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Political Science
Institution Affiliation
Question one
Several precedents led to the creation of founding documents for the emerging
independent nations when the American colonies broke away from the mother country.
Americans, influenced by John Locke's teachings, may have considered themselves as being in a
natural condition; creating state constitutions would therefore represent the acceptance of social
compacts. Although the United Kingdom had no written constitution, colonists had become
acclimated to depending on "liberty texts" such as the Magna Carta in the years leading up to the
American revolutions (Hershkoff, 2015). Americans could also refer to their colonial charters,
which guaranteed Englishmen's "privileges, franchises, and immunities" throughout the 1760s
and 1770s when they fought British policy on taxation and other matters. The employment of a
constitution, whether state or federal, in establishing a people's ambitions and core principles is
the most significant role of any constitution (Hershkoff, 2015). The federal constitution, on the
other hand, appears to be more concerned with structure and procedure than with fundamental
consequences. In the American tradition, state constitutions reveal more about a people's ideals.
The people of a state have written their notions of justice, moral ideals, and hopes for the public