Vision or hearing to kids, psychology homework help

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psych 201



Option 2: Explaining Vision or Hearing to Kids

  1. For this option, pretend that a 6-year-old asks you "How do we see? " or "How do we hear?"
  2. Find a way a creative way to answer one of these questions. You can design a handout, children's book, a coloring book, a brochure, a video, or power point presentation- anything that can explain to a 6-year old how that sense works. If you have another idea, check with your instructor. Your target audience is children so make sure your explanations are simple but you still use the scientific terminology. BE CREATIVE!

    If you choose vision, you will need to include the following: light waves, pupil, iris, lens, retina, rods and cones, optic nerve and then can stop your explanation at the visual cortex. You can get extra points on this assignment by also explaining feature detectors and parallel processing.

    If you choose hearing, you will need to include the following: sound waves, eardrum, middle ear, cochlear, hair cells, auditory nerve and can stop your explanation at the auditory cortex. You can get extra points on this assignment by also explaining deafness.

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Explanation & Answer


Hearing to Kids
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✓ Our ears receive sounds from our surroundings (Ken, 2017).

✓ For example a friend’s whispers into our ears
✓ The ears change the sounds into an easy form

✓ This helps the brain understand the sounds
✓ The brain thinks about the sounds

✓ The brain makes us respond accordingly
✓ Maybe laugh if the whisper is funny

 Vibrations that travel through matter e.g. air. (Ken, 2017)
 Vibrating objects causes particles to move in the air
 The particles collide as they move around
 More collision produces a wave of sound
 Speed and strength of collisions influences sound
 The ears perceive this sound

 Ears don’t perceive sound from far objects

Parts of the Ear
 A person has two ears which helps one determine the sound direction
(University of Texas Health Science Center,2017)
 The ear is made up of three major parts:
 1. Outer ear (auricle, ear canal, eardrum)
 2. Middle ear (hammer, anvil, stirrups)
 3. Inner ear (cochlear)

 To function each major part has minor parts(Gupta, 2014)

1. Outer Ear: Auricle (Pinna)
 The auricle is also known as pinna
 It is the outermost part of the ear
 It protrudes from the surface of the head
 This is the part that you can see and touch

 The part people pierce and put on earrings
 Earrings do not affect how it collects sounds
 ...

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