to devote their free energy
and hours to digital media sites such as Facebook and Instagram (Wang, 2021). Almost all
of the deadlines, students are unable of delivering their homework in the stipulated time
period since they are primarily concentrated on utilizing Social Media networks.



The Most Influential Social Media platforms which Educators Use
Most of us are acquainted with YouTube, Facebook, Tumblr, LinkedIn, and other social
networking sites (Hughes, 2017). A lot of students and educators use social networks for work
purposes. The usage of social networking platforms by educators may be rather distinctive. So, the
following are some of the most influential social media platforms that educators use;
1. Facebook
o Facebook is being used by educational institutions and municipalities to distribute data
regarding different kinds of information.
o Because Facebook is among the largest and extensively utilized social networking sites,
material useful to families and educators can and must be provided herein.
o Educators utilize Facebook tools and techniques to interact with coworkers, exchange
materials and monitor pertinent firms and organizations, similar to how they use other
platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter.

Roles of Educators in Ensuring the Positive Use of Social Media
Educators must understand that incorporating social networking sites into the classroom
allows learners to access more valuable material, obtain assignment writing assistance, and interact
with studying networks and other instructional platforms that enable learning a lot easier.
Educators should also be aware that social media technologies are approaches that enable
students to participate socially and easily create information.

Social Media Contributes to a Better Educator-Learner
The advantages of social networking sites and platforms for quality education do not need
to be limited towards just the educator-learner connection. There are also more advantages of using
social media at must more superior stages.


The fact of the matter is that social networking sites and platforms are an integral
component of daily lives, and it makes no sense to exclude them from the educational systems.
Professionals in schools, colleges, and universities must be motivated to embrace To interact with
kids and teachers, using digital and internet technologies (Wang, 2021).


[Last Name] 1
Student Name
Teacher Name
Course Title

There's no one disputing that a lot of things have changed because of social media sites and
online media platforms entered our lifestyles. Starting with the manner we mingle, engage,
organize events, and even the frequency with which we go around. A person's capacity to converse
and openly express their thoughts was historically restricted by lengthy boundaries, governments,
and/or ideologies. In addition to these hurdles, the flow of information and comprehension is no
more impeded by them. Ideas may be freely exchanged in the present day thanks to social media
platforms and sites. Services like Facebook and WhatsApp, that has risen to prominence in the
social realm, build digital social connections (Rithika, 4, 2019).
Living beings are sociable creatures. We constantly want to be a part of some society, and
we choose to do what that gathering conducts. This group-oriented aspect of human character is
responsible for almost all of our customs and civilizations. In his "Motivational theory," Hermann
Maslow, a very well Interpersonal philosopher, said that humanity's societal requirements are the
next most significant necessity after their physiological and security requirements – the
important stage in his pyramid of human requirements. Especially our self-esteem suffers as a
result of our societal reliance. This has been the primary reason why millions of individuals use
social media to remain in touch, create friendships, and fulfill our social requirements.

Nowadays, we witness educational organizations incorporating these changes into their
structures and depending on collective tools and methods to the better student experience. Social
networking in academics and teaching achievement allows pupils, instructors, and families to
access more helpful material, engage with training organizations, and access other instructional
platforms that make schooling more accessible. Students and universities may use social
networking platforms to enhance their educational process in a variety of ways. We could employ
social media modifications to make posting and interaction on these social networks easier.
Learners could receive advantages using YouTube courses, Skype-provided educational classes
through institutions all around the globe, and a wide selection of resources shared on digital
networking (Barrot, 2021). For academic purposes, social networking sites and platforms could
give valuable material, such as insights and computer intelligence results, on several topics or
problems. Educational institutions should use as many social networking sites and portals as
feasible because of this aids in the creation of more effective learner instruction strategies and the
structuring of the educational experience. The advantage of adopting social media platforms and
sites in education is that learners may rapidly learn who the experts are in a variety of areas and
subjects. Learners, that start admiring such individuals, will concentrate more and get crucial
information from them, allowing them to obtain good results (Rithika, 2013). So, the emphasis of
this paper will be on the multiple aspects of how social networking is altering the educational

Social Media's Beneficial and Harmful Effects on the Quality Education

Beneficial Effects

Motivate Learners to Research Digitally: The advanced usage of Social Networking
and media systems in educational establishments encourages and motivates learners to
study more efficiently. A few of the primary components that promote educational growth
include instructional YouTube videos, simple accessibility to electronic books, digital
essays, and studying through video chatting on platforms like zoom and skype. Social
Networking has enabled remote education, which is among the most effective methods to
study through an educational institute while being anywhere (Kaya, 2016).


Improves Academic Proficiency: Some other important benefit of online medium is that
it assists students to improve their educational ability and understanding by collecting facts
and research. When learners at academic institutions are provided tasks, they use many
internet sites to gain information and find solutions to particular issues.


Improves the Intellectual Component: Social Networking sites and platforms aids in the
development of creative talents in youngsters by enabling them to discover and then
implement ideas on their own. When a student starts taking pictures and using online
editing software to make them seem more appealing, his or her hidden talent is typically
revealed. A big percentage of youngsters create YouTube videos as well. Many students
have distinct hobbies that they electronically convey via videos and photos, enabling them
to discover their career options. In any curriculum, the use of social networking sites and
platforms may be a valuable source of instruction that motivates pupils to learn.


Harmful Effects

Reason for Diversion: Social Media networks are indeed a big component that is
contributing to diversionary tactics and impediment of concentration. Presently, young
people are rarely concerned with academics and instead choose to devote their free energy
and hour...

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