SW 120 Mock Therapy Self Determination Paper

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SW 120 Mock Therapy Paper You will be required to read the Mack Case study below and respond to questions 1-8 please see below for details. Paper Formatting: APA has very specific formatting requirements. Your paper MUST include the following topic headers in italic font. 12pt. Times New Roman font, double spaced, & one-inch margins. Minimum 4-7 pages. The paper will have the following sections, in the order provided below. Topic headers are essentially titles of each section, written in as follows: a. Cover Page: Appropriate Running Head, Page Numbers, Title, Student information, Course Information i. Self-Determination ii. Strengths of Mack iii. How would you use these strengths? iv. PIC Ecomap (digital or drawn) v. Active Listening Skills 1 vi. Active Listening Skills 2 vii. Summary viii. Personal Assessment b. References Page Organization, Grammar and Spelling 1. Sentences convey meaning clearly and are grammatically correct 2. Spelling and punctuation are accurate 3. Organization with clear introductory and conclusion sentences Mack Case Study ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mack Case Study: You are a youth worker with high-risk teens. You lead a juvenile delinquency prevention support group that meets after school on Wednesdays and Fridays, every week. There are 12 male group members between the ages of 13-15, who are believed to be at risk for juvenile delinquency. All of them are experiencing academic problems at school. Some of the group members have had problems acting out at school and home; others are socially isolated and withdrawn. The Current Situation ● On Friday, Josh approaches you after the support group meeting. He is very worried about Mack, one of the group members. He confides in you that he heard Mack telling several other group members that he was going to commit suicide this weekend. ● According to Josh, Mack said that he could get a bottle of pain killer pills from his mother’s medicine cabinet and take them with alcohol. ● Josh also stated that Mack asked the other group members, “How much alcohol do I need to drink, with the pain killer pills, to commit suicide?” SW 120 Mock Therapy Paper ● Some of the group members were telling Mack about how much alcohol to drink with the pain killer pills, in order to commit suicide. ● Josh is worried. Mack sounds serious and has a plan to commit suicide. Mack’s Story ● You speak with Mack about this situation after the group meeting. ● Mack admits that he did threaten to commit suicide but is not completely sure that he will follow through with his plan. ● He asks you to keep this a secret. ● He does not want to upset his parents. His parents are going through a divorce and are fighting every day. They are always fighting about credit card debt and his mom’s trips to the casino, where she is gambling. ● His older brother, age 17, ran away from home two weeks ago and is still missing. ● Mack states that he feels angry almost every day. He misses his brother. Your Observations and Understanding of Mack ● According to the school social worker, Mack has been withdrawn and socially isolated at school. He is often seen eating lunch alone. His parents describe him as shy. ● Mack is usually quiet and somewhat withdrawn at the group meetings. ● Lately, Mack seems more willing to talk and express himself in the group meetings. ● This past Wednesday, he did share with the group that his brother ran away from home. He also stated that he was worried about his brother. ● Mack has no one to talk to about all the problems with his parents since his brother ran away from home. ______________________________________________________________________________ Questions: 1. How would you respond to Mack's request to keep his Suicidal behavior a secret? Answers must include self-determination. Use at least one citation from the NASW code of ethics (Ethical Standards 1.02 & 1.07) to support your answer. 2. Identify and describe at least 2-3 strengths in Mack and his situation. 3. How would you use this strength to help Mack and/or his family solve their problem/s? 4. Use the Person-in-the-Environment (PIE) to analyze and understand the deeper issues in this client problem scenario. On separate/blank piece of paper or page, Create an Eco Map to analyze this client problem scenario using the principles of Systems Theory and Ecological Systems Theory. Provide a key by which to identify whether or not the relationship is strong, SW 120 Mock Therapy Paper tenuous or weak for each system that you choose. Choose only systems that are mentioned or inferred in the scenario. Mack is the client for the eco map. Mack has been talking to his fellow group members about suicide and he even has a plan! You will need to approach Mack about his situation. Choose two Active Listening Skills that you would use to talk with Mack about his current threats of suicide. Your goal is to gain a better understanding of how Mack feels and his situation, and to instill hope in Mack. Describe how and why you will use these two skills and give an example of what you would actually say (or do) to Mack. 5. List an Active Listening Skill you would use? Explain why you believe this to be helpful, provide an example of what you would actually say. 6. List an additional Active Listening Skill you would use? Explain why you believe this to be helpful, provide an example of what you would actually say. 7. Summarize the strategies you learned from the case study: who, what, where why etc. 8. Personal assessment: After completing this assignment I realized (feelings, thoughts, experiences)? did anything show up for you personally or what about this case study was challenging? What did you learn about yourself? ______________________________________________________________________________ Plagiarism 1. Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty and will be treated seriously. 2. According to the 2016-2017 Cuyamaca College Catalogue, plagiarism is defined as “the act of taking ideas, words or specific substantive material of another and offering them as one’s own without giving credit to the source. 3. Writers give credit to sources by using citations. According to Richard Nordquist, a citation is a source quoted in an essay, report or book to clarify, illustrate, or substantiate a point (About.com). 4. A detailed description of plagiarism and accompanying consequences is available in the Cuyamaca College Catalogue under “Academic Honesty”. Here are some common examples of plagiarism: • Submitting a paper with someone else’s ideas, opinions, or research without citing the appropriate source • Paraphrasing without citing the appropriate source • Submitting the same paper in more than one class • Submitting a paper as your own work that was written by another student or person • Submitting a paper that was purchased from the Internet or elsewhere 5. When in doubt, use a citation! SW 120 Mock Therapy Paper • • • Citations show that you made the effort to do the research for your essay or term paper. Always have a References page at the conclusion of your work. Consult the instructor if you are unsure about an issue related to plagiarism.
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Self-determination is a preventive determinant against the harmful effect of adverse life
events on suicide thoughts in juveniles. Mack seems highly self-determined; therefore, the
negative life events such as his parents going through a divorce, fighting daily, and his brother's
disappearance substantially impact him. According to NASW (2021), it is a social worker's duty
to respect and encourage the client's right to self-determination and help them in their endeavors
to recognize and explain their goals. However, social works may restrict clients' right to selfdetermination, when in their professional perception, client's actions or prospective deeds may
lead to serious, expected, and threatening risks to themselves or other people. In Mack's case,
self-determination is an essential concept, which is Mack's capability of making choices and
managing his own life. He & Xu (2021) further elaborate that this ability plays a vital role in his
mental health and well-being and will allow him to feel control over his choices and life.
To respond to Mack's request to keep his suicidal behavior a secret, I would identify the
depression warning signs and his suicide risks as a youth worker. Mack has already given
warning signs by telling his group members of his intentions to commit suicide by letting them
know that he could get painkillers and take them with alcohol. I would also take his suicidal
statements seriously. Mack's behaviors and the mental depression he has been going through
usually relate to suicidal feelings; thus, it would be prudent to take these close signs seriously.
Besides, listening to what Mack says and asking him direct and open questions would indicate
my willingness to discuss anything with him and his suicidal feelings. I would tell Mack that I
am concerned about letting him know that I care, that he is not alone, and that such feelings are
temporary and a psychologist can treat depression. I would also encourage Mack to seek



immediate professional assistance from a psychotherapist or a physician. It can be a great relief if
Mack brings his suicidal feelings into the open and freely discuss them without shock or
Strengths of Mack
One of Mack's strengths is optimism, which he lately indicated by his willingness to talk
and express himself in group meetings. This readiness involves establishing the capability of
viewing the world from an optimistic viewpoint. From my observations, Mack can now
challenge negative talks and replace them with more positive ones; thus, he will be able to learn
how to become optimistic. This attitude will make Mack continue working towards his goals,
even when facing obstacles, challenges and setbacks. Besides, optimism will be an encouraging,
positive perspective on Mack's future and the world around him. It is an essential part of
resilience and his inner strength to help him get through the tough times. This feeling may also
substantially affect Mack's mental and physical well-being by promoting a healthy lifestyle and
modifiable behaviors and cognitive responses.
Coping skills have also helped Mack tolerate, reduce and handle stressful situations in his
life. He can share with his group members that his brother ran away from home and worried
about him. By managing his stress well, Mack will feel better physically and mentally, which can
influence his capability of performing at his best. It is also clear that Mack has not tried to
manage his suicidal feelings independently. He can get assistance from a youth worker who
could refer him for professional help and support from his loved ones and make it easier for him
to overcome the hurdles causing his suicidal thoughts. The juvenile delinquency prevention
support group can also help him cope with suicidal feelings. Furthermore, these groups would
enable Mack to recognize that suicide is not the right option ...

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