Event Management (Volunteer participate), management homework help

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Business Finance


5 pages Minimum

It is your responsibility to observe, obtain and research event information to complete the assignment below:

  1. Student will invest a minimum of 6 hours working (and/or planning) an event (cannot be a tradeshow) during the trimester.You may select your own event. Please check in with the professor when determining an event for your project to be certain it is acceptable.
  2. The paper must be submitted in proper MLA format.Spelling and grammar errors will result in point deductions.
  3. The paper must be stapled with a title page listing the project title, your name, class period and date.
  4. You must section your paper as noted below I - VI:

Section I: Introduction

  1. Introduction of Event:Provide a history or review of the event.
  2. Philosophy/Mission of Event:Explain the purpose and philosophy of the event (include not-for-profit or for-profit)
  3. Event Script:Provide an agenda or schedule detailing day-by-day, hour-by-hour activities for the event, noting the key players.
  4. Event Directory:Create a directory of all the key players working together to produce this event.

Section II: Event Research

  1. Were any Research or Assessment tools utilized?What were they?
  2. Submit a SWOT analysis of the Event.
  3. Did the research (or lack of research) impact the success of the event?

Section III: Developing the Event Plan

  1. Why was this event site selected?
  2. Does this venue match the event?Why or why not?
  3. Are there any ADA concerns or accommodations?
  4. What is the theme of the event?
  5. Were there any amenities (bells and whistles) used to communicate the theme?
  6. What suggestions would you make to improve the effectiveness of the theme?

Section IV: Financial Implications

  1. Discuss the sources of revenue for the event (admission fees, sponsorships, registration, product sales etc.)
  2. What are the fixed and/or variable expenses for the event?

Section V: Marketing and Promotion

  1. Discuss the marketing and promotional efforts used by the organization or the event manager.Include samples.
  2. Identify all of the event sponsors.
  3. What type of sponsorship agreements were entered into and what benefits did sponsors receive in return for their support?

Section VI: Event Reflection

  1. Fully describe your duties and role at the event.
  2. Evaluate the event as a learning experience.
  3. Identify any changes or recommendations you would make.

Directed Work Project

(Individual Assignment)

Directed Work Project Grading Rubric


Section I: Introduction

  1. Introduction & History of Event
  2. Purpose and Philosophy/Mission of Event
  3. Schedule of Activities: Event Script
  4. Event Directory

20 Points

Section II: Event Research

  1. Assessment Tools Utilized
  2. SWOT Analysis
  3. Planning Impact on Event

15 Points

Section III: Event Plan

  1. Event Site
  2. ADA Concerns
  3. Theme of the Event
  4. Amenities
  5. Suggestions

15 Points

Section IV: Financial Implications

1. Sources of Revenue

2. Fixed or Variable Expenses

10 Points

Section V: Marketing and Promotion

  1. Marketing and Promotional Efforts
  2. Event Sponsors
  3. Samples

10 Points

Section VI: Event Reflection

  1. Duties Described
  2. Evaluation as learning experience
  3. Changes or Recommendations

20 Points

Spelling, Grammar, and Format

10 Points

100 Points – 20% of Course Grade

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Explanation & Answer

Please find attached, let me know if you need any clarifications. Thank you.







Surname 1
Miss Massachusetts Preliminary Competition and Pageant
Section I: Introduction
This a two-day event that takes place every year and it consists of the preliminary
competition followed by the pageant. It is held at The Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts,
2 Southbridge Street, Worcester in Massachusetts. The tickets for the preliminary competition go
for $ 30 while those for the final pageant go for $ 40. In the preliminary competition, contestants
compete in activities such as onstage questions, evening wear and swimsuit events. The
preliminary competition is followed by a pageant whereby the top ten contestants from the
preliminary competition compete in activities of evening wear, casting their talent and swimsuit
events. The winner of this event goes on to compete for the Miss America title. This event is
organized by Miss Massachusetts Scholarship Foundation, Inc which is a non-profit charitable
organization. The event is dedicated to helping young women to recognize their potential. The
event mainly helps in fostering education and seeks to attract the highly motivated young men
who are leaders in their communities. Finally, the event also aims to reinforce the importance
and desirability of positive aspects in the society especially among the youth of the nation.

Surname 2
The event starts at 7.00 PM whereby the organizers of the event welcome the audience by
explaining the mission and vision of the event. All the contestants are then introduced, and they
start engaging in the activities of the event. The contestants start by walking down the aisle in
their evening wear, swimsuit events, and onstage questions. Judges later come up with a list of
top ten contestants who compete on the next day ...

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