University of North Texas Coaching Technique Discussion

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Business Finance

University of North Texas


Please make an original post based on the following role assignment:

You are a coach retained by Morgan Stanley to help either Rob Parson or Paul Nasr (your choice which one).  The objective of this coaching assignment is to help Rob or Paul with his transition when he was initially hired at Morgan Stanley. You are part of an cadre of external coaches commissioned by Morgan Stanley, all of whom have NDAs, but are authorized to speak openly within the cadre regarding your coaching engagements for the purpose of shared learning and collective support of those you coach.  Make an initial post to the coaching cadre of fellow coaches describing your coaching plan in terms of models,  theories, and/or approaches you would take.  This may include, but not limited to any of the following: MBTI, Competing Values Framework, Goal Setting Theory, Ladder of Inference, Double Loop Learning, the Speed of Trust model,  and/or any other models theories pertinent to the case.  Your fellow coaches know these models and, therefore, you may move directly to meaningful discussions on the subject of helping your assigned coaching recipient (i.e., Rob or Paul). The original post should not be longer than 800 words.

In addition to you original post, which should follow the five-paragraph format described in #2 below rubric.

The rubric for the discussion board assignment is broken into four parts.

Educational Quality - This looks at the engaging quality of the post, how well thinking is stimulated, effect illustrations concepts, and/or additional resources leveraged to present perspective.  keep in mind, you are the educator in a discussion post context.

Writing - This factors in the quality and organization writing.  Should be appropriate in form and function for a graduate course.  It should feature a brief introduction (aimed to hook the reader), body/theme paragraphs (2-5 content rich paragraphs on relevant themes), and a conclusion that synthesizes and presents the so what of the post.

  1. Content - This looks at the adeptness at using the theoretical tools and depth of understanding of the content covered.

Explanation & Answer:
800 Words
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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.


Coaching Technique
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Coaching Technique

Fellow colleagues, it with great pleasure that I would like to present to you my
experience Rob and Paul. I coached these two men who had just been accepted into different
companies and the difference in results were astounding. I can to realize that there is a big
difference between using the goal theory approach to coaching and using the people oriented
approach of coaching. My deduction and also as emphasized by Leonard (2020) was that a leader
who can ignite the passion of his or her team and encourage staff to strive for greatness is
essential in today's highly competitive business world. All of this is reinforced by coaching that
is people-oriented rather than goal-oriented. All this is supported by the people-oriented
approach to coaching, and not the goal theory. For Paul who is 25 years of age, after a year of
employment, decided to quit his job claiming reasons of pressure and not being able to adopt
well to the organizational culture that for him was too stringent. For Rob on the other hand, this
is just the third year and he had already risen ranks at his current place of work, and his record is
very impressive. One of the differences is that for Paul I used the goal setting approach to his
coaching and for Rob, I used the people-oriented approach. Here are some of the similarities and
differences between the two approaches to coaching. So that you can better understand why I
decided that I will always rely upon the people-oriented approach of coaching, as opposed to the
goal theory of coaching.
Feedback is an essential component of both goal theory and people-oriented coaching. In order
to attain objectives, one needs obtain rapid feedback to determine where change is needed in
order to achieve the goal. Continuous feedback on conduct, attitudes, and skills is essential for



long-term growth in coaching. Avoid generalizations and exaggerations in both of these models,
which are ...

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