Article Critique – Dealing with Annoying Co-Workers
Read the article entitled, How to deal with annoying co-workers
Write a paper about your thoughts on this article. Additionally, in the paper, be sure to address the following:
- Discuss an encounter you have had with one of the six types of annoying co-workers described in the article.
- Analyze how you handled this particular annoying co-worker by indicating which communication methods were used.
- Assess how you will handle a similar situation in the future using the advice given by the author of the article.
Please make sure to reference the article and at least one other article in the paper.
The paper must be two pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. Cite your resources in text and on the reference page.
Green, A. (2011). How to deal with annoying co-workers. U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved from

Explanation & Answer

It has been great working with you right from the start to the end. I wish you all the best in your academics.
Annoying Co-workers
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Annoying Co-workers
As a restaurant supervisor, I understand the essence of having effective management and
broad leadership skills in the workplace. Importantly, I possess good communication techniques
and adaptability skills which are important in my job position. Therefore, the ability to deal with
annoying workers in the workplace is among the skills that I have acquired. Therefore, I have
analysis my thought on this matter of concerns, similar situation I have encountered and how I
dealt with it.
The articles have illustrated various common ways people annoy in the workplace. The
articles h...