KINE 1500 Tulane University Physical Activity Values Paper

User Generated


Health Medical

KINE 1500

Tulane University



"Describe the four values promoted by the field of physical activity and their implications for designing physical activity programs."

I believe there is a very specific 4 values so please make sure they are the correct one. Please feel free to use and refer to any resources you choose. Thank you!

Explanation & Answer:
3 pages
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.

1. One of the values is fitness. It involves the functioning of the cardiovascular muscles that
are improved through aerobic activities that get the lungs and heart working faster. It also
consists of activities such as muscle strength, balance, and flexibility. One does not require
getting expensive or fancy equipment to improve their body fitness.
2. The second value is knowledge. People who understand the benefits associated with
physical activity are more active. However, the operationalization of this knowledge is
based on the physical activities that are good for one’s health. Engaging in physical activity
lowers the risks of all causes of mortality by 30%.
3. Thirdly, we have skills as a value. Physical activities play an integral role in developing
the brain and supporting crucial mental activities. Exercise improves motor skills such as
the coordination of hand and eye, better problem-solving abilities, improved learning, and
improved attention skills. A continued physical activity involves the use of motor and
movement skills.
4. The final value is pleasure. As physical rehabilitation and exercise psychology continues
to develop, one of the significant drawbacks clinicians and researchers constantly face is
motivating people towards exercise and physical activities. Most of the efforts appli...

Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.


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