PSY 444 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
The final project for this course is the creation of a formal research report. Because of the course’s structure and provided resources, only quantitative
research methods are permitted.
As the final step in your journey toward your degree in psychology, you will complete a capstone that integrates the knowledge and skills you have developed in
previous coursework by creating a research paper appropriate for an undergraduate research conference. Through this capstone, you will demonstrate your
grasp of important concepts in psychology and how to appropriately conduct research. The skills used in reviewing and conducting research will be invaluable in
your future pursuits.
This capstone will be assessed somewhat differently than other courses you have taken online at SNHU. You will be evaluated on your overall project
in determining whether you have demonstrated proficiency in each outcome.
The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality
final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Four, and Six. The final project will be submitted in Module Eight.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
Assimilate classic and current research within the field of psychology by developing detailed literature reviews and presentations
Gather, organize, and analyze acquired knowledge within the field of psychology as evidenced in an e-compendium
Develop a conference-level deliverable depicting theoretical or empirical research and how it fits a larger body of knowledge in the research literature
of psychology
Evaluate the appropriate research method(s) to use for the problem examined in a theoretical or empirical research project
Describe informed conclusions that align with selected research designs and statistical analyses used in an original research project
Analyze multifaceted ethical issues associated with the core content areas of psychology as evidenced through the creation of informed consent
forms and the use of ethical reasoning
The final project is meant for you to propose a hypothetical study. You are not and should not be conducting human-subject research for this project. It is not
necessary for the purposes of this assignment. All human-subject research requires written approval from the SNHU COCE Institutional Review Board in order to
protect the welfare and ensure ethical treatment of the subjects.
The final project for this course is a formal research project based on one of the psychological topics listed below, or a topic of your choice (to be approved
by your instructor) and it will include the following components: abstract, introduction, methods and results, discussion, and references. Your report should
be developed as if it were being presented at an undergraduate research conference.
For your research project, select one of the following topics:
Internet Gaming Disorder: Addictions concentration
Autism: Child and adolescent development concentration
Substance Abuse and Crime: Forensic psychology concentration
Treatment Effectiveness for Veterans with PTSD: Mental health concentration
Cyberbullying: Social psychology concentration
If you would like to research a topic not listed here, you will need instructor approval. In the Module One Discussion Topic you will identify which of the
topics above you will research, or you will need to propose a topic of your choice for instructor approval.
The purpose of this assignment is for you to explore one topic area in depth and demonstrate how you have developed the professional skills and
dispositions critical to the field of psychology over your academic career. Your research report must follow proper APA formatting.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Abstract: For the first section of your research report, you will create an abstract that is a concise summary of your research study. Include information
on your research question, subjects (if applicable), methods, results, and discussion.
Introduction: In this section, you will create an introduction that includes a literature review of research pertinent to the topic area you have chosen.
This section should contain the following elements, which will demonstrate your ability to interpret psychological research and develop research
questions regarding unexplored topic areas:
A. Prepare a literature review
B. Determine testable research questions with hypotheses
Methods and Results: For the next section of your research report, you will develop methods and results sections that inform potential readers of
how you conducted your study and what the statistical results of the study were. These sections should contain the following elements, which will
demonstrate your ability to detail the process of conducting research and to appropriately convey your results:
A. Explain the methods of how you conducted your study
B. Conduct statistical analyses as appropriate
Discussion: For the last section of your research report, you will write your discussion section, which describes your interpretation of your results and
speaks to how future researchers can expound on your work. This piece should contain the following elements, which will demonstrate your ability
to detail the process of conducting research and to appropriately convey your results:
A. Interpret your results
B. Discuss any limitations or ethical issues
Your research report should be appropriately formatted following the latest guidelines for APA formatting, using in-text citations when necessary. You will
be expected to use at least 10 research articles in the topic area to support your review of the literature.
Milestone One: Draft of Introduction
In Module Two, you will submit a draft of your introduction (including the literature review of your first five sources). This milestone is graded with the
Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Draft of Methods and Results Sections
In Module Four, you will submit a draft of your methods and results sections. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Draft of Discussion
In Module Six, you will submit a draft of your discussion section. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.
Final Submission: Research Report
In Module Eight, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product and
should include at least 10 scholarly sources. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with
the Final Project Rubric.
Module Due
Draft of Introduction
Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric
Draft of Methods and Results Section
Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric
Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric
Graded comprehensively; Final Project Rubric
Draft of Discussion
Final Submission: Research Report
Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your research report should be at least 15 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and written in APA format. Use double spacing,
12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. The paper will utilize at least 10 scholarly sources. Any references should be cited in APA format.
The “Possible Indicators of Success” are examples for you and the instructor of the types of concepts to look for to demonstrate proficiency. They are neither
exhaustive nor proscriptive and should be used as guides for illustrating how your capstone embodies the outcome.
PSY-444-01: Assimilate classic and current research within the field of psychology by
developing detailed literature reviews and presentations
Possible Indicators of Success
Not Proficient
Does student demonstrate his or her ability to utilize benchmark studies with current peer-reviewed studies? Does he or she demonstrate
the ability to support the literature review with appropriate seminal work in the field?
Does student demonstrate his or her ability to concisely synthesize supporting literature in a focused direction?
Does student demonstrate his or her ability to evaluate how current and future research is informed by classic research? Does he or she
demonstrate the ability to holistically analyze the literature in the field?
Does student demonstrate his or her ability to professionally articulate how classic and current research support his or her research and
claims made?
PSY-444-02: Gather, organize, and analyze acquired knowledge within the field of psychology
Not Proficient
as evidenced in an e-compendium
Possible Indicators of Success
Does student demonstrate his or her ability to select relevant empirically driven research that encompasses a variety of research designs
for literature support? Does he or she demonstrate the ability to select supporting research that incorporates the perspectives of different
subject areas in psychology?
Does student demonstrate his or her ability to present the findings of other peer-reviewed research publications in a logical and
unique manner?
Does the student demonstrate his or her ability to incorporate his or her personal perspective in his or her interpretation of the findings of
other empirically driven publications? Does he or she demonstrate the ability to articulate his or her unique but research-supported
perspective on the topic area?
PSY-444-03: Develop a conference-level deliverable depicting theoretical or empirical research
Not Proficient
and how it fits a larger body of knowledge in the research literature of psychology
Possible Indicators of Success
Does student demonstrate his or her ability to narrow a relevant topic of interest to a feasible research project? Does he or she
demonstrate the ability to anticipate and account for potential issues of practicality associated with the research?
Does student demonstrate his or her ability to concisely synthesize relevant theory with established research? Does he or she
demonstrate the ability to develop research-informed research questions?
Does student demonstrate his or her ability to articulate a convincing need for investigation regarding the selected research question(s)?
Does he or she demonstrate the ability to communicate the value of the research to the field of psychology as well as society?
PSY-444-04: Evaluate the appropriate research method(s) to use for the problem examined in
Not Proficient
a theoretical or empirical research project
Possible Indicators of Success
Does student demonstrate his or her ability to select flexible research methodology that can account for potential limitations? Does he or
she demonstrate the ability to discuss ways to address potential limitations associated with the research? Does he or she demonstrate
the ability to design or select professional research designs that are relevant to the research?
Does the student demonstrate his or her ability to design research that efficiently gathers data from participants (if applicable)? Does
it demonstrate the student’s ability to develop or utilize comprehensive data gathering materials and strategies?
PSY-444-05: Describe informed conclusions that align with selected research designs and
Not Proficient
statistical analyses used in an original research project
Possible Indicators of Success
Does student demonstrate his or her ability to incorporate their personal perspective in their interpretation of their gathered data? Does
he or she demonstrate the ability to make unique, informed conclusions about the results?
Does student demonstrate his or her ability to predict future research into the topic area of their research?
Does student demonstrate his or her ability to convey how his or her research expands on the collective understanding of the topic area?
Does he or she demonstrate the ability to articulate the value or importance of his or her research to the field of psychology and society?
PSY-444-06: Analyze multifaceted ethical issues associated with the core content areas of
psychology as evidenced through the creation of informed consent forms and the use of
Not Proficient
ethical reasoning
Possible Indicators of Success
Does student demonstrate his or her ability to identify ethical issues in psychological research? Does he or she demonstrate an awareness
of how research can be impacted or influenced by limitations? Does he or she demonstrate the ability to make recommendations to
account for ethical issues when conducting research?
Does student demonstrate his or her ability to adhere to ethical standards regarding research materials?
Does student demonstrate his or her ability to collect, interpret, discuss, and store qualitative and quantitative data in an ethical manner?
Does he or she demonstrate the ability to account for potential issues of ethics when gathering data from participants (if applicable)?
Does he or she demonstrate the ability to consider the needs of the participants?
Final Project Autism: Child and Adolescent Development Concentration
Autism: Child and Adolescent Development Concentration
Felicia Rzepczynski
Southern New Hampshire University
Final Project Autism: Child and Adolescent Development Concentration
Literature Review (Autism)
In the article Continuity and change from early childhood to adolescence in autism written by
McGovern and Sigman (2005) opine that there is a need for more research to improve social
behavior from middle childhood/early adolescence to young adulthood since parents perceive
their autistic children as less symptomatic. The study adds to the research topic on how social
behavior helps improve autism spectrum disorder (ASP) in young adults. His findings concur
with previous researches that highlighted the change in adaptive behavior and behavioral
responsiveness to the emotions of others reduces the severity of Autism in middle school
children. However, the study was limited by a lack of information regarding the children's
experiences in their families, schools, and intervention programs. Another flaw of the study is
the small sample size of 48 children with Autism aged 2-5 years. It implies the findings of the
study and variations in techniques used cannot be generalized across studies. “The results of this
study provide evidence of both continuity and change in the developmental trajectory of children
with autism from early childhood to late adolescence. Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder
shows very strong stability over time in that almost all the children continue to meet diagnostic
criteria as adolescents and young adults even when current behavioral observations were used to
establish diagnosis.”(McGovern & Sigman, 2005).
In the article Daily living skills in individuals with autism spectrum disorder from 2 to 21 years
of age written by Bal et al. (2015) reverberates McGovern and Sigman (2005) findings and use
longitudinal studies to demonstrate that persons with ASD benefit from daily living skills (DLS).
“Daily living skills (DLS), such as personal hygiene, meal preparation, and money management,
are important to independent living. Research suggests that many individuals with autism
spectrum disorder exhibit impairments in daily living skills relative to their cognitive skills”.(Bal
et. All, 2015). The research embraces mixed modelling to investigate trajectories of DLS and the
effects of early predictors such as diagnosis and language skills in children aged two. The
experiment is extended to older individuals and contributes to the broader aspect of my research
topic since it ascertains if children with ASD showed different trajectories of DLS compared to
children with non-spectrum diagnoses. It hypothesized that children with non-spectrum
diagnoses show more significant gains in DLS compared to children with ASD. The authors
illustrate that emphasize that individuals with ASD and individuals with Down syndrome in
adolescence and early 20s gained most from DLS compared to children. Adults and children
have different patterns in DLS attainment. The article contributes to the research topic because I
can learn more about interpreting results from the qualitative study conducted. The study exhibits
no flaw in the logic of interpretation / systematic errors in sample size.
In the article, Age related differences of executive functioning problems in everyday life of
children and adolescents in the autism spectrum written by Van den Bergh et. All, The research
examines the impact of executive functioning (EF) challenges in individuals with ASD. “The
theory of executive dysfunction suggests that some autism symptoms might stem from executive
functioning deficits. EF refers to cognitive skills that serve independent, purposive, goal-
Final Project Autism: Child and Adolescent Development Concentration
directed, and self-serving behavior” (Van de Bergh, et. All, 2014). The authors' Van den Bergh
et al. (2014) use laboratory task performances on 118 children aged 6-18. They use the Behavior
rating inventory of executive function (BRIEF) and discover that inhibition problems are typical
among young children, unlike planning which proved to be a problem among adolescents
between 12- to 14-year-old. Similar to other previous studies, the researchers illustrated that each
one with ASD faces the issue of executive functioning, which relates positively to some ASD
signs such as repetitive behavior. Notably, not all people with ASD have clinically significant EF
deficits because they evolve in their EF skills (Van Den Bergh et al., 2014). The outcome that
cognitive flexibility and planning occur in individuals with ASD is inconsistent, and information
on the developmental patterns of cognitive flexibility and planning in people with ASD is scanty.
The study is flawed since some authors argue that BRIEF does not measure actual EF. It is in my
research interest to delve deeper and comprehend how cognitive behavior affects ASD from a
developmental perspective and individual differences.
In the article, Analysis and detection of autism spectrum disorder using machine learning
techniques written by Raj and Masood (2020) allude that neurological disease can be detected
early using machine learning-based models. “Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neuro
disorder in which a person has a lifelong effect on interaction and communication with others.
Autism can be diagnosed at any stage in once life and is said to be a “behavioral disease”
because in the first two years of life symptoms usually appear. According to the ASD problem
starts with childhood and continues to keep going on into adolescent and adulthood” (Raj et. All,
2020). According to them, ASD is a behavioral disease that can be noticed at any stage in a
person's life. Raj and Masood (2020) screen 292 instances with 21 attributes and 704 instances
with 21 attributes and use Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machine, among other
mechanisms to predict and analyze ASD problems in a child, adolescents, and adults using three
data sets. The article will help develop the research topic because ASD can be detected in good
time and improve patients' mental and physical health with the increased machine learning-based
models. The conclusion has no logical flaws since the authors use performance evaluation
metrics to evaluate the precise model performance, such as accuracy and sensitivity.
In the article, The autism puzzle: Diffuse but not pervasive neuroanatomical abnormalities in
children with ASD written by Sussman et al. (2015) develop novel findings that show a
difference in cortical, subcortical and cerebellar between males and females. “Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD), a life-long neurodevelopmental condition, is clinically diagnosed based on its
socio-behavioral characteristics which include impaired social communication and interaction,
and repetitive behavior and restricted interests. Efforts to understand this developmental
condition have focused on characterizing any accompanying age-related neuro-pathophysiology”
(Sussman et. All, 2015). A cortical analysis demonstrated that diagnosis-by-age and diagnosisby-sex interaction effects significantly impact total brain volume rather than the mean cortical
thickness of the ASD respondents. Region-based cortical thickness analysis showed changes in
regional changes in the left orbitofrontal cortex and left posterior cingulate gyrus. The study
Final Project Autism: Child and Adolescent Development Concentration
examining brain volume in children with ASD between the ages of 4 and 18 years shows that the
brain undergoes an abnormal short overgrowth in early postnatal life, after which it is followed
by growth arrest in later childhood. The findings are flawed since they represent a miniature of
children who develop autism later. Besides, age-related differences in brain volume can be
attributed to abnormal maturation of the cerebral cortex (Sussaman et al., 2015).
Current literature points out the challenges children with autism spectrum disorder go through:
labeling, anxiety, depression, difficulties in learning and segregation (Reicher, 2020), sleep
problems (Liu, 2020), problems with motor skills (Jallot et al., 2021), and parent-child
interaction challenges (Bontink et al., 2018). The effects of COVID-19 disruptions on children
with ASD and their families have also been outlined as; loss, worry, and mood swing (Asbury et
al., 2020).
In her work, Reicher (2020) debates on the issue of distant education during COVID-19 for
youngsters with high functioning autism spectrum disorder (ASD) opine that the children have
become used to learning from their homesteads and are jittery about resuming physical learning.
Reicher also attributes this to the hidden school curriculum comprising rules, values, behaviors,
procedures, and norms. The unspoken curriculum in mainstream education systems leads to
misunderstanding, disheartenment, and isolation among children with ASD. Reicher adds that
the absence of the hidden curriculum in schools liberates children and encourages them to learn
comfortably. According to her, what is known is that for now, remote learning favors children
with ASD, but for the long term, it is unknown how it will play out in older children in high
school and workplaces. The shortcoming of the study includes the lack of quantitative data and
is based on a case study; hence may not be generalized.
On the other hand, Liu et al., (2021) examined sleep issues of children with Autism and their
parents' sleep. Quality of sleep is conceptualized from a multifaceted idea comprising an
individual's physical, mental, social relationships, personal beliefs, and other life pieces. The
study's objective was to check how the parental quality of sleep affects their ability to offer good
care to the children, hence affecting the child's development. Data for the study was collected
using a self-administered questionnaire to further the entire family. A sample of 440 children
with ASD and a control group of 344 children without ASD was used as a sample. The results
showed that sleep disturbances in children with ASD affect parental QOL differently from
normally growing children.
Lavenne-Collot et al., (2021), on their part, looked at early motor skills in children with ASD
and whether that age is marked by less frequent hand and knees crawling. The research had 79
children with ASD and a control group of 100 children with normal development. Data was
collected using a questionnaire. The study was limited by its reliance on parental memory of a
child's development and convenient sampling to gather the control group sample, which may not
be representative hence affecting the ability to generalize the results.
Final Project Autism: Child and Adolescent Development Concentration
Bontink et al., (2018) examined the moderating role of coding strategy in parent-child
interactions among children with ASD. Coding strategy is conceptualized as indicative when
children have social-communicative issues like gaze following, joint attention, verbal and nonverbal communication. The study relied on existing data on 16 mothers with children who have
ASD. Data collection initially involved observation and recording and later content analysis. The
study's shortcoming is that it lacks the currency of the data and may not be generalized to a large
group. The results indicated that; caregivers providing more arrangement and superior quality
instructions had a higher incidence of creativities.
Previously, studies had failed to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the cortical,
subcortical, and cerebellar anatomy of children and adolescents with ASD. However, this
research has shown extensive cohort studies of neurodevelopmental patterns from early
childhood through adolescence, indicating brain changes with age in the participants with ASD
compared with the matched controls. The findings will help advance my research and further
examine whether brain development in females with ASD differs significantly from males.
This analysis has contributed to COVID -19 on the mental health of children with ASD and their
families. It has identified the sleep of caregivers as directly related to the care the ASD child
receives, how children with ASD prefer to learn from home rather than going to school. The
review also showed that most of the studies relied on the memory of the caregivers to give
observations of their child development or case studies. Opportunities identified for further
research are getting larger samples, recruiting parents to record their children's behaviors for a
long period, and using random samples for the control group.
The research aims to talk about autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and its consequences on child
and adolescent development and concentration. Child and adolescent development could get
disturbed because of a variety of factors such as social, environmental, emotional, and
intellectual. ASD has numerous challenges for children and affects their average growth. For this
study, I will be using the quantitative designs specifically the experimental research. The
experimental research method will be used to study the consequences and challenges posed
because of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). There are 40 participants, among which 20
participants have ASD while 20 are normal children (control group). The age of participants
ranges between 3-16 years. All the forty participants are randomly collected from different areas
to observe the effects of ASD on their everyday life. Their activities are being monitored for two
weeks consecutively, such as how children with ASD performed in class and how a healthy child
used to perform in class. The participants will also be monitored in their homes as well to see
how they behave and act at home.
After observation of the affected group and control group for two weeks, data collected is
analyzed through comparative data analysis technique to propose results and highlight the
Final Project Autism: Child and Adolescent Development Concentration
difference made because of autism spectrum disorder. Considering the ethics of the research
method, the observation will be uninformed for children so that the researcher can record reliable
and natural behavior. Still, permission is granted from their parents and teachers. Parents and
teachers are aware of the purpose of the study, and they allow the researcher to perform
observation at home, school, and playground.
Furthermore, as it is quantitative research the comparative data analysis technique is used
to compare the performance of groups and individuals under study. The researcher attempts to
analyze similarities and differences between two experimental groups that will be analyzed
through a comparative method that will increase readers' understanding (RICHARDSON, 2018).
Dependent Variable: Social skills, attachment, children and adolescent development
Independent Variable: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
The comparative analysis of data collected through observation experiments reveals that ASD
poses numerous challenges for infected children. Among 20 children who were suffering from
ASD, 15 are facing huge sleep disturbance issues. Anxiety, fear, and restlessness are some issues
that they face while sleeping. Twelve children show negative behaviors and rapid mood swings
every day (sometimes on small things). And all of the 20 children who have autism spectrum
disorder are poor in developing emotional attachment and social communication skills. Upon
observation, it is noticed that the infected group of children likes to stay home and spend time
with toys and books compared to the children from the control group (who wants to go out and
play with their friend).
Failure to attach to their parents emotionally and intellectually negatively affects the
development of children. They are not learning new skills necessary for success in the time
Poor Social
Negative Impact
on child and
Enormous effect
on the
Final Project Autism: Child and Adolescent Development Concentration
The above table shows the comparative analysis of children with ASD and its effect on their
everyday behaviors. Results indicate that behavioral challenges that children with ASD are
facing also affect parental practices. Active parenting is required to ensure children receive the
care and response they are expecting from their parents. The comparative analysis of control
group children and affected group children shows that children with ASD are low in every area
that poses challenges for their future. For example, poor skill development because of lack of
concentration, anxiety, and stress will limit opportunities available for them in the future.
In contrast, normal children will be able to grab more opportunities because of having skills and
experience. The research also reveals that children with ASD prefer to study at home compared
to normal children who actively attend school and perform well. Disturbed sleep patterns change
the priorities of students with ASD, while normal children who slept for the whole night
confidently get up for the following day. Therefore, it can be concluded that 97% of children
with ASD are at enormous risk, and only 3% are moderately performing. 97% of children with
ASD fail to develop social skills mandatory for a successful existence in society.
According to the study and results, Autism is a common disorder that affects millions of
children worldwide. Research indicates that among 20 children with ASD, 15 are faced with
sleep disturbances. The study is used to sensitize, teach, and create awareness about ASD and its
immense effects on children. The inception of Covid-19 has contributed immensely to mental
health among children with ASD and their children. The research also states the importance of
caregivers giving maximum concentration to children with ASD. These children depict bizarre
characters such as fear, anxiety, depression, and confusion, among other characteristics that
affect their development.
Sleep issues have been a common problem experienced by children with Autism
involving the attention of their parents. Children who have Autism are supposed to be given
enough care to manage their problems. For instance, research showcases that common problems
fought by these children include; depression, segregation, anxiety, sleep problems, and difficulty
in learning. The impact of the COVID Pandemic has been detrimental to children with ASD,
accompanied by worry, loss, and mood swings. Research has revealed the importance of social
behavior and its role in improving autism spectrum disorder (ASP). In this case, the surrounding
contributes a lot to ensure that children recover from this problem. The influence of parents on
children with ASP has been immense. When children fail to attach to their parents either
emotionally or intellectually, the development of these children will be affected.
The comparative analysis of children with ASD and how they are affected by the
environment has shown different results. There have been different percentages showing how
certain factors affect children with ASD. Sleep disturbance was rated 15/20, poor communication
skills 20/20, poor social interaction 12/20, and emotional attachment 20/20. From the above
results, it is apparent that poor communication skills and emotional attachment are extreme
characters that affect children with Autism. Various parental practices will also be affected by
Final Project Autism: Child and Adolescent Development Concentration
these problems. Parents should always be active to ensure that children suffering ASP receive
adequate concentration for healthy growth. Autism is a dire situation that should be given
maximum attention. Results have shown that the learning and development of different
personalities will be affected by ASD. These children will grab fewer opportunities in society
compared to normal children.
The imitation of this research is that a small sample was used to carry out actual
experiments. This may affect the reliability of findings and conclusions made. No investigation
is completely flawless, but capabilities should show big milestones. The sample size could not
provide an accurate picture of the whole situation. When the sampling size is enormous, studies
turn out to be more reliable compared to small samples. Methods of data collection could have
also been diverse. The incorporation of different ways of research produces accurate data
because various findings will be synthesized. The data collection process was mainly based on a
literature review. In research methods experimenting with large samples is always recommended
because results would have incorporated different experiences from various fields. Because
multiple data collection methods were not included, the results produced from the study may not
be reliable and accurate. Diversity is not mentioned, and the research could have been done in
only one ethnic group, which does not provide a variety of results. For example, a sample of 40
was used in this context, which cannot accurately reflect reliable data.
Final Project Autism: Child and Adolescent Development Concentration
Asbury, K., Fox, L., Deniz, E., Code, A., & Toseeb, U. (2021). How is COVID-19 affecting the mental health
of children with special educational needs and disabilities and their families?. Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders, 51(5), 1772-1780.
Bal, V. H., Kim, S., Cheong, D., & Lord, C. (2015). Daily living skills in individuals with autism spectrum
disorder from 2 to 21 years of age. Autism, 19(7), 774-784.
Bontinck, C., Warreyn, P., Meirsschaut, M., & Roeyers, H. (2018). Parent-child interaction in children
with autism spectrum disorder and their siblings: choosing a coding strategy. Journal of Child and Family
Studies, 27(1), 91-102.
Lavenne-Collot, N., Jallot, N., Maguet, J., Degrez, C., Botbol, M., & Grandgeorge, M. (2021). Early Motor
Skills in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Are Marked by Less Frequent Hand and Knees
Crawling. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 128(5), 2148-2165.
Liu, R., Dong, H., Wang, Y., Lu, X., Li, Y., Xun, G., ... & Zhao, J. (2021). Sleep problems of children with
Autism may independently affect the parental quality of life. Child Psychiatry & Human Development,
52(3), 488-499.
McGovern, C. W., & Sigman, M. (2005). Continuity and change from early childhood to adolescence in
autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46(4), 401-408.
Raj, S., & Masood, S. (2020). Analysis and detection of autism spectrum disorder using machine learning
techniques. Procedia Computer Science, 167, 994-1004.
RICHARDSON, H. (2018). Characteristics of a Comparative Research Design.
Reicher, D. (2020). Debate: Remote learning during COVID‐19 for children with high functioning autism
spectrum disorder. Child and adolescent mental health, 25(4), 263-264. Reicher, D. (2020). Debate:
Remote learning during COVID‐19 for children with high functioning autism spectrum disorder. Child and
adolescent mental health, 25(4), 263-264.
Sussman, D., Leung, R., Vogan, V., Lee, W., Trelle, S., Lin, S., Cassel, D., Chakravarty, M., Lerch, J.,
Anagnostou, E., & Taylor, M. (2015). The autism puzzle: Diffuse but not pervasive neuroanatomical
abnormalities in children with ASD. NeuroImage: Clinical, 8, 170-179.
Van den Bergh, S. F., Scheeren, A. M., Begeer, S., Koot, H. M., & Geurts, H. M. (2014). Age related
differences of executive functioning problems in everyday life of children and adolescents in the autism
spectrum. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44(8), 1959-1971.
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